What is the combination of red color in clothes?

The most striking, defiant and aggressive in the entire palette of colors is considered to be red. However, he is both the most captivating and mysterious. Without this color, not a single fashion show passes and this is understandable. Designers passionately loved all the shades of red, because this color (like no other) is able to instantly revive the image, make the outfit spectacular and truly luxurious.

Stylists agree: red clothing is equally good for both young girls and older women. Do not ignore the red color and men. Scarlet, burgundy or coral elements in the image are able to tell about the character of its owner much more than he does.

How to use red color in clothes to make an image elegant and stylish?

Psychology of red in clothes

People who prefer red wardrobe items are amorous, emotional, sociable, cheerful and charismatic. However, there is a flip side to the coin. Men and women, in whose closet red things prevail, are quick-tempered and quite harsh with others.

In this case, psychologists say: there is also feedback. In other words, people experiencing a lack of optimism and self-confidence will be able to “pull” it into their lives by regularly using red combinations in their clothes.

Do you want to draw attention to yourself and be considered stylish? Buy a pair of luxury red shoes or a trendy bag of this color. The attention of others is guaranteed. There are only a few tips.

The combination of colors and red in clothes
  • The red thing (dress, scarf, shoes or something else) must be of good quality. Red details are immediately evident, therefore, inaccurate sewing or poor-quality fabric can make the image cheap and repulsive.
  • Red requires careful selection of the color palette in the image. Not every shade can make up a good tandem.
  • The red color palette includes dozens of shades. How to choose “your” from them? To determine this, the color type of appearance will help.

What shade of red is right for you

To find suitable shades, you should pay attention to 4 main color types:

  • The woman is "winter." Representatives of this type of appearance are distinguished by light, and sometimes snow-white skin with a cold undertones. The hair of such beauties is most often dark or even black. The blush on the cheeks of the "winter" is almost invisible, and it rarely appears. As for the color of the eyes, it is usually bright and cold (it is brown, blue with blue, frosty gray eyes). To emphasize the originality of such an appearance, a pink, bright red or wine shade should be chosen from the red palette. Any of them will give the image a nobility and luxury.
  • The woman is "spring." Golden or slightly pinkish skin, freckles on the face, flaxen or straw hair - all this is a portrait of a charming “spring”. The eyes of such young ladies are most often light (gray, blue, tea or greenish). The figure of a spring girl will not allow her to be confused with any other. In most cases, these are fragile, almost airy creatures, romantic and tender. In these cases, it is important not to overload the image. Cherry, brick, lobster, pink, coral and scarlet colors will help to do this.
  • The woman is "summer." This color type is very characteristic of European women. The skin of such a beauty is characterized by a cold undertones, however, the option with milk or, conversely, pinkish skin is not excluded. In any case, summer women get a tan quickly, while it turns out to be fairly even and saturated. Hair (like eyes) have light shades. Ideal red color in clothes for the "summer" will be raspberry, wine, lingonberry.
  • The woman is "autumn." Representatives of this color type boast luxurious golden, peach or yellowish-pink skin. In the appearance of such women, hair occupies a special place - often they are carrot, copper or chestnut, but certainly luxurious. Pomegranate, mountain ash, carrot and pepper color are perfect for skin owners with a warm undertones. If the exterior feels a cold undertone, then the best ally will be shades of salmon, wine and tomato.

The combination of red and white

To create the perfect look, many stylists recommend using a mix of white and red. This tandem is always relevant, moreover, women and girls of absolutely any age can safely wear it. Even a fiery red dress will lose its pretentiousness and sexual overtones if complemented by a white jacket. At the same time, a red-white bow will certainly emphasize a subtle sense of woman's style.

What colors does red fit in with clothes

It is important to consider the combination of red with other colors in clothing. If a thing is designed in scarlet, ruby ​​red and another bright shade, then in allies it is better to choose snow-white. The sharp contrast will make the image interesting, and a pure white color will smooth out the impression of a bright shade.

Any other shades of white (milk, cream, ivory) with bright colors lose their charm and may seem dull, dirty. In this case, it is better to choose dark saturated shades, for example, raspberry, burgundy, carmine. The ensemble of red and white may fit into the third color, especially if it is black.

Red and black

Black and red color in clothes is always luxurious and fashionable. Many designers rightly consider this combination of colors to be classic. Indeed, suitable for everyone and always, such an outfit will give an image of elegance.

Unlike white (the shade of which should be selected according to the type of red color), black is equally good for all shades, whether fuchsia, coral or wine. One need only remember: a deeper restrained image will help create dark shades.

What is the combination of red color in clothes

Many find the combination of black and red in women's clothing defiant. Correct prioritization will help get rid of this subtext. A red dress with black jewelry, accessories and shoes would be appropriate for an evening evening outfit. If we are talking about everyday wardrobe, black should prevail in the image. So, a wine or scarlet jacket or cardigan will help to complement black pants and a shirt stylishly. If you need to create a three-color ensemble, then as a complement, snow-white, vanilla or milk is best.

Gray with red

Restrained elegance, nobility, unsurpassed style - all this allows you to achieve a mixture of gray and red shades. Make a choice in favor of this mix is ​​worth all those who fear the red palette because of its aggressiveness.

There is one “but”: as in the case of white, the shade of gray should be selected according to the intensity of the color and the presence of warm and cold notes.

The combination of red in clothes in the photo

At the same time, any shade of gray (mouse, anthracite, wet asphalt) is ideally combined with deep pomegranate, wine and burgundy.

To “dilute” such a combination, you can safely use white and black accessories and jewelry.

