Nasturtium: growing from seed at home

In its homeland, in Central and South America, nasturtium is considered a perennial. However, for decorative purposes it is used as an annual. Nasturtium is found in nature in the mountains and forests. Dutch flower growers brought this flower to our country. He does not need special care, and the plant is characterized by prolonged flowering. It is for this reason that many gardeners prefer it. Nasturtium will look good as a decorative element for decorating flower beds, arches, borders, balconies, vertical grilles and hanging baskets.

Flower description

variety of nasturtium

Nasturtium belongs to the Capuchin family, or Nasturtium. It may have large or small flowers depending on the species. As a rule, these are single zygomorphic inflorescences of various shades. Nasturtium can have orange, yellow, pink, scarlet buds. In diameter, simple terry flowers can grow up to 8 centimeters. The bud consists of five petals and a tube similar to a funnel. The aroma of the flower is delicate and delicate. Leaves usually have a rounded shape. They are usually located alternately. Most species have bright green, rounded leaves. The surface of the plates is usually glossy with a wax coating. Depending on the variety, creeping, curly, erect nasturtiums are found.

What are the types

Today, nasturtium is very popular among gardeners. Growing from the seeds of this plant is a fairly simple process. First of all, you need to decide on the variety. Most often, 25 species of this plant are found. In total, science knows more than 90. Nasturtium differs in the place of growth. There are shrubby, lianian, ampelous, climbing varieties. The most common are shrubs and creepers. Shrub varieties form compact forms that are perfect for decorating flower beds and borders.

proper care of nasturtium

Consider the most common types of nasturtium:

  1. Tri-color: possesses powerful weaving stems. Refers to decorative species and can combine various shades.
  2. Ampelic: in shape resembles a cascade consisting of flowing shoots.
  3. Fine: has thick tubers and roots. Flowers have a red color, curly stems.
  4. Variegated: has long shoots, can be used for planting on flower beds, lawns in pots. It can also be used as an ampel or groundcover.
  5. Low-growing nasturtium: able to form upright, compact plants up to 30 cm in size.
  6. Small nasturtium: has small thin stems, the height of which does not exceed 35 cm. The leaves and flowers of the plant are quite small, in diameter do not exceed 3 cm. There are yellow spots on the buds.
  7. Creeping Nasturtium: Able to form a living carpet of flowers.
  8. Tuberous: has large underground tubers.
  9. Foreign Nasturtium: significantly different from other species. Its stems are capable of forming a vine with a length of up to 4 meters. They need extra support. The plant has corrugated leaves and bright yellow flowers. This type of nasturtium grows very quickly and can bloom before the onset of winter.

Many gardeners are interested in how the nasturtium flower grows. Growing from seeds is a very interesting process. Usually nasturtium grows in one season. This type is especially demanding on moisture and heat. The plant is suitable for decoration of fences, arbors and buildings. In height, it can reach 25-70 cm. Creeping varieties can reach 2.5 meters. Inflorescences themselves in different species may vary. There are also thick-terry and super-terry varieties. Every year, the popularity of nasturtium is growing. Breeders seek to breed more and more new varieties.

Popular views

nasturtium at home

Today there are many of them. Here are just a few of the most popular varieties of nasturtium:

  1. Yeti: has long climbing shoots, can reach 2 meters in length. Leaves have a light green color. Yeti nasturtium flowers in a delicate cream color with yellow spots in the center.
  2. Cherry rose: this variety is able to decorate any flower garden. It is characterized by raspberry inflorescences. In height, the plant can reach 30 cm.
  3. Vesuvius: has compact small bushes up to 30 cm high. The plant has erect stems and large leaves. As nasturtium Vesuvius grows, it may begin to creep. Flowers are characterized by maroon spots in the upper part and light pink color.
  4. Canary: the variety has light green curly stems. Their height can reach 3.5 meters. The leaves of nasturtium have a light green color and are characterized by a rather unusual 5-7 separate shape. Nasturtium flowers are quite small, about 2 cm in diameter. There is a small fringe on the edges. The variety blooms from the beginning of summer until the onset of cold weather.
  5. Day and night: small bushes up to 30 cm high. The leaves have a light green hue, shoots are upright. Coloring can be red or cream. Most gardeners are attracted by this combination.

In addition to the varieties described above, the following can also be distinguished: Ladybug, Peach Melba, Terry mixture, Alaska, Tom Tamb, Glaming Mahagani, Lucifer, Tip Top, Moonlight, King Theodore and others.

Time for landing

open nasturtium

An important issue for those interested in nasturtium is seed cultivation. When to plant a plant? In addition to seeds, a flower can also propagate by seedlings and cuttings. However, direct sowing in open ground is considered the easiest way. If your area is characterized by a fairly cool spring, then perhaps it makes sense to plant seedlings at home. When the plants are strong, they can be transplanted into the open ground. Such cultivation will significantly accelerate the flowering process. At home, seeds can be planted from the end of March to the beginning of April. If the climate in your region is cool enough, you can postpone the landing dates to the first of May. Here are approximate growing times from nasturtium seeds. When to sow - you decide. However, when choosing a landing time, you must take into account the climatic features of your region.

If you want to breed terry varieties, it is better to use cuttings. Before planting, they should be rooted slightly in water or moist soil. This method allows you to keep all the qualities of the plant to the maximum.

