The script for the "Autumn Festival" for kindergarten

In preschool institutions with the advent of new seasons, morning parties are organized. All the children excitedly await the holiday, go to rehearsals and get roles that are of great importance to them. Therefore, preparations for the "Autumn Festival" should be thought out to the smallest detail. To do this, come up with a script.

Autumn holiday organization ideas

How to distribute roles for a matinee?

Teachers, music and dance teachers know very well which of the kids is much more than that. Therefore, the roles on the matinee “Autumn Festival” should be given out, starting from the nature and activity of the children of the preschool institution. Boys and girls with leadership qualities should be given the main roles, and calm, modest kids will be better suited to secondary roles for gaining self-confidence.

Autumn Holiday Scenario

For the smallest, a simple, without heavy poetry and songs, matinee is suitable. In kindergarten, "Autumn Festival" can be arranged according to the following scenario.

Anchorman (a child from an older group or a caregiver in a fall suit):

- Today the holiday is very nice, guys, autumn has come to us.

She brought many gifts of nature with herself.

Fruits, vegetables, mushrooms,

For son and daughter

And also an outfit of nature,

We are ready to admire him.

In honor of the beautiful autumn,

The kids tried not in vain.

Poems for the holiday of autumn in the kindergarten

Boys and girls run out and perform the “Breeze” dance to beautiful melodic music. Then, three boys and three girls in leaflet costumes remain on stage and recite poems:

1st boy: Autumn is beautiful,

Leaves drops

Under the feet we are carpeted.

2nd boy: Apples and pears,

Autumn gave

So that we are always healthy.

3rd boy: Pears, apples picked,

They hid everything in the closet

Under the sofa, a rosy pumpkin,

Autumn is beautiful, long-awaited.

1st girl: Apples ripened in the trees,

Under the feet is a colorful carpet,

And now we meet with a smile

September, October and November treasured.

2nd girl: Rain fell from the sky,

The birds flew away

So, autumn has come to us,

I brought gifts with me.

3rd girl: A basket of mushrooms stands on the doorstep,

And the sky is pouring rain from above

So, autumn has come to us,

She brought apples, pears, rosy pumpkins.

Presenter: Autumn is full of wonderful gifts,

The eyes dance around the leaves.

Fruits, vegetables and nature,

Changeable weather.

Very grateful all the fall,

After all, she will treat you with something tasty,

And it especially pleases those who were obedient.

The presenter gives out to the kids all the apples. The whole group goes on stage, and the children dance a pair dance to a song about autumn.

Presenter: It's time to accept the gifts of nature,

We have already prepared for the presents.

And now it's time to harvest

To make it even hot in the cold.

You can go to the park, admire the leaves,

Raise your head in the sky, migrate birds to see off.

Music plays, and all the participants go to the curtain. Such a fall festival for preschoolers will appeal to parents and will not be difficult for children. It is worth taking into account this option of the matinee.

Short poems for the holiday "Golden Autumn"

Not a single matinee is complete without rhyming lines that are studied and then told by children. On the "Autumn Festival" in the garden, such poems are suitable:


Autumn golden dancing leaf fall,

Inspires poets

Gives artists a lot of new stories.

Autumn festival in kindergarten


If it rains from the sky,

Round dance leaves

This means that autumn beauty comes to us.


Birds flying to the sky take off

Wind leaves trees from the trees,

An umbrella at this time is our best friend.

Yellow, red, green all around.

Autumn beauty came to visit,

Many beautiful days brought.


A beautiful time has come to visit us,

Leaves are dancing

Weather and nature are changing.

Autumn golden came to us for the holiday,

Ruddy apples brought with her.


No wonder this time was called "gold",

Leaves turn yellow and dance.

Ruddy apples on the table flaunt,

People from the window admire the scenery.


Colorful autumn leaves swirl

They lay beautiful carpet under our feet.


The foliage has turned yellow

Nature has changed

The weather is different this season.

Round dances of leaves are spinning everywhere

Already ripe pears in the cottages and gardens.

Such poems on the "Autumn Festival" are easy to remember and every boy or girl will be able to tell rhymes with expression. The smallest just remember the short poems and tell them at the matinee. With rhymed lines “Autumn Festival” in kindergarten will be fun and in one go.

Detailed verses for the smallest

For the host or children from the older groups of the kindergarten, you can take into account the long poems for the festival "Golden Autumn". For example, they can be like this:


This time inspires poets

He gives a muse to those who write couplets.

Wraps around the work of artists of paintings,

Changes the style of storefronts.

Leaves, as in a dance, circling above us.

Umbrellas, rubber boots are always with us during this period.

Clouds often pour tears from the sky,

Migratory birds fly away on a long journey.

There are always apples and pears on the table,

Jumps in the mountains of leaves of children.

Beautiful autumn has come to visit,

Joy brought beauty to everyone.

Autumn Holiday Scenario


This time is called the "golden"

And not in vain, because nature is changing.

Like an artist without a brush

Autumn paints leaves on trees.

A colorful carpet under our feet

Children go to schools, carry bouquets.

Round dances drive leaves overhead and underfoot

Autumn gives us different goodies.

Great time for artists, poets,

After all, autumn inspires this.

Such poems will help start or end the Autumn Festival. The main thing is that at the holiday the kids will get a charge of emotions and be in a good mood.


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