Masha Mironova. "Captain's daughter". Characteristics of the heroine

Masha Mironova captain's daughter characteristic
One of the most beloved female literary images by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, created by himself, was Masha Mironova - the captain's daughter. Her characteristic, given by the author in one of the first Russian works of prose, really touches. The plot of the story is taken from the memoirs of the fifty-year-old nobleman Pyotr Andreyevich Grinev. But, as literary critics testify, the heroine herself has a non-memorial origin. Creatively created the story "Captain's Daughter." Masha Mironova, figuratively speaking, was created by Pushkin on the basis of what he himself saw as the type of woman. Marya Vasilievna Borisova, the daughter of the Tver nobleman Vasily Grigorievich Borisov, served as a prototype of Masha's appearance and character. At the Christmas ball of 1829, given in the city of Staritsa, Tver Province by the local merchant Filippov, Alexander Sergeyevich saw this young lady, danced and talked to her.

Life with parents

Petr Grinev, who came to serve, sees how the captain’s daughter lives calmly and measuredly with her parents . Characteristics of Masha Mironova is common for a simple Russian girl. An eighteen-year-old lady, by the will of fate, is uneducated, since she lives "in a bear's corner" - in the Belogorsk fortress. Where can I get teachers here? The head of the family, Captain Mironov, who has served himself out of ordinary soldiers, is the commandant of the fortress. Masha’s mother - Vasilisa Yegorovna - is a “woman-thunder”, she is actually the head of the family. A woman leads a way of "folk", not boasting of descent from poor noblemen. She, dressed in common folk, equally manages pickles and affairs in the fortress. She is constantly helped by the daughter in the household. In fact, making all decisions and feeling superior, Vasilisa respects her husband, always calling Ivan Kuzmich by name and patronymic. Therefore, family relations are kind, harmonious. The Mironovs' servants have only one girl - mother and daughter themselves dealt with almost all the affairs.

Mother calls her daughter, fair-haired, chubby, ruddy, a coward. However, as we see in the plot, cowardice is not her element. In the story, the main plot load is borne by Masha Mironova, the captain's daughter. Her characterization captivates: naive, gentle, timid, very feminine. The girl’s speech is simple- minded , but her speech turns indicate developed thinking. She comprehends everything she’s heard, passes through herself, as the following quotes say: “I .. died out”, “he ... is disgusting to me”, “it bothered me ...”. She, of course, lacks education, but her thinking is developed and figurative.

If necessary, the girl is able to show a firm and decisive character. Masha does not adapt to circumstances. It would seem, for her, a damsel, it is beneficial to marry a non-poor gentleman who bestows on her (I mean the aristocrat Shvabrin sent to the fortress due to a duel), but she refuses gifts, since natural, natural insight allows her to consider baseness in this man and meanness. And even being head over heels in love with Grinev, the girl adheres to strict moral principles, does not agree with the proposal of the young man to marry without the blessing of her parents. Undoubtedly, an integral and honest girl portrayed Masha Mironova, the captain's daughter. The description of the girl is given by Pushkin different than, for example, the description of Tatyana Larina in the work "Eugene Onegin". Masha is shown as a girl capable of action and sacrifice.

captain's daughter Masha Mironova image

Orphaned Masha

Its resilience, she looks like a mother, Vasilisa Egorovna. When the garrison of the fortress (and in fact a small village behind a wooden picket fence) was threatened by an attack by the army of Emelyan Pugachev, she, having sent her daughter to relatives in Orenburg, herself remained to share the fate of her husband. After the rebellious Cossacks hanged Ivan Kuzmich and brought her, naked naked, out of the house, Masha’s mother, without a shadow of fear, not asking for mercy, asked the torturers for the same death, next to her husband.

Captain's daughter characteristic of Masha Mironova
Steadfastly suffered the grief of loss Masha Mironova, captain's daughter. Its characteristic in an extreme situation is more than convincing. Masha, the worthy daughter of her mother, is not afraid when the oath-breaker Shvabrin, who swore allegiance to Pugachev, imprisoned her by force, demanding to marry him. She, like a divine gift, perceived her release by Peter Grinev, accomplished not without the help of Pugachev himself (help was provided by the ataman out of respect for Grinev, although he remained faithful to Tsarina Catherine). Grinev's parents, where the orphaned Masha went, accepted her as their native. All caste prejudices were rejected by them. A kind and honest girl became like a daughter to them. They loved her deeply.

When the beloved was arrested, having suspected Emelyana Pugacheva of aiding , the girl found the courage to approach the only person who was able to save the doomed person - the tsarina. A sincere, open Masha found words that convinced Catherine the Great.


The spiritual beauty of a person does not depend on his well-being. The story “The Captain's Daughter” is very touching, for the first time for Russian literature two non-aristocrats are shown - Pyotr Grinev and Masha Mironova, who sacrifice themselves for each other, are in love with each other. They are both brave and noble, able not to wait for their fate, but to resist the vicissitudes of fate. But one thing is not in doubt: in fact, Masha will become the head of their family, and she, like her mother, will take on the main burden of family responsibilities.


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