We grow seedlings

flowering nasturtium

How to plant a flower like nasturtium? Growing from seeds at home can be carried out in special bio-containers, peat pots or containers with a removable bottom. Due to the fact that the plant has fairly tender roots, it is not recommended to dive. When two main leaves appear, sprouts in peat tablets can be transplanted into a pot. The advantage of such tablets is that they dissolve over time and significantly improve the quality of the soil. Thus, you can significantly save on the purchase of fertilizers. After the plants grow, they can be transplanted. The grown flowers can be dived directly in peat pots or with an earthen lump. Plants must be hardened before planting. With the onset of heat, the culture can be taken out to fresh air for a couple of hours a day. The first flowers will appear after a month and a half.

How to prepare seeds for planting

Today, many beginner gardeners are interested in such a flower as nasturtium. Growing from seeds on the balcony is quite simple.

But first you need to prepare the seeds, namely:

  1. First of all, it is worth selecting quality seed. Small, damaged, underdeveloped seeds should be discarded immediately.
  2. When the planting material passes the disinfection procedure, it will be possible to place it for 15 minutes in a heated solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Then they are laid out on cheesecloth or cotton. In this form, the seeds are placed in cold water for a day.
  4. So that they quickly show the shoots, they must first be sprouted a little and only then placed in pots with soil.

The soil for seedlings can be bought in a specialized store or prepared with your own hands. For this purpose, it is necessary to take a layer of sod land, part of peat and sand. The resulting mixture was thoroughly mixed and sieved. Then it must be treated with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. This composition allows you to disinfect the soil. It is possible to replace potassium permanganate with Fitosporin solution. After this, the soil is left for another couple of days. The finished mixture can be distributed over pre-prepared containers and start sowing.

How is sowing done?

Very often, nasturtium climbing is used to decorate a garden or a country house. Growing from the seeds of this plant is quite simple. It is only necessary to plant pre-prepared seeds in the ground. If you want to grow nasturtium indoors, then the seeds can be immediately placed in a pot where it will grow. To do this, a small depression is made in the tank in a couple of centimeters. In each container, it is recommended to immediately spread 2-3 seeds. The earth should be pressed a little and watered from a watering can or spray gun. Such watering helps to avoid soil erosion. Seeds will remain in place. If you plant the planting material in peat tablets, then they must be placed in a container and watered. A pair of seeds is stacked on each. After this, the containers must be set in a bright, warm place.

We look after seedlings

nasturtium cultivation

So what do you need to know about this? What care does Nasturtium Maiden Beauty require? Growing from the seeds of this plant is quite simple. The main thing is to observe the correct temperature regime. Otherwise, culture may die. The temperature should not fall below 20 degrees. In this case, sprouts will appear two weeks later. After that, the temperature can be reduced by a couple of degrees. It is necessary to prevent the seedlings from stretching. Otherwise, the plants will turn out to be weak and will not transfer the transplant to the open ground. If the seedlings are poorly lit, it must be provided with an additional source, for example a phytolamp. In total, daylight hours for a plant should last 15 hours.


How to properly water a plant such as stunted nasturtium? Growing from seeds does not require frequent heavy watering. Moisten the soil only when it dries. The plant generally likes dry air and does not require additional spraying. It is generally necessary to exclude moisture from entering the plant. Water should be poured directly into the sump or near the roots of the plant.

How to transplant seedlings in open ground?

Today, nasturtium has become widespread among flower growers. Photos, growing from seeds, as well as recommendations for care - all these issues are of interest to gardeners. An important stage is the transplanting of seedlings into open ground. The place of cultivation must be selected in such a way that it is well lit and protects against drafts. The soil should be loose and slightly acidic. In depleted soil, the plant will not give beautiful lush inflorescences. With a high content of organic matter in the soil, growth of green mass will be observed. Nasturtiums require mineral fertilizers.

Many are interested in growing Cherry rose from nasturtium seeds. Photos of adult flowers do not convey all the beauty of this variety. However, in order to get healthy and beautiful plants, it is necessary to observe the timing of transplantation. The best time is from late spring to early summer. For this process, it is worth choosing a sunny warm day. The height of the seedlings should be at least 7 centimeters. A gap of 20 cm should be left between the plants. If the bushes are tall and bushy, it is better to lay 40 cm. Depths in size should be no more than the volume of containers with seedlings. In the process of transplanting, the plant should be carefully transferred into the pit, squeezed with earth and watered on all sides. To keep moisture around the flower, you need to sprinkle compost or peat.

We plant in open ground

How else can nasturtium grow? Growing from seeds in open ground sometimes gives good results. The best time for this is from the second half of April to mid-June. Seeds after sowing must be covered with a film. Before sowing, they should be placed for 20 minutes in hot water, and then left in the liquid for a day. They are embedded in recesses with a depth of 2 cm. A gap of 30 m should remain between the pits. For successful cultivation, the temperature should not drop below 16 degrees.

Even experienced gardeners have a lot of questions about nasturtium and its growing from seeds. When to plant in open ground? It is definitely impossible to answer this question. It all depends on the climatic conditions of your region.


colorful nasturtium

As you can see for yourself, if you wish, you can easily get lush beautiful bushes in your garden. In addition, now you know when to plant nasturtium. Growing from seeds does not require special preparation. It is enough to follow the recommendations presented above.


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