Origami "Snow Maiden"

Decorating your home for the New Year with origami is not only Japanese, but also a worldwide tradition. Paper figures cool complement the interior and create a feeling of lightness and celebration. In addition, such products are very beautiful and you can make them yourself, which is several times cheaper than buying toys in stores. Therefore, if you have already made a Christmas tree and Santa Claus in this technique of folding figures out of paper, it is quite possible you will want to add a snow maiden as well. So, in this article we will reveal the secret about how origami "Snow Maiden" is made.

So, the first way is to fold the figures from a set of small paper parts, as a rule, these are triangles. If you are familiar with the origami technique, you should know how such triangles add up - they are usually called modules. If you do not know, then you need to find a master class on their manufacture. Otherwise, you can not add the Snow Maiden according to our scheme. So, the Snow Maiden from the origami modules is done almost the same as Santa Claus. The fundamental difference is only that she has a blue coat, not a red coat, and braids on her head. Naturally, the Snow Maiden should be more slender than her grandfather, so you should consider this option.

Thus, when all the nuances are clarified, we can proceed directly to the manufacture of our product - the origami โ€œSnow Maidenโ€.

To begin with, weโ€™ll make 60 white modules and distribute them in three rows of 20 each. Then comes a row in which there will be only 1 white triangle, and the remaining 19 should be blue. Then comes the 5th row. There are already 2 white and, accordingly, eighteen blue triangles. Then the product will need to be turned out. And after that we go to the narrowing: you need to make 17 blue and 1 white module. Next - 16 blue and two white. Then again 17 - 1, After which we string 9 row - 2 white and 14 blue. Then we expand again - 17 blue and 1 white. And then two white and 16 blue. Then 17 blue to 1 white. And a number of 16 blue and 2 white respectively. Then 1 white and 17 blue. And a completely white row of 18 white triangles. The torso is ready, now the head goes. Origami "Snow Maiden" should be cute, so try after pasting her a good-natured face. Now let's start: the modules need to be worn on the other side - it is smoother. In this row there should be 15 yellow triangles - this is the hair, and 3 solid in the center. Then 4 bodily and 14 yellow. Then 5 flesh-colored and two yellow at the edges, as well as 11 white - this is a fur hat. Then 4 solid, 5 yellow triangles and 13 white. Then there are two identical rows. They have 18 white triangles. And then 9 to 9 red and white triangles - alternate through 1.

Then you need to make pigtails of 6 yellow modules each. After that - hands - blue modules - 7 pieces, one white at the end. White will need to glue a mitt. And in the end we make out the face. Everything, your origami "Snow Maiden" is ready to delight you with your radiant smile! But this is only one way, and there are many more.

Origami maiden from paper can be made like this:

We take a square of blue paper with an area of โ€‹โ€‹15 by 15 centimeters, then - a rectangle with an area of โ€‹โ€‹4 by 5 centimeters - the color is not important. Two squares with an area of โ€‹โ€‹2 by 2 centimeters and a strip whose width will be no more than 2 centimeters. Make sure that the paper is colored on one side only.

First you need to make a coat of blue square. It is necessary to bend the square by half 2 times, then set aside the sides. After that, you need to raise the lower part and lower the upper corners back. Then the corners should be pulled out from the back. Turn the product over and check the result. After that, bend the upper right corner towards you, and those from bottom to bottom - that is, from yourself. Again, turn over the workpiece. So it turned out to be a coat.

Now we take up the strip - bend it in half vertically. Then we bend the left and right sides to the center. The collar turned out - we glue it to a coat. Cut out the gloves and glue them, make a head from a round sheet, draw a face. The product is ready!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25158/

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