How to name a girl born in October. Simple and original names

Let cold weather, rain, wind and endless leaf fall outside the window. But not everyone such a month as October seems sad and boring. Someone is looking forward to its onset, since a miracle will soon happen - the birth of a daughter. In connection with this event, a logical question arises - what is the name of the girl born in October?

What to name a girl born in October?

Expert Advice

Let us turn to the opinion of specialists in this regard. The most popular is the advice on the harmonious combination of name and patronymic. And it is also desirable that the name corresponds to the nationality of the child and is modern enough. Of course, any of the existing names is beautiful in its own way, but if you name your daughter, for example Desdemona, you risk creating a lot of unnecessary problems in her life.

The names of girls born in October
So, let's find out what to name a girl born in October? You can proceed from various criteria. For example, focusing on the zodiac sign, or church clergy, or maybe you like the names of your ancestors. Any name you choose will certainly have an impact on the fate of the little princess, but still sincere love and tenderness of parents will be of even greater importance in her life.
Girls born in October

Once, during the revolution, many girls born in October received such a name as Oktyabrina. At that time, it was a fairly popular option. And the question of how to name a girl born in October was completely irrelevant. Agree that today the sound of this name is not entirely appropriate and evokes the smiles of others.

Astrological characteristics born in October

Most of the month of October belongs to the zodiac sign of Libra. Astrologers note that people born this month are enviable pragmatism. They are suitable for such areas of activity as finance and business, as well as jurisprudence and everything related to management. Moreover, in these areas they are able to achieve significant heights. But do not think that zealous careerists will grow out of children born in October. Family is also very important to them. Performing feats at work, they are happy to return to a cozy family nest. And without a reliable rear they are unlikely to be able to achieve significant results. What else is typical for people whose birthday is in October? This is a strong character and an unconditional desire to subjugate everyone around him. It is in connection with these qualities that Libra often has problems on the love front. They cannot forgive and concede. So, choosing a name for your October daughter, try to focus on the opposite qualities of the zodiac.

We make a responsible decision
Perhaps in this way you will be able to achieve harmony and balance in the nature of your baby.

Recommended Names

The names of girls born in October can be as follows - Margarita, Ksenia, Anna, Irina, Ekaterina, Kristina, Tatyana, Maria, Vera, Svetlana and Lyudmila.

But if you don’t like any of the above, you can choose what you like. In such a case, it is impossible to make a mistake, since loving parents make a decision with their hearts and with the help of some inexplicable intuition. What to name a girl born in October? This question can be answered only by you. Weigh all the information received and make a bold decision.

In conclusion, I just want to wish your kids health and great happiness!


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