How to make and decorate children's sandwiches for a birthday?

Sandwiches are the easiest and most common type of snack. We prepare them when you need a quick bite. But this dish is also appropriate on the festive table. How to make children's sandwiches for a birthday? After all, if you need to feed the kids, not only the taste is important, but also the benefits, as well as the appearance.

The main thing is the composition

Children's sandwiches for birthday
To begin with, it is worth deciding on the composition. Fresh vegetables and cheeses will be appropriate on the children's table . Sausages and sausages should not be given to children under three years of age. As a meat component, you can use boiled chicken or tongue. A good idea is to make homemade liver pate. You can add children's sandwiches for your birthday with butter, melted cheese and a boiled egg. Try to use ready-made sauces in minimal quantities. Use bread of different grades and colors as a basis. You can curly cut it or fry it on one or two sides. For children under five, do not cook sandwiches with seafood or fish. Many babies at this age are allergic to such foods, while others simply do not like the taste of adult delicacies.

Children's birthday sandwiches

Simple Holiday Appetizer Design Ideas

Itโ€™s not difficult to make beautiful sandwiches for your childrenโ€™s birthday. Attach a little imagination. Fresh greens can make a wonderful lawn or tree, halves of cherry tomatoes with dots of mayonnaise are very similar to fly agaric hats, and if the dots are dark, for example, from pieces of parsley leaves, we get ladybugs. If you cut the bell pepper in half, and then cut into thin strips, we will get half-arcs from which you can lay out the most unusual shapes. It is not difficult to form butterfly wings out of them. Combining the rings and ovals obtained naturally when cutting most products with decoratively carved elements, you can make any shapes - animal faces, landscapes, or even houses and cars.

Sandwiches on the children's table: ready-made recipes

It is not difficult to make a snack in the form of a sun. As a basis, take a baguette and spread it with butter. You can rub the cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle it on top. We put half of the protein from the egg on a sandwich, chop the yolk and form rays in the direction of the edges of the piece of bread. You can decorate with greens or, if there is enough free space, draw clouds of sour cream. It is not difficult to cut letters from cheese or sausage. If there are many guests, you can even compose an edible alphabet. Spread the bread with butter, then put a piece of meat or sausage, then a circle of cucumber or tomato and a letter from the cheese cut out from above. If you use slices of a regular loaf as a basis, and chop the cheese finely, you can even create simple words of 3-4 characters.

Sandwiches on a children's table

Originally, you can design children's sandwiches for a birthday in the form of a flower bed. To do this, spread the base bread with melted cheese or sauce, and sprinkle generously with greens on top. Now you can cut flowers from vegetables and ham, it is allowed to add a little cheese. Try to make this snack using brightly colored foods. For example, tulips can be cut out from a mug of radishes, and round flowers can be cut from ham, with the center of the sauce. Do not forget to add snowdrops from boiled egg protein, as well as bright aster from yellow and red bell peppers. If you are preparing children's sandwiches for your birthday yourself, invite the birthday man to join this creative process. Working together is more fun, and the kid will certainly offer a lot of creative ideas for decorating snacks.


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