How to grow avocado from stone at home?

Some believe that it is almost impossible to grow an avocado from a stone at home, because it takes too much time and effort. But still, it’s not so difficult. In fact, everyone can afford to grow a decorative tree and this does not require much effort. The most important thing is the desire and knowledge of how to grow avocados.

how to grow avocado

The tree has not only flexible stems, but also wide leaves, which allow you to form different compositions throughout the growing stage. For example, you can plant three avocado seeds in a pot and watch how small sprouts appear from them, which will gradually be woven into a pigtail. This is a truly fascinating process, the result of which not only looks harmoniously in your room, but also creates a kind of romantic atmosphere. In this article, we will learn how to grow avocados from seed at home.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need the fruit itself, which can be purchased at almost any grocery store. But since this fruit is not very popular, it is worth choosing carefully, because it can be either immature or slightly overripe. In order to choose the right one, you need to press the avocado with two palms during the purchase and gradually release it. If it quickly restores its former shape, then the fruit is considered ripe, and you can safely buy it. You can also ask those who know how to grow an avocado from a fruit. But even if the fruit is unripe, then it can be put for a couple of days near bananas and apples, since they emit a special gas (ethylene), at which the fruit ripening speed increases several times.

grow avocados from seed

It is necessary to remove the seed and plant in the ground on the same day, then the chance of germination will increase significantly.

Few features

Some ask: "Is it possible to grow avocados at home so that the height is more than 5 meters?" If you meet an avocado tree in tropical places, you will notice that it reaches a height of approximately 20 meters (depending on climate and habitat). But avocados grown at home have a maximum height of 3 meters. Ripening of fruits on this tree is quite rare, so it is considered decorative or, in other words, barren. But even if the fruits appear, it will be at least in the 3rd year of its cultivation.

The fruits of this tree are very tasty and even have a slight positive difference from the store ones. Thanks to the specific lush bark, the room in which the avocado is located is enriched with air and a cozy atmosphere.

The main indicators of ripeness of this fruit are a dense and elastic peel of dark color and a stone that is easy to clean and has a small size.

Cultivation stages

Is it possible to grow avocados from seed? In order to plant this plant correctly, it is necessary to observe a certain sequence of actions.

The first step is to remove the bone. To do this, you need to make an incision along the fetus with a depth of up to two centimeters and slowly stretch the bone. Then thoroughly rinse it under a small pressure of water, so as not to accidentally damage the shell.

In order to begin germination, you need to prepare a place.

Before planting an avocado, you need to put a drainage system of gravel or expanded clay in the pot. Then comes the preparation of nutrients, which consist of humus, garden soil and fine sand. The entire mixture must be thoroughly mixed until smooth and pour into a pot, but be sure to leave 1-2 centimeters of free space from the top edge. If all of the above conditions are met, then the chances of success will be high.

bone avocado at home

Germination Methods

How to grow avocado from a stone in a closed way? Is it possible to germinate a seed without land? If so, how to do it? Next, we will look at the two most popular methods of growing this tree.

Private method

This option involves the germination of avocados directly in the ground. To do this, it is necessary to place a stone in the ground 2-3 centimeters in depth and water it as often as possible to soak the entire soil. The pot should be placed either on the windowsill, or on another well-lit place, watered once a week. Within one month, a small sprout should form. If he did not appear, then you should not worry, perhaps the fetus was unripe, and he needed more time. Another way to accelerate the pace of ripening is to store the fruit in a room where the air temperature is from 17 to 22 degrees. In two or three days, the avocado ripens, and you can safely start growing.

Open method

How to grow avocados by the open method? It is necessary to prepare a small container with water and fix the fetus so that it is half immersed in the liquid. To do this, you can use a glass, mug or other container. In the central part of the fetus, make a couple of holes and insert toothpicks 3-4 mm in depth.

how to grow avocados at home

These toothpicks will keep the fetus on the surface of the water and will not allow to completely sink. The water should be exceptionally cold, and the seed should lie with the pointed end up. Instead of water, some use hydrogels, with which you can retain moisture for a long time. Every day you need to observe the plant, as the water level may vary. If a small sprout has appeared, then the avocado can be safely transplanted into the prepared soil ground, but most importantly, the roots should be at least 25 mm in length.

How to grow avocado at home?

