Basset Hound breed: description, character, reviews of dog breeders and photos

Everyone who saw this dog has an irresistible desire to cheer her up, regret, caress. Incredibly sad eyes, long hanging ears, an elongated body with short legs ... It seems that this is the most miserable creature in the whole world. However, it is not. Let's find out a little about this wonderful dog, maybe we will be able to understand why her eyes are so sad.

basset hound

Breed description

In fact, not the eyes, but the tail is a true indicator of the mood and condition of your pet. Please note that the basset hound almost always keeps it high, while it fervently wags from side to side. Therefore, do not be mistaken about the condition of this dog, which has such a sad look. In fact, it is a very cheerful and positive being.

This funny dog, which also has the original “name” basset hound (you can see the photo in our article), looks like a hero of a good cartoon. The somewhat comical impression of his elongated body on short legs is further enhanced when you look at his charming, wrinkled face.

You must clearly understand that this dog is not a fun toy, and he will not tolerate frivolous treatment. Currently, most often he is a companion, a pet, but in essence he is a true hunter. The breed basset hound, or rather its name, consists of 2 words: basset - dachshund, and hound - which means "hound" in English.


Modern representatives of this breed are low-growing (no more than 38 cm at the withers) animals, with short massive legs and a fairly dense skeleton. One of the characteristic features of the breed is excess skin collected in folds on the neck, face, limbs.

basset hound reviews

Basset wool is short and dense, not requiring complicated care. It is necessary to regularly comb it with a special brush. Common colors are red with white and black and white in blush.


It may seem that the Basset Hound dog is lazy and slow, but this is a misleading impression. Do not forget that this breed was bred for hunting small game, therefore, it has many qualities that are characteristic of hounds.

This is a fairly masterful animal with a sense of self-esteem. Hearing the owner’s command, she will first think about whether to execute it, and only then will do what the owner asked for.

Basset is mobile and passionate. He can selflessly chase after birds or arrange real surveillance of a neighbor's cat. But most importantly, the basset hound (the reviews of the owners convince us of this) is a devoted and sensitive pet. If on the part of the owner he feels due attention, it is difficult to find a more faithful friend. The raised basset is a kind of intellectual of the canine world. As a rule, he has complete understanding with the owner.

basset hound photo

The main weapon of these funny animals is calm indifference. Expressing their contempt or affection for someone, bassets surprisingly comedy grimaced.

Another rare quality for animals - during a walk he will unmistakably single out his fellow dog from all the walking dogs, and will only play with him.

It should be noted the loyalty and tolerance of bassets to children, even to the most mischievous and noisy. Often, parents make sure that the child does not injure the dog, and not vice versa. Animals have not only good and disposable appearance - kindness in their blood. Among lovers of this breed, there is a joke that the basset goes on a hunt only because it does not know how it all ends. And if they tell him that the animals he has found are being killed, he will immediately abandon this work.

Parenting and training

Training your pet should begin in the first months of life. Basset Hound puppies easily and quickly learn the rules of behavior on the street and in the house. They quickly memorize even complex commands.

Basset Hound breed

The basset puppy should remember well the categorical and strict words of the owner - "NO" and "DO NOT". In case of failure to comply with the ban, a slap of a folded newspaper may follow - it rustles scary, and the baby will not be crippled.

Puppy selection

This is undoubtedly an interesting but rather difficult dog for a beginner. We are talking about the difficulties of education. An inexperienced dog breeder will have to be patient and prepare for difficulties. Be prepared for the fact that the basset hound will forever change your life.

Without a doubt - you need to buy a thoroughbred puppy in a well-known nursery with a proven reputation. In the bird market, no one will give you guarantees that the baby is healthy, has no hereditary diseases and congenital malformations. The owner who sold you the puppy will disappear from your life immediately after the transaction, so you will have to solve the problems on your own.

The situation is very different in a good nursery. There, puppies are taken care of as small children. Honest and responsible breeders will always be interested in the fate of their pets, even when they leave the nursery. Here you will always be helped by qualified advice.

dog basset hound

Before buying an animal, visit specialized exhibitions, talk with breeders, and study catalogs. The main argument in choosing a pet is its origin. If the parents of the baby show themselves well at various exhibitions, meet the standard, then their offspring, most likely, can become worthy representatives of their family.

Nurseries and clubs

The basis of the national Russian line of basset hounds are dogs from Poland. They were introduced into the USSR at the end of the 70s. The main centers for the development of the breed were originally Moscow and St. Petersburg (at that time Leningrad).

Over time, specialized nurseries began to open throughout the country. Today the breed is actively developing. There is a national club that unites lovers of the Basset Hound breed. Photos of these charming animals are, of course, on the club's website and on the pages of its periodicals.

Maintenance and care

Since basset hounds are short-haired dogs, it is easy to care for them. To keep your pet's coat healthy, you need to clean it every day for three minutes with a special brush made from natural bristles. This simple procedure will remove dead hair from the coat, restore the natural fat balance of the skin.

basset hound puppies

Washing the basset hounds is recommended no more than twice a month. This is necessary in order to get rid of the characteristic smell. You should accustom your pet to water procedures from early childhood.

Particular attention must be paid to caring for your pet’s ears. They should be regularly inspected carefully so as not to miss the moment of the onset of inflammation or the appearance of an ear mite. In addition, they must be carefully cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in a special solution that can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy.


It is equally important to monitor the proper nutrition of bassets. With the appearance of a puppy in the house, you and your household should know that you can’t feed the dog with food from your table! Ready-made feeds are much more suitable for this. They are completely balanced, so they contain all the vitamins and minerals needed by the animal.

Basset Hound: Owner Reviews

Having carefully studied the opinions of the owners of the basset hounds, we came to the conclusion that for them they are the best pets. True, everyone notes that their upbringing should not be left to chance. Teaching a basset to execute commands unquestioningly is not entirely simple.

basset hound

Many emphasize that this dog really needs to communicate with a person. In the care basset unpretentious. They are quite suitable for maintenance in a city apartment.


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