Sapphires and rubies

To some, the combination of red and blue in clothes may seem somewhat strange, but they really complement each other perfectly. The blue color symbolizes calm, prudence and wisdom, which are so lacking in fiery red.

To achieve harmony in this combination, attention should be paid to shades. With red, coral, grenadine and other bright shades, it is worth combining deep blue tones. A great choice will be sapphire, cobalt, ultramarine.

The combination of red with other colors in clothes

If there are things of dark and dusted shades (lingonberry, raspberry, cardinal) as red, the best complement will be the same restrained dim colors: azure, denim, niagara.

What colors does red and blue match in clothes? If there is a need to turn this duo into a trio, then with a complementary color, you should take a shade from a white palette.

The union of green and red

A bow using these two colors is the choice of courageous and creative women. Stylists say: the right shades will make the image incredibly stylish and memorable. However, there is always the risk of making a mistake and turning onions into complete bad taste.

The perfect combination of red in clothes with green shades can be called carmine and deep malachite. These shades complement each other perfectly and do not look theatrical.

Scarlet looks no less spectacular, accompanied by dark emerald, pistachio, olive and khaki.

Red color in woman's clothes

For those who doubt whether wearing a red skirt and a green blouse is appropriate, there is a win-win option: a dress or suit in a green palette + scarlet or garnet accessories and vice versa.

The perfect combination of colors in clothes: red + brown

If the goal is to create the most neutral look, then pairing with red should choose a shade from the brown palette. Brown itself looks luxurious, but somewhat boring. It is red that will instantly revive it and make it sensual.

Photo of red clothes

What color combinations in clothes with red can be called the most successful? The list can include:

  • chocolate + bright coral;
  • deep wine shades + gentle sand;
  • scarlet or ruby ​​+ delicate beige (such options look dreamy and touching);
  • pomegranate or wine + brick (dark sand).

Choosing one of these bows, it is worth considering the seasonality. So, pastel shades of brown will be appropriate in the summer and spring days. If the outfit is chosen for the cold season, it is better to prefer more saturated dark tones (mokachino, copper-brown, coffee).

Red in the sunlight

Yellow is not inferior to red in terms of brightness and activity. It is for this reason that not everyone will like the use of these two colors in one image. Meanwhile, yellow is one of the most unexpected and interesting options, with which the red color in clothes is combined.

Combination with red in clothes

If you follow some tips, it can be very successful:

  • Scarlet is best in harmony with the sunny color, however, to avoid competition, it is better to choose restrained shades of yellow. So, a mustard shirt is perfect for a red skirt.
  • A tandem of lemon and bright red is allowed only in summer looks, while the style of things must be carefully selected.
  • Light yellow + carmine (or garnet) look just as luxurious, but not so bold.
  • Jewelry with a golden hue is considered akin to yellow, so with red wardrobe items they should be worn very carefully.

Purple with red

This combination can be called one of the most striking and extraordinary, especially when the outfit consists of ruby ​​and fuchsia (or orchid). However, who said that these shades are incompatible? Famous designers managed to prove the opposite. Fashionistas themselves can be convinced from the photo - red clothing with the inclusion of purple turns into a bright festive bow for creative personalities.

The calmer options are those that use shades of purple with hints of blue (plum, indigo or lilac).

The combination of colors in clothes red

Total Red

A bow consisting only of red in clothes will be a rather risky decision. The fact is that the shades of the red palette absolutely do not combine with each other, whatever they may be.

As for the outfit, designed in one color, it is also not worth it to apply. A red dress with red shoes and accessories will turn the outfit into a solid bright spot. Such an overloaded image will cast doubt on the feeling of the style of its owner, so it is certainly worthwhile to include additional color in it (at least as accessories or jewelry).

Suitable style

As for the style of red things, there are no special recommendations here and cannot be. Each woman will choose exactly the option of a dress, trousers or outerwear that best suits her in style and figure.

However, one should always remember: a short red skirt can look a little defiant, and only a woman who is 100% confident in her figure can afford a tight dress of a scarlet or ruby ​​hue.

Red fabric texture

Finally, it is worth noting another important detail - the texture of the fabric. It is best to choose clothes with a matte finish. It makes bright fabrics more restrained and adds a touch of rigor.

Satin texture with a soft, unobtrusive sheen is perfectly acceptable. Such elegant dresses look especially luxurious and elegant. Even the clothes of the simplest cut with a satin texture will look expensive and stylish.

It is worth giving up lacquered garments. Otherwise, others will find such an outfit challenging and cheap. The same goes for sequins and other jewelry on scarlet or ruby ​​clothes. Red is attractive and heavy in itself. The presence of additional fabric decor can play a cruel joke.

The combination of red and print

Speaking about what colors red combines with clothes, one should not forget about the print. To avoid mistakes when creating a stylish look, it is better to choose monochrome things as companions to red wardrobe items. In other words, it is desirable to completely abandon the print.

Under the strictest ban were the skins of a zebra and a leopard. They in the neighborhood with burgundy, red and pink shades look ridiculous and always "cheapen" the image.

As for the red fabric, for the summer version, large floral motifs, a cage, peas or stripes are quite appropriate on it. Such simple patterns on the fabric will make the thing suitable for everyday life.

So, is it worth the fear of red? Of course not. On the contrary, clothes in this color can place emphasis in a female image better than others. However, at the same time, the color of the flame is extremely moody and demanding. That is why the selection of a wardrobe will require more time than usual. Tips from stylists will help you choose a combination of colors in clothes to red - photos of the most successful options are found in glossy magazines. The result of this work will be simply amazing effect.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25141/

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