Crafts from do-it-yourself newspaper tubes: tree, rooster, star, casket

Has a lot of newspapers and magazines accumulated in the house? Not sure what to do with them? Just do not rush to throw! Newspaper souvenirs are a great way to decorate an interior. Have you heard anything about such a hobby as newspaper-pipe crafts? With your own hands, you can create real masterpieces from them! It is just the perfect material for creativity. Crafting from newspapers is not difficult at all, and children can and should participate in the process. Just the case when no one will scold anyone for spoiled material!

This direction of creativity in recent times has become more than popular. Understanding the basic principle of weaving, you will create a lot of interesting things. Unusual crafts from newspaper tubes are now in vogue with the craftswomen. These are vases, and figures, and baskets - right down to furniture. But first of all, the material needs preliminary processing with the creation of blanks.

do-it-yourself newspaper newspaper articles

Making a newspaper vine

Lovely wicker decorative elements, many would not refuse to decorate the interior, but real wickerwork is very expensive. Crafts from newspaper tubes help out. With your own hands, with the proper level of skill, you can build truly chic souvenirs.

First of all, you need to prepare the working material, that is, the tubes themselves. To make each of them, narrow paper strips are wound onto a knitting needle. Try to stock more stocks. What do you need? In addition to the newspapers themselves - knitting needles, paints of the right colors and a bottle with a wide neck.

Work technology

Many, many newspaper strips are the basis of any newspaper tube article. It’s easy to cut them with your own hands, it’s better to do it across the sheets, the longitudinal ribbons will come out too long for accurate folding. A knitting needle wrapped in such a strip curls a tube. As a result, we must have a certain amount of thin long blanks.

So far, our tubes are rather inconspicuous - gray. And they need to be painted in the colors we need. Do it better before weaving, so as not to spoil the finished craft.

How to paint workpieces

We need a lot of tubes, paint them for a long time, but here's the secret from these masters - paint diluted with water is poured into the bottle for more than half the volume. Then a pack of prepared tubes is inserted into the neck, closing it tightly. The bottle is shaken sharply up and down, while the paint does not leak out and does not splatter due to the tightly clogged neck.

newspaper tube cock

Or they overturn the container once, while the lower half of the workpieces is stained. Then the tubes are removed, inserted into the bottle on the other side and the procedure is repeated. Thus, the work goes quite quickly, and within, for example, half an hour, you can get several hundred blanks, which is quite enough for a large product.

How to craft a casket or basket of newspapers

The most uncomplicated craft of this kind is a square-shaped container. For example, crafts from newspaper tubes, a casket and a basket are considered the easiest. The right shape design is easy to manufacture and ideal for beginners. On it you can train and children.

What to take? The wound tubes themselves (qualitatively stained), a small cardboard square, scissors and glue. First of all, several blanks are glued to the square base, for which their ends need to be fixed on it with gaps between them of about 1.5 cm.

How to bind a newspaper vine

Then the newspaper sticks are folded so that they are pointing up. Having prepared the basis of the casket or basket, we take up the weaving directly. We take one of the sticks and alternately thread between the vertical tubes from different sides. The workpiece ends - we attach the next one to it (put on top), for reliability, dropping a little PVA glue. So little by little all the prepared tubes are woven into the product.

Upon reaching the desired height, the tip of the last tube is hidden, all excess is cut off and fixed. The result is an interesting box.

The lid for it is also made in the same way, then the container is suitable for storing all kinds of useful little things. It is convenient to keep skeins of thread for knitting in a large casket or basket.

tree of newspaper tubes

From simple to complex

Having honed your work skills, you can move on to products of irregular shape. Individual craftsmen find new ideas. From newspaper tubes - such seemingly uncomplicated material - they manage to create simply incredible vases, and from thick and durable tubes - furniture. For example, original shelves for light souvenirs.

Extend the life of such products, additionally covering them with varnish. With a little practice, you can achieve an amazing resemblance to a real vine.

Making a Christmas tree of newspaper tubes: a master class

A festive Christmas tree will decorate the interior during the winter holidays and give a good mood. The reason for this craftsmanship may also be the child’s homework at school in a labor lesson. The scheme of the Christmas tree is quite simple, it does not require a lot of time and material costs. It’s easy to decorate it - the flight of fantasy in this case is unlimited.

In addition, the creative potential of your baby will be further developed, as well as fine manual motility. And a finished Christmas tree is made from newspaper tubes anywhere: on the dining table, porch and even in the car.

