Mara Jade Skywalker and Luke Skywalker

Mara Jade is a character in the Star Wars universe. After the sale of Lucas's studio to Disney, she became a simple legend, like their relationship with Luke Skywalker, and has no relation to the original canon anymore. However, her fate was described in books published before 2014.

Mara Jade

Servant of the Empire

Mara Jade was born in the 17th day of the DNB (chronology according to the canon of Star Wars). Her birthplace is unknown because Emperor Palpatine discovered her when he sought out and destroyed the remaining Jedi. The emperor did not destroy the girl and made him his agent.

Her entire youth passed in training, until she was able to prove that she was worthy to become the Hand of the Emperor. Then she was only 14 years old.

Mara went into the possession of a spaceship and a K3 droid. The girl had a strong connection with power, so Palpatine could telepathically communicate with her constantly and give orders.

The main responsibilities of Mara were to search for the surviving Jedi and supervise the affairs of Darth Vader. Jade always hoped that Vader would betray Palpatine sooner or later. Then the girl will have the opportunity to take his place and become the first student of the Sith Lord. However, gradually, Mara Jade begins to doubt that she is the only Sith spy in the service of the Emperor.

Mara Jade Skywalker

First meeting with Luke

Mara receives another Palpatine order - to track down Luke Skywalker. The girl goes to Tatooine and enters the palace of Jabba under the guise of a dancer Arika. However, the security of the Hutt immediately suspected that the girl was not right, and when she used force, she was expelled from the palace. Which meant the failure of the assignment.

The main goal of Mary was to take part in the execution on the Dune world of Luke, Han Solo and Leah. We can say that Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade never met, if not for one “but”. After some time, Luke had a vision in which he saw Mara and the outcome of the execution, if the girl took part in it. It was she who would “help” Luke die.

A few months after the failure, Mara again fulfilled the task of the Emperor and saw a future in which Luke and Vader killed Palpatine. And the last order of the Emperor was to kill Luke Skywalker.

star wars mara jade


By its laws, there are Star Wars. Mara Jade is convinced that Luke Skywalker has allowed her life. In her head, the girl constantly hears the last order of the teacher. When the Empire fell, Mara wandered for a long time. Funding ended, and the usual life in luxury had to be abandoned.

For a long time, she survived by taking random orders. One of these tasks brought her to another former Palpatine spy - Lumiya. Rivals converged in battle, and Mara lost her lightsaber.

Smuggling and a new meeting with Luke

Then Mara Jade joined the smuggler’s team, Talon Karrde. Thanks to her abilities, the girl quickly became the best in her team.

After one of the raids, Luke Skywalker was in the hands of the smugglers. Karrde decided to sell the Jedi to the envoys of the New Empire, so Mara was forbidden to kill him. But Luke managed to escape, and Jade was sent to catch him. However, when both ended up in the forests of Mirkr, the situation changed. Now the hunter herself had to escape from General Thrawn. To survive, the enemies had to work together. Mara Jade and Luke successfully hid for a long time, until they were rescued by Hanam Solo and Karrde, who took each of their friends. After that, smugglers became enemies of the New Empire.

Mara Jade and Luke

Transition to the side of the Republic

The smugglers of Karrde were captured by the Empire, which forced Mara to turn to Luke for help. Together they saved Jade's friends. As a result, Mara, Karrde and his team were on the side of the New Republic.

In one of the fights, Jade almost died - Luke saved her. The wounded woman was taken to Coruscant, where she was undergoing treatment, but accidentally ended up in jail. The imprisonment was short-lived, since Mara knew the location of the control center of the Empire. Skywalker, with the support of his friends, pulled out a girl.

Jade began to work with Luke. The Jedi taught her to learn the Force. Mara gradually managed to overcome the desire to kill Skywalker. She realized that this was just Palpatine's revenge.

On the clone planet, Mara met Luyuk, a Skywalker clone. Having killed him, the girl complied with the order of the Emperor, getting rid of torment. When the cloning center was destroyed, Luke gave Mara his father’s sword. After that, Jade made the final decision to become a Jedi and abandon the dark side.

A few months after that, she found a teacher - a Jedi Kyle Kattarn. Later, Mara led the Smugglers Alliance. After that, she survived many more adventures. Revealed several conspiracies. She confessed to Luke in her sympathy and even saved his life.

Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade: Love

In one of the knowledge Skywalker saw the death of Mary, and then immediately went to search for her. He found Jade on the planet Nirauan and confessed his love. Both Jedi fell into a death trap, where Luke made the girl an offer to marry him. Mara agreed.

Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade

Mara Jade, whose photo can be found in the article, got married to Luke Skywalker at a private ceremony held by Cam Solusar. Soon, the newlyweds exchanged rings and vows of allegiance and were declared husband and wife.

The wedding was initially small, which changed Mara’s life, for some time she continued to do her usual business. However, she soon left the Smugglers Alliance, deciding to help Luke and the Jedi Order.

After some time, Mara took as a student the daughter of Leah and Khan - Jaina Solo. To the young follower, she presented her modernized Bounty Hunter.

Mara began to carry out missions for Oredna, on one of which she nearly died due to the terrible virus released by the Yuuzhan Vong. Only Strength saved her.

Illness and pregnancy

After some time, the Yuuzhan Vong unleashed a war and invaded the Galaxy. Mara Jade Skywalker was the first Jedi to encounter them. She was worth a great deal of effort to get out of the battle as a winner.

Mara Jade photo

However, long-standing poisoning led to the disease. Every day the Jedi was getting worse. Constant battles only worsened the situation. Chewbacca, a friend of Han Solo, died in the war. But Mara was not able to participate in the memorial service - the disease did not allow.

Jade was dying, but she was saved - Han Solo got the antidote. But soon, Mara again felt worse. It turned out that she was pregnant. Strength helped her understand that she was expecting a boy.

Throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother was looked after by Luke and the entire Solo family. When the baby was born, they decided to name him Ben in honor of Kenobi.

The war with the Yuuzhan Vong continued. The republic was retreating, even had to sacrifice its capital, Coruscant. The Skywalker family took refuge on Hapes. Mara had no more time to be a mentor for Jaina Solo, now she was occupied only by her own son.

To win, Luke and Mara spotted a living moving planet on which they flew up to Coruscant. Then the ships of the Republic and the Wong came together in battle. After a long battle, the Wongs were defeated. War is over.

A family

Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Love

Mara paid all her attention to the family. When Ben grew up, she allowed him to go to disciples with Jacen Solo, despite the fact that Luke did not trust his nephew.

After some time, Mara found out that Lumiya was alive. He and Luke went in search of her. Jed managed to find her first, but she nearly died in the fray, having received a poisoned dart.

Gradually, Mara noticed oddities in the behavior of mentor Ben. When her son disappeared, she became convinced that Jacen was to blame. Luke and Mara went in search of a teacher and student.


Ben was found. He reported that his former mentor and Lumiya are accomplices. Mara Jade Skywalker tracked down Jacen and tried to persuade him to the bright side. But he refused. The woman decided that he was dangerous for Ben and decided to kill him.

She overtook him at Hapes, where the battle took place. Mara almost managed to win, but Jacen distracted her with the illusion of her son and fired a poisoned dart. Dying, Mara promised that Luke would avenge her.

Upon learning of the death of his wife, Skywalker decided that Lumiya was to blame, and killed her. For the death of Mara, she took revenge on Jane Solo, who had to kill her brother for this.


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