The meaning and origin of the surname Filatov

We will name only two worthy representatives of this family name. The first is the doctor, by the will of God (sorry for the high syllable, but it really is) ophthalmologist Vladimir Petrovich Filatov, who made a breakthrough in world medical science, giving hundreds of thousands of people who lost their vision a chance to enjoy the colors of the world again.

origin of the surname filatov

The second is the favorite actor, director, publicist Leonid Alekseevich Filatov. The compatriots remembered his talented works and the deep genuine sorrow of the most worthy representatives of the Russian theater community from the untimely death of the brightest creative personality.

surname of filatov origin and meaning

Remembering them, we ask ourselves: β€œWhat is the history of the origin of the name Filatov?”

The Miracle of Theophylact

Etymologists in their main version connect it with the ancient Greek and early Christian tradition. If we consider this issue esoterically, then its education should be attributed to the Silver Age of mankind, when there was charity in power and honor, when the people ruled a peculiar tandem: leaders and priests, assigned to the faces of saints. The origin of the Filatov surname is based on ancient history.

history of origin of the surname of filatov

The man who gave rise to the surname we are considering lived in the VIII century in the original stronghold of the Christian faith, ancient Constantinople. His name was Theophilatus. The power of Vera Theophilatus was amazed even by his ruler, Emperor Constantine, who, as we know, is regarded as a saint. This man possessed the gift of working miracles to save his people. As a monk in a monastery on the shore of the Black Sea, when his fellow tribesmen were exhausted from a strong desire to drink water, he once forced a prayer jug ​​to exude moisture, which quenched his thirst. As it is obvious, the origin of the Filatov surname is associated with the further historical transformation of the name Theophilatus.

The Way of Asceticism

However, according to esotericism, a gift to man is given by God not just like that, but as a reward for serving them. In the name of possessing him, the saint certainly commits himself to continue his austerity. Having become the head of the Nicomedian Church, Theophilatus (guarded by the gods) continued his path of service: he washed the wounds of lepers, erected monasteries, and took care of orphans.

Thus, the origin of the Filatov surname is based on personal charisma and unconditional respect by the society of his austerities. We are talking about recognizing the merits of a man who, by all the canons of any Faith, can truly be called a saint.

Indeed, this was one of those early Christian church rulers who, denounced by power, remained essentially the same monk who was able to perform miracles by faith. At the same time, he perceived his high status humbly and meekly, no more than a burden of service.

Other surname versions

However, studying the origin of the Filatov surname, one can also find alternative points of view. According to the first of them, its ancestors are the Georgian kings of the Filat dynasty. Their genealogy can be traced back to 787 CE, beginning from Tsar Ashot the Great. By the way, a well-known Russian military leader heroically killed on the Borodino field, an associate of Suvorov and Kutuzov, commander in chief of the Second Western Army, infantry general Peter Ivanovich Bagration was related to them.

surname filatov origin nationality

Following this version, it can be assumed that the surname Filatov inherited the origin and significance from a certain ancestor, awarded the name Filat. What does it mean? In pagan antiquity, priests (priests) gave names to people, many of whom could feel what this person would be like. Possession of this name implied the unconditional presence of talent. Filat is characterized by non-triviality, possessing hidden abilities.

Less plausible, although partly possible, is the linguistic version. According to her, the Russian Cossack fell in love with a campaign in Greek and brought her from a campaign to her homeland. The girl called him β€œfila” (in Greek, β€œbeloved”). The story, of course, is romantic ...


If we talk about the specific gravity among the population, then the surname we are studying is in the first hundred. The explanation for this is obvious: after all, the origin of the name Filatov directly relates to the church tradition. The nationality of its carriers is quite universal. It mainly includes representatives of many nations professing Christianity.

However, it is worth noting that in the modern world, surnames etymologically ceased to reflect the main sign of their creation. This is due to the fact that for dozens of generations of people have passed their names from parents to children mechanically, following the established order. Under such circumstances, an atheist and a representative of another faith may be among the Filatovs.


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