Gem are crystals for the game Clash Royale: use, receipt and place in the gameplay

Modern game projects, designed for a large audience of regular players, began to gradually change the economic model of existence. This applies to both large projects and games for mobile devices. For example, the most popular game at the moment is Clash Royale, which is distributed completely free, although it has content for which you need to pay real money. Gem is a currency that does not give a particular advantage, but allows you to save time on development, the rollback of abilities and the creation of an army. It remains only to understand what a "heme" is?

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What kind of game is it?

Clash Royale is a modern multiplayer game for mobile devices, which offers to create your own little magic kingdom, organize a defense structure, hire an army and begin activities to accumulate resources, develop the main buildings and eliminate competitors. All battles and gameplay take place in turn-based combat mode and are tied only to time. For example, the construction takes a couple of hours, the development of the house from 4 hours, and the attack takes place within 20 minutes.

The main goal of the game is to become a better player, to accumulate a large amount of resources and fame. The game project implements various ratings (by level of development, by wealth, by victories, etc.), by which you can determine what place you occupy. Naturally, there are separate ratings showing how many gems in a Clash Royale this or that user has. But this was created exclusively for those who actively use this currency. If the players spent a couple of financial transactions, then he is unlikely to get there.

gems for clash royale

What are gems?

Gem is a special currency in the game, which can be obtained only after completing certain missions or for a purchase using real investments. In the game, they are indicated in the form of crystals that can be invested in certain actions. Basically, they serve to save time during the game or to acquire various original things of appearance.

Recent updates have brought additional store cells in the form of chests, legendary characters and other interesting things. There is even a special game β€œGem gem”, which is created in the form of a small lottery, where the main bet is the designated currency. The developers also noted that they would try to introduce additional features to use this resource, but which would not affect the main gameplay.

gems in clash

Why are these crystals needed?

As we have already said, gems for Clash Royale do not play such an important role, they just save time, accelerate development, and provide an opportunity to purchase original things. For example, the game has a number of heroes who have unique abilities and appearance, you can get them only for crystals. Or you can buy special chests with a random rare reward. What can we say about cosmetic items for registration of an account, base or warriors. Moreover, all of the above is strictly balanced with other content and capabilities of players who do not use investments.

games gem gem

How to get gems?

Gems are precious crystals for the game Clash Royale. The easiest way to get them is a direct purchase for real money. At the moment, the purchase rate is: 1 ruble = 40 gems. You can buy them in any quantity, in order to spend real money, it is enough to use a special in-game store.

But there is another opportunity to get these gems. For example, during the game you will have PvP and PvE directions missions. They will be quite complex and long in terms of implementation. But after reaching the goal you can get several hundred or thousands of crystals, which you then sell in the game store.

And if you are a creative person or a professional player, you can try your luck in creative contests and tournaments. In the first case, the developers themselves organize a competition between players in the field of drawing, music, humor, etc. But tournaments are frequent events where the strongest players clash in battle. Often in them the first three places are prize-winning and sometimes the amount of gems reaches tens of thousands. The main thing is to follow the news and have time to register at these stages.

Should I use crystals?

So we sorted out everything related to the most valuable resource of the game Clash Royale. It remains only to understand, but should it be used at all? In fact, this is everyone’s business, because someone plays for pleasure, someone succeeds, and there are even those who consider this game the meaning of life, and therefore strive to be the first in it.

If you want to quickly develop, love the original decoration, want to participate in the lottery and just have access to all the content of the game, then you can safely use crystals. And if Clash Royale is a simple entertainment for you, and you are in no hurry, then gems will not bring you much pleasure, therefore, you should not use them. Without them, you can also succeed in the game and even take the lines in the ranking of the strongest, however, you will have to spend a lot of free time.


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