Postcard for mom: how to make

Mom is the most precious thing in our life. Mom carried us under the heart and gave us life. "Mom" is the first word we said. Mom raised and educated us, and we consider ourselves obligated to mothers.

What to give mom?

We want to please our mothers not only on their birthdays or on March 8th, we wish them to be happy always and everywhere, on any day of the week and month - throughout their lives. They say that the best gift is one that is made with your own hands. You can always buy flowers or a gift certificate, there would be money, and not everyone decides to spend an hour or two of their precious time and make a card for mom.

wish card

A handmade postcard is an excellent gift that mom will always keep and, looking at her, remember about your love. Do not think that only children give such cards. This is not true. Let's try to make them together.

Greeting card for mom

To make such a card, you will need white cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue and a simple pencil. You will also need a colored pen.

  • First of all, fold the cardboard in half, like a double-sided postcard.
  • Next, cut out colored paper hearts of two sizes - larger and smaller. To simplify, you can cut one heart from another piece of cardboard, which will serve as a template for everyone else. Just overlay the template on the back of the colored paper, circle it with a simple pencil and cut it out.
  • After all the hearts are cut out, gently glue them in the form of a heart (as shown in the photo above) on cardboard. You do not need to use a lot of glue so that it does not smear and your postcard does not become sticky.
  • When the big heart is ready, in the middle of it we write a warm congratulation to the mother.

Greeting card "Flower-Semitsvetik"

How to make such a card for mom? Very simple! You will need white cardboard, colored paper, glue, scissors and a marker (felt-tip pen). Let's get started!

  1. We cut the white cardboard in half and put one half aside - we do not need it.
  2. From paper of different colors, cut out a circle (middle of the flower) and fourteen petals. We glue seven of them on the cardboard completely, and the remaining seven on top of them, but only at the tip so that they are, as in the photo below. Glue a circle on top of the petals in the middle.
  3. Next, write on the circle: "My mother ...", and on the other petals - adjectives that would describe her. For example, “beautiful”, “kind”, “smart”, “best” and so on.
Greeting card

Such a handmade DIY birthday card for mom or any other holiday is a wonderful gift in itself. But if you wish, you can further exacerbate her "remarkableness." Since this is a seven-flower (and, as we know, it fulfills desires), you can come up with this. When you give this card to mom on March 8 or another day, you say that each of these petals fulfills wishes. That is, she can pull out one petal and make a wish that you must fulfill. For example, it is commonplace to wash the dishes. We assure you, your mother will like this card.

Postcard "Handprint"

Imprints and casts of hands are a very common type of crafts in kindergartens. Let's try to make such a card at home. You will need colored cardboard, colored paper, a cocktail tube, glue and scissors.

  • First, we cut a vase from colored cardboard (for example, white).
  • Next, circle your hand on the cardboard and cut it out along the contour - this will be a template. We put it on the back of the colored paper and cut out a few more “hands”.
  • Glue the vase to the cardboard. We cut the tube into several parts and attach a “hand” to each of them. After that we glue the tubes on top of the vase as if it were flowers.
  • In a vase we write with a felt-tip pen “I love my mother because ...”, and on the images of hands - why do you love your mother. “She loves to read fairy tales to me,” “She cooks deliciously,” “She makes my life better,” “She takes care of me,” “She helps me with the lessons,” “She is my mother,” and so on. you want to tell a loved one.
greeting card

Another similar postcard

If you do not like to draw, and also if a small child makes a postcard, then you can do without using a large amount of glue and colored paper. The only thing that will need to be cut and glued is a vase.

  • Then we take green paints, dip our palm in them and leave its imprint on a sheet of paper - these will be the stems.
  • Next, we depict flowers: for this, we dip one finger in yellow and put a dot over each stalk - the middle of the flower.
  • Other fingers are used for other colors: blue, orange, red, purple and so on. Using fingers we draw the petals.
multi-colored palms

That's all, the flower is ready! Such an easy-to-create postcard for mom. If you wish, you can still add congratulations.

Bouquet of hearts

In order to make such a bright card for mom, you will need white cardboard, colored paper, paints, glue, scissors, a simple pencil, felt-tip pens and a satin ribbon.

  • First of all, we draw on the cardboard with green paints the stalks of our future flowers. After drawing, put the paints aside - we will no longer need them.
  • We cut out hearts of different sizes from various colors of paper. Each of them can be decorated in its own way with the help of felt-tip pens. For example, draw patterns or write beautiful words for mom on them. When the hearts are painted, glue them, using a tiny amount of glue, on top of the stems. Do not be afraid to lay them on top of each other - this will look even better.
  • The next step is to glue the satin ribbon. We tie a bow and fasten the ribbon on the stems as shown in the photo below. Done!
postcard hearts

So, just like that, you can simply make birthday cards for mom on her birthday, on March 8, on Mother's Day and on any other holiday. Or, without waiting for the holidays, please her on a normal weekday. After all, the best gifts are those that are made for no reason. Love your mothers and make them happy!


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