The best outdoor contests for children in the summer

Summer is a wonderful time of year for all children. Vacations begin at school, no need to do homework, full of free time. But every child knows that idleness is very annoying, I want entertainment. What could be more interesting than various outdoor contests for children in the summer?

Such fun games can be played in the yard with other children, with children from the school camp or friends from the recreation center. Wherever you are during the holidays, everywhere will be more fun with the games presented in this article.

To organize interesting outdoor contests for children in the summer, it is enough to have a minimum of materials that are always at hand. These are hoops, balloons, rubber rings, flippers, balls, sticks, plastic bottles and other junk material.

It is a lot of fun not only to play, but also to prepare manuals for games, while showing imagination, you can add something to your own, come up with similar games. All in your hands.

Balloon Games

1. The Knights. For these outdoor competitions for children in the summer you need to have several balloons (according to the number of children), a thin rope, plastic plates and paper clips. Inflated balls tied to a belt. From a plastic plate, make a shield on the hand with a rope, in the other hand is a paper clip. It is necessary, without pushing, to get close to the enemy and try to burst his ball. And the “knight” protects him, substituting a hand with a shield. Whoever has a ball on his belt, he won.

2. Relay race "Hold the ball." To play, you need to have tennis or badminton rackets and balloons. You need to bring the ball to the selected distance on the racket, while trying not to drop it. Whoever drops the ball receives a penalty point. Whose team will quickly transfer all the balls to the opposite side and gain less penalty points, that one will win.

summer contests for children

3. The "battle". This is one of the most fun outdoor contests for children in the summer. A balloon is attached to a short rope (30 cm long) on ​​one side. The other end is tied around the leg below, at the level of the ankle. Hands should be held behind in a "lock". In a limited area of ​​the playing field, children catch up with an opponent and step on the ball so that it bursts. The last one to stay with the ball on his leg won the battle.

Ball games

1. "Harvest." On a limited small area of ​​the playing field, small multi-colored balls are scattered. These are vegetables in the garden. A blindfold player must collect all the “vegetables” in a basket in a short time. Whoever collects faster, he won. You can simultaneously expose two players and find out which of them will collect the most.

2. "Basketball on the stomach." Two children are playing. A bucket is tied to their belt. In the hands of a ball. You need to get into the basket with the ball, like in basketball. Who hit more than once is the winner.

summer funny contests for children

3. "Hit the target." The ball is put in a net (string bag) and tied on a meter rope to a tree branch or horizontal bar, if outdoor contests for children are held in the summer at the sports ground. In front of the ball are objects to be knocked down. It can be plastic water bottles, toys, etc. The player must swing the ball and push it towards the subject with such force to knock it down. Here you need a good eye.

Hoop games

1. “Extend the hoop.” For such outdoor contests for children in summer, two hoops are needed. Children are divided into two teams and form two circles, holding hands. A hoop is worn on one player. The task is as follows: you need to pass the hoop through all the children without expanding your arms, that is, climb through it alternately until the object goes around the circle and returns to the initial level, to the child who first started moving.

the best outdoor contests for children in the summer

2. The trickle. Here you need a few hoops. Children line up in pairs. Each pair has a hoop in their hands. Only the last pair has no item. The last two players climb through the formed tunnel one by one. They take the hoop from the first pair and run with him to the end of the column. The remaining pair without an object runs back and crawls into the tunnel. So you need to move until all the children pass the lane. Whose team completed the task faster, those are the winners.

Games with rubber rings

1. “Ringbros”. Such outdoor contests in summer are cool for children. You can play on water, but you can on land. The game resembles a ring throw, only the role of the stick on which the rings are thrown is performed by the child who raised his hands up. Whoever is the most accurate and does not drop the circle into water or land, is the winner.

funny competitions in nature for children in the summer

2. "Obstacle course." To play, you need large rubber rings, pieces 6 or 7. Children stand in pairs and keep the circle with the hole parallel to the ground. The first team in turn begins to pass the strip as follows. In the first circle you need to climb from below, and in the second - from above. And so on until the end. Which team will finish the first passage, that won. The guys then change places.

Water games

The best contests in nature for children in the summer are water games. Children are very fond of water fun - both on land and at sea. Games with water can come up with an unusually large number. This is shooting for accuracy on plastic disposable cups with water tubes, relay races with buckets filled to the brim, knocking objects with water from a water gun or machine gun.

interesting contests in nature for children in the summer

"Firefighters." For such a game, you need one large bowl of water, the same empty and many small buckets. Firefighters stand in a chain and transfer water to each other, pouring it from a bucket into a bucket. The latter pours water into an empty bowl. This happens until time runs out. Whoever got the most water won.


1. “Skiing”. Two wide and short skis are made of dense corrugated cardboard, two arches for feet are attached to them. Children insert their legs into arcs (photo below). Then at a speed you need to go the distance in such “skis”. Whose team first reached the finish line, those players won the competition.

interesting contests in nature for children in the summer

2. The train. For such a game, you need to take several large garbage bags of 120 liters, sew them together. Players become in the resulting circle and slowly move from start to finish inside such a device. You can help yourself with your hands. Whose "train" first gets to the end station, he won.

3. The favorite walker of all children is a relay race with eggs on a spoon. You can hold spoons in your hand, or you can hold it in your mouth, as in the photo. Whoever brings the egg to the basket faster and does not drop it, he won.

interesting contests in nature for children in the summer
All these games not only entertain and amuse children, but also teach endurance, accuracy, dexterity, develop motor skills, a sense of teamwork, a desire to win, which is very useful in adulthood.


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