DIY radial honey extractor

Radial honey separator is a device designed to receive honey from frames, the principle of which is based on centrifugal force. This device greatly simplifies the work of the beekeeper, while it can not only be purchased in a specialized store, but also made independently. According to the owners, such equipment in some cases surpasses store analogues in efficiency and period of operation.

radial honey separator


Radial honey separator consists of two main elements, such as:

  • Drum with cassettes , the sizes of which are selected in accordance with the framework used. You can place two frames in one cassette. For their production, a coarse metal mesh is used.
  • Metal tank. The best option is a container made of food grade stainless steel or aluminum.

To drain honey at the bottom of the tank, a special crane is equipped. Before placing the frames, honeycombs are printed with a hedgehog, beekeeping fork or apiary knife. During rotation, the product, under the influence of centrifugal force, flows out of the cells and enters the tank, flowing down the walls of the device. A suitable container, such as milk flasks, is placed under the drain hole.


Electric radial honey separator is useful for beekeepers who have at their disposal a large number of hives and are engaged in the sale of products. Despite this, many try to postpone the purchase whenever possible, considering it not the most successful investment. This is due to the fact that the devices are quite expensive, but at the same time they are of low quality. Naturally, it is difficult to imagine the large-scale production of honey without professional equipment, but in many cases you can limit yourself to a device made at home. In this case, the beekeeper does not need to have special knowledge or seek the help of specialists. One of the non-standard and simple options is a radial honey extractor, made with your own hands from a washing machine. For its implementation, it is enough to equip the tank with cassettes of a suitable size. The most commonly used technique is the β€œBaby” type.

electric radial honey separator


There are two types of equipment - this is the chordal and radial. The latter has gained the greatest distribution due to the presence of many advantages:

  • With the same design dimensions of the two options, the radial device provides better performance.
  • A radial honey separator with an electric drive, reviews of which are mostly positive, allows you to place a large number of honeycombs and easily pumps out the product from overseas. This greatly simplifies the task, since manual pumping takes a lot of time and at the same time is ineffective.
  • All available honey is pumped out of the frames, and their surface remains clean. Such a result is beyond the power of another type of apparatus.
  • All the structural components in the process remain stationary, only the drum rotates. This increases the life and wear resistance.
  • The probability of damage to the framework is minimized, thereby reducing losses.
  • The design is designed in such a way that the cells always remain intact.
  • Time saving. The device does not require constant monitoring by the beekeeper.
  • During pumping out the product, the frames do not stick to the surface of the drum; accordingly, at the end of the process, they will be easy to pull out.

DIY radial honey extractor


Radial honey separator, the photo of which is presented above, is sold in all stores of the corresponding goods. But it is quite expensive, on average, the purchase will cost about 40-50 thousand rubles. This has led many beekeepers to make equipment on their own. Such a task is within the power of any person, but if possible, you should still turn to a more experienced beekeeper.

First of all, it is necessary to draw up a drawing of the device. This is an integral stage of work at which all components must be displayed in the correct location and taking into account their dimensions. In this case, do not forget about the connection of parts. You can draw the drawing yourself or ask for help from those who already have similar experience. You can also find enough options in the literature.

Device manufacturing

The main component of the design is a drum, the diameter of which should be within 120 cm. Any durable barrel with a capacity of at least 300 liters can be used as it.

In accordance with the chosen design, a gear or belt pair is selected. Reliable fasteners and bracket material are also required.

A radial electric honey extractor, created by one’s own hands, is complemented by cartridges; for their production, a mesh, corners or pipes and the drum frames themselves are needed. Bearings and a drain valve of appropriate sizes will also be required.

electric radial honey extractor reviews

Materials used

The device can be equipped with a manual or electric drive, the latter is characterized by great ease of use and significantly accelerate the process. As a rule, an electric motor with a power of at least 50 rpm is used. All details must be selected taking into account the fact that they will be in contact with the food product, so you need to choose high-quality materials. Stainless steel is the best option, with a limited budget, you can use aluminum. As soon as all the constituent elements are prepared, you can proceed to the assembly of the structure, while it is important not to deviate from the existing drawing.

homemade radial honey extractor


There are several conditions, compliance with which allows to obtain high-quality and convenient equipment:

  • Zinc-coated parts cannot be used to create the device. This is due to the fact that this metal is subject to oxidative processes that reduce the quality of the product.
  • To make the radial homemade honey extractor more aesthetically pleasing and attractive, it can be painted in the desired shade. Painting can be done with a special composition in a spray can or with paint intended for metal products.
  • Hand tools are suitable for those who have just started beekeeping or sells honey on a small scale. But all the same, electric drive devices are more convenient in operation, and any beekeeper can do their manufacturing.
  • Radial honey separator can be created not only from metal, but also from wood. The exceptions are parts such as axle, pulley and bearings. You can use any material that does not contain resin. If you need to reduce the weight of the device, pay attention to plywood.
  • It is desirable that the constituent elements have a smooth, even surface, otherwise the product may get stuck on the parts.

DIY radial honey extractor from a washing machine

Electric drive

You will need an electric motor with a small power within 80 watts. It must be supplemented with a fine mesh to prevent bees from entering the interior of the structure. The functions of the switch can be performed by a relay from a conventional washing machine. A rheostat from any shield is used as a part for adjusting revolutions, the only thing you need to add a nichrome spiral to it.

Then a small bracket with vertical movement is formed. In order to make a drive disk, a pulley is removed from the rotor.

The location of the motor can be either vertical or horizontal. The first option is more convenient and practical. However, in some designs only horizontal placement is possible.

honey extractor radial photo


A stand is necessary for any device, regardless of its size. It provides the ability to install containers for collecting honey.

Many replace the stand with ordinary drawers. This is not the best option due to the danger of use and complicated operation. With the help of a steel bar and a welding machine, you can independently produce a simple and at the same time reliable design. The work is carried out as follows:

  • A ring is formed from the rod with a diameter slightly exceeding the dimensions of the apparatus drum.
  • A holder with legs is fixed on the bottom, their number should be at least 3-4 pieces. Depending on the size of the honey extractor radial and whether there are any features, a suitable height of the legs is selected.

Making an apparatus for collecting honey is easy even for an inexperienced person. At the same time, special costs are not required, since the necessary components can be found in almost every house.


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