Chinese Schisandra: planting and plant care

Perennial woody deciduous liana is a Chinese magnolia vine. Landing and caring for it do not require any special skills, you just need to know a few key points. In nature, this beautiful plant is found in South Sakhalin, the Far East, the Kuril Islands, Japan and China.

Chinese Schisandra planting and care
In general, lemongrass prefers the edges of the forest, the valley of streams and rivers. Soils he chooses stony and light sandy. Refers to frost-resistant plants and calmly tolerates thirty-degree frosts.

For their beauty and special decorativeness, gardeners fell in love with Chinese magnolia vine. Caring for it is simple, but it becomes a decoration for the garden from spring until the deepest autumn. First, its pale green leaves bloom on the pink petioles. In May, cream-colored wax flowers appear with a delicate lemon smell. Throughout the summer, it pleases with saturated greens. And in September, bright and juicy fruits begin to ripen. They can be red or orange-red. Leaves at this time already begin to turn yellow, and bright clusters of berries flaunt on their background, which do not crumble until frosts. Agree that only for this it is worth planting Chinese lemongrass on your site. Landing and caring for it will not require much effort. And in addition to aesthetic pleasure, you will get a storehouse of vitamins, as this plant is famous for its healing properties.

lemongrass chinese care
Chinese Schisandra: planting and care

For good growth, this plant needs drained soil rich in humus and organic matter. Before starting planting a seedling, it should be carefully watered. Then a pit 50 cm high and wide is dug. A bucket of gravel or pebbles is poured onto its bottom for drainage. Fertile soil with a mixture of humus and mineral fertilizers falls asleep on top. When planting, the fertilizer application rate should be as follows: 10 kg of humus, potassium chloride - 80 g, superphosphate - 200 g, wood ash - 40 g, ammonium nitrate - 50 g. The earth is poured so that a mound is formed. A hole is made and a seedling is installed in it, it is necessary that the lump of earth on its roots does not collapse. Now the seedling should be watered, fill up the hole and tamp the earth around the plant. The root neck should be on a par with the ground. After the earth settles, it should not form holes in which water will stagnate. In summer dry weather, lemongrass needs to be watered, the earth around it mulched so that the surface layer of the soil remains constantly moist. In the evening and morning, the plant should be sprayed with water.

planting Chinese lemongrass

Chinese Schisandra should not be planted near trees with a powerful crown. It will grow well in small partial shade and must be protected from the main winds. On the site you need to plant at least 3 plants, the distance between them should be at least 1 meter. A support should be installed next to the plant. It can be a pergola or trellis. If you plant near the building, make sure that rain drops do not fall on the roots. During the summer, young shoots become attached to the support. They do not need to be removed for the winter, and any kind of shelter is not required. The bush should be formed only in the summer or at the very beginning of winter. Due to the strong β€œcrying”, pruning in the spring is not possible, at this time the plant needs to be fed with nitrogen fertilizers and humus. You should know that only in the 5th year of life does Chinese lemongrass bloom. Landing and care, as you see, do not require much effort. It is only necessary to find the best place and provide support for this beautiful and unpretentious creeper.


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