Etna Volcano: where it is, altitude, activity, type of volcano

Literally everyone knows the name of Mount Etna. It is famous for being the largest active volcano in all of Europe and, one might say, the most unique. Its exact height is not known due to the constant eruptions and in connection with the geological features of the entire area.

Volcano in sicily

In this article, you can find out where Etna is located, what it represents and all the features of the area.

general information

Etna is the most active and highest volcano in Europe. In total, approximately 200 eruptions were recorded. Despite the fact that Etna approximately every 150 years completely destroys one of the surrounding villages, the territories adjacent to the volcano are quite densely populated. This is due to the fact that volcanic ash gives the soil fertility, which is very important for rural residents.

According to the latest research data, the danger of a large eruption of the volcano Etna, which due to its activity was chosen as the "Volcano of the Decade" by the UN, is growing today. In 1981, the regional government in Palermo created a national reserve around Etna.

A bit of the history of the origin of the volcano

This huge natural formation is located in Italy. The volcano Etna is located on the spot where in ancient times (about 600 years ago) there was a sea bay. Volcanic activity began even under water. In the process of numerous eruptions, a huge cone of the volcano rose from the bottom of the reservoir. Etna was “built” for a rather long time. The result was a complex geological formation in form, more similar to an asymmetric volcanic complex.

In antiquity, for the Greeks, the volcano was a kind of altar - local gods lived here. When the eruption occurred, residents of the surrounding villages threw a vent at the jewelry and even pets. According to the signs existing at that time, it turned out like this: if the lava absorbed all this, then the outcome of the eruption will be good.

Volcano explosions

There are many legends about Etna that connect the activity of the volcano with divine crafts. Its name was changed several times throughout its existence. Among them, the most famous are Mojibello and Etna. The first is also still used by many residents of Sicily.

Volcano features

One of the most remarkable features - after each eruption, the height of Mount Etna changes. For example, today it is 21.6 meters lower than it was in 1865.

Local Sicilians are not afraid of the volcano, they love it. Its periodic eruption is the guarantee that there will be no particularly large destruction. For a powerful and strong manifestation of activity, it must accumulate strength in itself for many years, and during eruptions, energy is gradually expended from time to time without accumulating.


Smoke always rises from Etna, but more often it is white, which is a sign of a simple evaporation of gases and water. In the case of the release of Etna black smoke - most likely, a real powerful lava eruption is coming.

The peculiarity of Etna volcano lies in the fact that its lava moves very slowly, and you can even run away from it, of course, if you are not at the crater itself during the start of activity. Usually, when danger occurs (if the lava does not stop), settlements are fenced with shafts of stones and earth, and everything is done without any special losses and casualties.


It is located near the cities of Catania and Messina. The eruption of Mount Etna in Sicily is not so rare. This is an active stratovolcano. It can be called layered - a type of volcano that has a conical shape and is composed of a huge number of layers of hardened volcanic ash and lava.

The surroundings of Mount Etna

Its height is approximately 3,380 meters. In 1942, it was 3,269 meters, and in 2011 - 3,340. Due to lateral eruptions, Etna has a total of 400 craters. The average lava eruption rate is about once every three months. According to existing statistics, as noted above, once in 150 years it destroys at least one settlement.

The volcano covers an area of ​​1,570 square kilometers (diameter 45 km). In the world it is the largest volcano in total size and the highest on the European continent. The activity of Mount Etna is so frequent that in its history it has collected many victims, albeit relatively calm in its liking.

It is clearly visible in the morning, and in the afternoon everything is covered with fog. The northern side of Etna is colder, but the landscapes here are much more beautiful with many wild dense forests and flowers. The southern slope is mostly covered with extinct lava after eruptions over the past ten years.

Vegetation of the surroundings

Where Etna is located, nature is characterized by the richness and diversity of the plant world. There are Mediterranean vegetation growing at the foot, and endemic species located in the surrounding areas of the volcano. There are also desert areas and dense coniferous forests.

Etna's vegetation

In 2013, the international commission included the volcano on the UNESCO list. Despite its great activity, thanks to fertile volcanic soils in the vicinity of Etna, agriculture is developing well. A variety of crops are grown in these places: walnuts, oranges, lemons, pomegranates and much more. In the lowlands, grapes are grown from which the famous local Sicilian wine is produced.

The largest eruptions

The constant eruptions of the volcano Etna from ancient times, made it a subject of considerable interest among the ancient Greeks. Therefore, many legends and myths were created based on its activity and consequences.

Hundreds of eruptions are known in the history of mankind, which destroyed houses and cities, taking away many human lives. Some of them are protracted, including the eruption that occurred in the summer of 1614. Its duration was about ten years, and the volume of lava output amounted to about a billion cubic meters. Earlier eruptions: 396th and 122 BC, 1030, 1669, 1949, 1971, 1981, 1983, 1991-1993.

Of particular note is the eruption of 1928, when a lava flow destroyed the small ancient town of Mascali. He devastated 770 hectares of agricultural community plots. At that time, one amazing miracle happened - the red-hot lava stopped right in front of the place of the religious procession. In honor of this momentous event, a chapel was built on this site in 1950. A similar miracle was repeated 30 years later (1980) - the lava flow solidified in front of the same chapel.

Lava flows

And in the XXI century there were significant eruptions of the volcano Etna. As a result of the accident in 2001, the cable car laid along the southern slope was destroyed, due to the emission of ash, aircraft were banned. On the opposite northern slope, the release occurred in 2002. As a result, the destruction of many villages. In 2008, the duration of the eruption was 419 days.

The most recent incident was in December 2015. From the central crater, a lava fountain was ejected to a height of 1 km. In this regard, the international airport in Catania was closed.

Interesting fact

The most surprising thing from the point of view of scientists - the type of Etna volcano does not apply to any of the existing ones. Among the volcanoes there are those (for example, Kiloveya) that mainly emit lava flows from themselves, and there are also explosive ones (for example, volcanoes of the Ring of Fire of the Pacific). The third type of volcanoes is from the vent of which clouds of gas and volcanic ash fly out (for example, Mount St. Helena in the USA).

Etna combined the 3 types presented above. It can explode, and lava, and throw ash and gas (volcanic bombs). Moreover, eruptions can occur both through a crater located in the very center, and through many craters scattered on the sides of the mountain.

Tourists on Etna

When the volcano sleeps, shrouded in soft and fluffy clouds, you can endlessly enjoy the amazing fabulous view, feeling all the delights of peace on the picturesque island of Sicily. That is why these lands are very popular among tourists from all over the world. This is one of the paradises on the planet, which has no analogues anywhere.

Etna Volcano Crater

For tourists on Etna, at an altitude of 1,900 meters, a special observation deck has been built. On its territory there is a place where you can park the car. Here you can buy various souvenirs made of lava, as well as a snack in a small local restaurant. The main thing is that tourists can not only view the numerous craters from above, but even go down closer to them.

With your own eyes you can see the real active volcano, taking advantage of excursions that take time all day. First, the path goes along the cable car, then by jeep, and the rest of the path - on foot, which requires good physical preparation.


Etna Volcano - one of the most unique creations of nature, located on a picturesque island. This is an inexplicable natural phenomenon.

The nature of his eruptions is not subject to any explanation. What is happening inside the volcano is understandable, but it is not possible to attribute it to existing types. Therefore, Etna attracts volcanologists around the world. It makes them look for a clue to the origin of such a complex "character" of a unique volcano.


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