Getting started

First, as always, we prepare everything we need. These are newspaper tubes, a sheet of thick cardboard (the shade is not important), a well-sharpened simple pencil, sharp scissors, watercolor or gouache (paints that are available in spray cans are convenient), as well as glue stick (PVA as an option).

from newspaper tubes master class

We begin to do any crafts from newspaper tubes with our own hands, we remind you again, by winding narrow strips of newspapers onto a long and thin knitting needle at an angle of 45 ° and fixing with glue each tip. After it dries, we take out the needle, paint the dried tube in the intended color. Golden or silver Christmas-tree will be spectacular.

Base cone

First, prepare the cardboard base of the product. We tighten the dense sheet and fix it with the help of PVA in the form of a cone. Its dimensions are up to you. The second sheet is used to cut a circle of the corresponding diameter - as a bottom. From above, an even number of newspaper tubes (in the form of sunlight) is glued to it. To glue more securely, it is recommended to press down on top.

In the center of our sun we place a prepared cone. Now we can proceed to the actual weaving of the Christmas tree.

One option ...

This can be done in many ways - there are quite a few of them. First: similar to weaving a basket. The rays are raised along a standing cone (can be temporarily strengthened with clerical gum), then a new tube is braided around in a circle between the rays.

Having done 5 or 7 circles, the tip of the tube is removed and fixed with glue. The rays cross, then weaving the next circle with a slight retreat. So we get to the very top. Rays do not cross again. We fix the ends, remove the lower circle, turn the ends of each beam inward.

newspaper star

... and the second

Another way is also simple. The base is the same, but the rays do not strengthen the elastic bands. Weave counterclockwise. A new tube is woven in, shifting and fixing with the previous one, the next one is exactly the same. So in a circle to the top of the head.

Decorated tree of newspaper tubes is very interesting. If before starting to weave you did not start painting the workpieces, you can now spray aerosol paint onto our craft. At the top of a dried-up Christmas tree we place an angel or a star (how to make it, we will tell below). Instead of balls we take shiny multi-colored beads. You can even wrap our Christmas tree with a blinking garland.

Newspaper tube rooster

Materials for manufacturing are the same as in the previous descriptions. And the technology of work looks like this:

1. Cutting the newspaper into strips, wrapping a necessary number of thin tubes with a knitting needle and painted in bright "cock" colors, put ten blanks together. The one in the middle that we twist three times around the beam, which is divided in half. The tip remains on the side.

2. Both halves are braided in the form of an eight. One of the bundles is the tail of our cockerel. The tubes are straightened and flattened. The second is the neck, we braid it with the end of the same middle duct.

3. We make the beak of the craft, bending it in the middle and weaving it in the neck. Over it we make three more turns, we hide the tip.

4. We make the stand from a separate workpiece by screwing it onto the lower part of our beam and fixing it with glue. We take a knife and cut the protruding tips. In the middle part of the figure, we should have wings, we make them from three bent multi-colored tubes inserted into the hole expanded by a spoke. Rooster from newspaper tubes is ready!

unusual articles from newspaper tubes

New Year continues

It's time to decorate our Christmas tree. And what traditionally decorates the New Year’s beauty? That's right - a star. And now we will tell you how to make it too.

A star from newspaper tubes masters as follows: we stock up on blanks in an amount of about ten, a ruler, PVA glue, water-based varnish. We also take clothespins to hold the tubes in the process of weaving.

We make a Christmas star

As in other products from newspaper tubes, the master class begins with the procurement of material. Let's get started. Having wrapped tubes from notebook sheets or unnecessary newspapers and painted, we glue three of them together into one long blank. Mark with a ruler marks about nine centimeters from each other. Then we proceed to the formation of a star. At each mark we bend the tube so that a figure emerges in the form of a five-pointed star.

Having received all five rays, we fix the joint with glue and clothespin. Then we continue to work, repeating in parallel the second row, which is tightly pressed to the already finished clothespins. The tops are braided. You can increase the third row, but for a larger number of segments should be larger. Then the working tube is cut with the tip hidden.

crafts from newspaper tubes casket

Finishing touches

For durability, a finished star from newspaper tubes is coated with glue and covered with a layer of varnish. It is recommended to sprinkle the toy lightly with colorful sparkles. Such an asterisk can be presented as a souvenir to a relative or friend. And you can decorate the New Year’s interior with it , for example, hang it by the fireplace with red boots. Winter crafts from newspaper tubes leave a wide scope for a variety of ideas. In a word - fantasize!


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