How long does a hamster live and how to care for it?

Children are very fond of animals, this is no secret. And very often they ask their parents for a kitten, puppy, parrot, fish. But they still do not understand the whole measure of responsibility for a living creature, and they also hardly know how to care for the chosen animal.

how much does a hamster live

Your task is to explain everything quite clearly, in detail and be sure to help at first.

For example, a child begs a hamster from you. First, how long does a hamster live? It depends on its type. They are Syrian, Dzungarian, hamsters Roborovsky and Campbell. The life expectancy of a Syrian, a hamster Roborovsky and Campbell an average of 2-2.5 years. The Dzungarian hamster lives most often also, 2-2.5 years, but there are cases when they survived to 3.5 years. The short life factor must be taken into account when buying such a beast for a child. After all, if a furry friend dies, the baby’s grief will be immeasurable.

But if, after finding out how much a hamster lives, you still decide to buy it, you need to consider further aspects of proper maintenance and care. The most important rule for keeping a hamster - if you have several, they must live in separate cells! Otherwise, they will cripple or even kill each other. Further, the cage, despite the small size of the animals, should be large, spacious and well equipped. After all, these animals are active runners, they need to put their energy somewhere, and in a cage, especially a small one, this is very problematic. This means that your pet should have a large dwelling with narrow gaps between the grilles and a reliable valve so that the travel enthusiast does not run away from you on one far from perfect day. Be sure to have a running wheel in the cage, the diameter of which is 17-20 cm or more. With a smaller diameter, the hamster will have to bend the back while running, and this is not at all useful for his fragile health.

Dzungarian hamster lives

There must also be an automatic drinking bowl, hamsters, although they drink a little, they still need to drink, and they will easily pour or litter some water in the bowl. For comfort and convenience, the hamster needs a house - he will put his supplies there and hide himself when he wants peace. You will also need two bowls for food - for dry food and wet, such as allowed fruits, vegetables, chicken, eggs and so on. Well, if you wish, you can equip the pet’s home with all kinds of entertaining toys - ladders, ropes, balls and boards made of non-toxic materials that can be nibbled. The range of such accessories in pet stores is quite wide. Yes, by the way, toys for biting are necessary, since hamsters absolutely need to grind fast-growing teeth!

A very important factor in keeping a hamster is temperature conditions. In order not to ask yourself the question of how long a hamster lives and why ours has lived so little, take this very carefully. In winter, the hamster should not be cold, drafts are extremely dangerous, since the animals catch cold easily. And in the summer they need to be protected from the sweltering heat - remove the cage away from direct sunlight and put a piece of tile inside, on which your animal can cool when it becomes necessary.

how many live hamsters live

And sometimes it happens that the question “how long does the hamster live” is asked with a completely different implication - often the negligent owners cannot wait for this short life to end. The main reasons are the noise made by the animals at night, and the smell. So, both of these can be avoided. To avoid the smell, it is enough to use a good wood filler, not sawdust and newspapers, and clean the cage in time. And to avoid the noise that interferes with falling asleep, you can just take out the cage to the bathroom for the night, for example. And then nothing will bother you, but only bring joy, and you will already be asking about how much the hamster lives, solely with the hope that yours will live with you as long as possible!

So to summarize. All types of hamsters described in this article are domesticated. So, the answer to the question of how many home hamsters live is from a year to three and a half years.


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