Wolf howling at the moon tattoo: meaning. Tattoo for men

Are you having a problem? You can not decide whether it is worth stuffing a tattoo? And if so, which one?

Or maybe you have already chosen a drawing of a wolf howling at the moon, but you are still afraid of something and don’t go to a tattoo parlor ...

howling wolf to the moon tattoo

If so, read this article to find answers to all your questions. Perhaps, casting aside all doubts, you finally get together and fill on your body a picture that depicts a wolf howling at the moon.

This tattoo, by the way, is very unusual and not for everyone. In order not to harm yourself and not overshadow the joy of the tattoo, carefully and thoroughly study what a wolf howls at the moon, who suits this image and whether it is worth decorating your body with a tattoo.

Why do people decorate their body with tattoos?

Beautiful, charming, sometimes creepy and frightening, but, no doubt, beautiful drawings on the body in most cases, people do in order to:

  • perpetuate an event;

  • leave a memory of some life lesson;

  • portray their loved ones so that they are always there, even those that have already gone to heaven;

  • capture the name of his / her spouse or spouse, child;

  • “Instill” certain qualities into oneself;

  • hide scars;

  • lure good luck;

  • stand out from the crowd.

Of course, there are those who stuff a picture on their body in an effort to attract attention to themselves or simply out of stupidity. For such people (almost certainly) the tattoo made will not be to their liking, especially when the euphoria passes. And they are likely to want to get rid of it.

Tattoo is a serious step

Tattooing is a very serious and important decision, the adoption of which needs to be considered a hundred times before you make it.

Yes, a tattoo, if you get tired or don’t like it, can be reduced. But it will take a lot of time and money. And they are not superfluous in humans. In addition, mixing a tattoo is unpleasant and extremely painful. And the skin will never be the same, it will almost always keep an easy trace from the picture.

Also, do not forget that in the process of tattooing, even a professional and well-established master can have some difficulties, unforeseen circumstances. And it is not known whether everything will turn out well for you.

That is why you think twice before deciding to get a tattoo.

What part of the body to get a tattoo

If you, having carefully considered all the pros and cons, weighed your decision and finally came to the conclusion that you want and are ready to get a tattoo for yourself, you should decide where exactly you will get it.

tattoos for men

Most often, tattoos for men are located on the following parts of the body:

  • chest;

  • hands (wrists, forearms);

  • neck;

  • shoulders

  • back;

Women for tattoos prefer:

  • wrists;

  • neck (area under the hair);

  • spine;

  • lower back;

  • ankles.

Having dealt with the place, you should choose a picture.

How to choose a tattoo pattern

The design of a tattoo should also be approached very carefully.

howling wolf tattoo

In no case should you fill your first incomprehensible drawing on your body. Even if you really like it, study it carefully. Try on, perhaps, draw it on your body with henna that will wash off without leaving a trace.

It is also unwise to “perpetuate” the temporary events of your life. Whether it’s the name of the guy / girl that you met a couple of weeks ago, but you already firmly decided that you would spend your whole life with this person. Or characters of films, cartoons, series, soloists of groups, etc., fashionable and relevant at this stage of your life.

Time changes, it may well happen that you lose interest in these people / beings. They will cease to excite you, and the tattoo will cause discomfort. Perhaps even you will begin to be shy and complex.

If you decide to fill a tattoo of any symbol, inscription, animal, etc., be sure to study their meaning. This is an important and necessary condition for the success of your entire undertaking.

Tattoo of a wolf howling at the moon

The most popular among tattoo artists is the image of the howling wolf.

howling wolf to the moon meaning tattoo

This is a noble animal, personifying strength, power, rigidity. And at the same time it is a flock of animals, for which the family is of great importance.

In most cases, it is men who fill the picture “howling wolf on the moon” on their body.

No wonder the tattoo has earned one of the first places in the ranking of popular men's tattoos. The thing is that the wolf is a dual nature. He can be angry and aggressive, or he can become calm and faithful, as if he is the most reliable friend and comrade in the world. Therefore, a tattoo is equally suitable for two completely opposite people, while emphasizing the special features of two different natures.

The history of the tattoo of a wolf howling at the moon

The wolf has long been sacred and revered by almost all the peoples of the world. He was idolized, respected, fearing to injure, not to kill.

For many tribes, the wolf was a totem animal that was worshiped, sought help, brought gifts and offerings.

Wolf tattoo was stuffed on his body by people who possessed (or aspired to this) similar character traits and principles. After all, a wolf is a wild, unbridled animal; for him, the importance of generally accepted values ​​and ideals does not matter. He goes his own way.

But the wolf is not a destroyer and will never attack first. However, touch, offend him, and you will greatly regret it.

What is the meaning of a tattoo of a wolf howling at the moon

Howling wolf to the moon - a tattoo that carries the following semantic load:

  1. The wolf is a brave, brave, brave beast. He has tremendous strength and determination, but he will never touch, will not offend the weak. The wolf is an extremely courageous animal that adheres to its own principles. Sometimes it goes against everything, defending its ideals.

  2. Wolf as a member of the article, "family man." He honors his flock, his family, his traditions. He will do anything to protect his near and dear beings. A wolf is love for his family and respect for elders.

tattoo of a wolf howling to the moon on his shoulder

This is what the wolf howls at the moon tattoo means. The value of the tattoo is so strong that this pattern is not suitable for everyone. He needs to comply, to be worthy of this sign.

Who should get a tattoo

Howling wolf - tattoo for men. It is not very suitable for women. However, this does not mean at all that absolutely any man can get a tattoo with a wolf howling at the moon, on his back, shoulder, chest or any other part of the body.

To do this, you should have certain qualities:

  • not to be a wimp;

  • have a solid character;

  • To be self-confident;

  • honor your family;

  • not have messy connections;

  • respect elders, especially members of their family;

  • have a steel will;

  • Do not intentional villainy.

If you comply with the above qualities, then the tattoo made on the shoulder of a wolf howling at the moon will certainly bring happiness to its owner and become him a reliable amulet and a talisman for life.

tattoo of a wolf howling to the moon on his back

So, you have learned what this picture means. The howling wolf to the moon is an extraordinary tattoo and is not suitable for everyone.

In order for the depicted wolf to bring its owner good luck and happiness, protect it from negative influences and protect against failures and problems, it is necessary to comply with certain qualities that are valuable for this animal.

Therefore, before you go to the salon, you should once again weigh everything and decide whether you are worthy of becoming a wolf, whether you deserve his protection and protection.

If not, then look for another symbol, figure out its meaning, and then, firmly convinced that it is yours, fill in as a tattoo.

If you have come to the conclusion that you fully comply with the ideals and principles of the wolf, then go! You just have to choose a reliable professional master tattoo artist, to whom you can finish your body. Good luck to you!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25155/

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