It is necessary to prepare loose soil from fertile substances: humus, raw peat and fine sand. To grow an avocado at home from seed, for the first time you do not need to take large pots, it is best to use a plastic pot with a diameter of 9-12 centimeters. If there are no corresponding openings for air at the bottom of the tank, then it is extremely important to make them yourself, because the soil will not be adequately fed with oxygen. Immerse the fetus only with a blunt end and do not completely fill it so that it does not disappear.

how to grow avocado from seed

Conditions for rapid growth

How to grow an avocado from a stone, and what conditions must be observed? As soon as you managed to transplant the avocado into fertile soil, it’s worthwhile to start arranging its place. In order for growth to be rapid, several requirements must be met:

  • Water the plant regularly at all stages of cultivation. On average, avocados are watered once or twice a week. In winter, watering can be done less frequently in order to maintain optimal humidity.
  • To keep the air humidity as long as possible, you can put the pot next to other bulky plants that emit a large amount of moisture. Also, the optimal solution would be to spray leaves every day or place a container on wet sand.
  • The recommended indoor temperature should be from 16 to 21 degrees in the summer, and in the winter from 10 to 13, because in winter this tree sheds its leaves and goes into the resting stage.
  • Every three weeks it is necessary to feed the plant. For this, you can use special mixtures that enrich the germ with fertile substances.

The frequency of irrigation can be controlled using the leaves of the fetus. If they turn yellow, then this means that the plant is excessively watered and you need to reduce the dose.


Once you figured out how to grow avocados, you should think about decorative design.

One option is to plant 3-4 bones at a distance of half a centimeter from each other. The first sprouts that have appeared begin to intertwine with each other, thereby forming a lush and very original decorative tree.

In order for the avocado to become as high as possible, a transplant is necessary once a year. The best time for this is February, because it is in this month that all plants begin active growth. The first transplant is best done when the avocado tree is at least 15 centimeters high.

Avocados to grow houses out of bones

If it has reached the appropriate height and there is no longer any need for further growth, then you need to make a pinch. This procedure ensures the growth of only lateral shoots, and therefore the tree will become more magnificent and much more attractive.

The first pruning should be done only in the spring, when growth becomes as active as possible. If there are 8-10 sheets, you can pinch the upper layers, and if there are side shoots, then you can apply this procedure with 5-6 sheets.

Nipple for avocado

This plant is characterized by rapid growth and a tendency to stretch. Therefore, you must not forget to pinch it regularly so that the tree is more magnificent. If you make a pinch on the upper part of the plant, then many branches can appear. If you shorten the tree trunk, you can get a stunted form and accelerate the germination of forgotten shoots. The trunk should be at a height of at least 15 centimeters in the presence of 4-5 shoots. Once the tree reaches a height of 20 centimeters, you can begin to pinch the upper part to form new branches.

But it is worth noting once again that this can only be done if there are 7-8 leaves, otherwise the plant may die. If you make the right timely pinch, then you can increase the chance of fruit formation, which is quite a rare occurrence.

Possible problems

Avocado leaves can easily dry due to lack of water, so you should not be negligent. Before the first cultivation of avocados, you need to correctly determine the irrigation rate and constantly observe it. In winter, you can slow down a little, but still make sure that the plant receives proper moisture.

If the leaves have a pale shade, then you need to rearrange the pot in a more lighted place. If this is not possible, it is possible to provide light with the help of lamps or other lighting devices. Avocados require light enrichment for 12-15 hours every day, since it is daylight that contributes to the rapid growth of the plant.

Another equally important problem is dropping leaves. This may be due to increased or decreased temperature. In the room it is necessary to maintain an optimal temperature level - 17-21 degrees.

how to grow an avocado from a fruit

Also, this plant, like many, has its own pests. For example, it can be spider mites, false shields or ordinary scale shields. Because of them, an avocado can not only lose its leaves, but also acquire a yellow tint. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to inspect the plants every day for their detection. If the leaves turn brown on the tree, then most likely there is a lot of dry air in the room. To prevent this, you need to spray the plant with cold water every evening.

It also happens that with an excess of daylight, the plant begins to bend or drop leaves. In this case, you need to accustom daylight gradually - several hours a day. Most likely, the plant stood in a darkened room for a long time and adapted to this.

Now, after you have learned how to grow avocados, you can safely buy the fruit and start growing.


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