Quotes about a bitch with a description

Who are the bitch? These are women who attract men with an attractive appearance, and then hold them with the help of a cleverly woven web. Some women hate bitch, while others dream of becoming one. Read quotes about bitch below.

To be a bitch means to achieve your goal not with rudeness and elbows, but with tact and flexible brains.

we are all women bitch

For some reason, many hate girls who do not whine, but achieve their goals. It seems to some that such masterful persons are too cold and heartless. Numerous quotes about bitch confirm this. But a bitch is a well-groomed person who (besides a pretty face) has non-trivial thinking. It is interesting to spend time with such women, but it is very difficult to win their heart. A woman who knows her worth will be very demanding and will not be exchanged for trifles. For this reason, men who cannot or do not want to make an effort to keep an attractive person close to them hang a stigma on her and believe that the young lady is to blame, and not her own lazy nature.

A woman is born, a bitch is made by circumstances

quotes about bitch girls

To be successful in men, it is not enough just to be born a woman. After reading a few quotes about the bitch, you can understand that the stronger sex prefers to see well-groomed and pretty, and even smart girls, next to them. No one is interested in persons with low self-esteem, ugly appearance and unattractive soul. To be a woman, you do not have to make any effort. To become a bitch, you have to work hard. An attractive girl spends most of her salary on beauty treatments, fitness subscriptions, and clothing purchases. It seems to some that such costs are prohibitive. But for some reason everyone likes those ladies who are nice to watch. If you want to become a bitch, look in the mirror and think about what you can change in appearance to become attractive.

Being a bitch is dangerous. They will hate you, because envy breeds aggression

about bitch girls

Not all people can look at how beautiful their neighbors live. Such people want to scratch their tongues and profanity. After all, this is much easier to do than pull yourself together and start going to the gym or quit a low-paying job and find a new one. Quotes about the bitch clearly show that beautiful and smart women will always be envied by others. But few people think that simply nothing is given to anyone. Any skill needs to be trained. Beautiful appearance without proper design will not attract attention. A well-read girl without a pretty face will not be able to attract an interesting man. Therefore, we need to work both on internal development and on its external design. Do not be afraid of oblique views from those who do not want to do anything. Such people always condemn everyone.

Bitchiness is not a vice, but immunity with a beautiful appearance

quotes about bitch

It seems to men that all the cute-looking girls are snow queens. But why did it appear that beautiful women are bitch? Excessive attention from the opposite sex can greatly ruin the lives of girls. Men will always and everywhere pursue charming people, for this reason they will have to wear a mask of inaccessibility. "We are all women - bitch", - sings Allegrova. Is it so? Not. All women are different. Being a bitch is an art that is inaccessible to most girls. To become charming and charismatic, you need to learn and comprehend a lot in this life. Beautiful appearance is a gift of chance. If nature has endowed you with a pretty face, consider it your good, but do not forget to work on the inner world so that no one can say that you are a dummy. Read quotes about bitch girls and look for inspiration in them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25175/

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