The benefits of an orphan. Federal law "On additional guarantees for social support of orphans and children left without parental care" dated 12/12/1996 No. 159-ФЗ

The state is trying to provide vulnerable categories of the population with all necessary support measures. Such citizens include orphans who have lost their parents. They can not count on the support of biological parents, therefore, numerous benefits are assigned to an orphaned child. They are offered both at the federal level and at the regional level. To learn about the possibility of their use should official representatives of the minor.

Who can count on state support?

Benefits for an orphaned child are assigned by the federal government and local authorities of the region of residence. To get support, it is important to have the appropriate status. Orphans are considered minors who have no parents. The child should be left without the care of biological parents. Even children whose parents were deprived of their rights to minors are recognized as orphans.

Benefits are assigned to an orphan in the following situations:

  • the minor has no parents, and there is no way to establish their identity;
  • parents were deprived of their rights to children;
  • parents are recognized as missing by the court;
  • citizens are hospitalized without the possibility of recovery;
  • they are restricted in their rights to minors;
  • are declared dead;
  • recognized as incompetent;
  • have limited legal capacity;
  • serve their sentences in places of deprivation or are in custody in the process of investigating various crimes;
  • parents refuse to take home children from school, kindergarten or other government organizations.

In the above situations, children are recognized as orphans. Until they are 14 years old, custody by relatives or by unauthorized persons may take place over them. As soon as they reach the age of 18, then guardianship is allowed.

Based on the Federal Law No. 159, various support measures and privileges for children are assigned by the state. They can be used until reaching the age of majority. If the orphan prefers to continue further education on a full-time basis, then he can use the concessions further.

159 fz

Appointment of a special pension

The most significant support measure for many orphans is considered the possibility of receiving a special pension. This payment to orphans is called a social pension.

If the child’s parents died, and at the same time they had insurance experience, then the minor is assigned an insurance pension. If the parents did not work, then they do not have insurance experience, therefore, until graduation or reaching adulthood, the child will be assigned a social pension. It can be paid up to 23 years if a citizen decides to study at a university on a full-time basis.

In order for payments to be assigned even after adulthood, it is important to choose only state institutions for training, and training should be carried out in full-time. Citizens should receive higher education for the first time.

In addition to payments, additional guarantees are assigned for the social support of orphans. They relate to different fields of activity, for example, high-quality medical care, free education, housing or discounts on utility bills.

Types of Medical Benefits

Social guarantees for orphans allow them to cope with numerous life difficulties without parental support. They consist even in the provision of certain benefits and concessions in the medical field. Therefore, children without parental care can use the following support measures:

  • medical care is completely free if the child goes to a state clinic or hospital;
  • if special treatment is required, represented by various surgeries, rehabilitation, medical examinations or the passage of wellness programs, they are offered free of charge;
  • if necessary, children receive free trips to sanatoriums or special health camps;
  • from the regional budget, travel to the place of treatment or rehabilitation is paid;
  • Based on existing medical conditions, additional treatment may be prescribed without payment.

If at the time of the appearance of certain health problems, an orphan is studying at a university, then a citizen can arrange academic leave at any time.

benefits for orphans

Education Benefits

In the life of every person, the educational process is significant, as it provides the opportunity to obtain knowledge, specific skills and abilities for further successful employment. Children who have lost their parents for various reasons can rely on different support measures. Pupils and students can independently choose which courses they will attend. They are paid by funds allocated from the regional budget.

The school benefits for orphans include the possibility of free meals. In addition, various teaching aids are issued free of charge. Other relief measures include:

  • the state helps financially with the purchase of basic necessities, which are required when visiting a school or university;
  • funds are provided for the purchase of school uniforms or seasonal clothing and shoes;
  • In the canteens of schools and higher educational institutions, absolutely free food is offered.

Additionally, benefits are assigned to orphans upon admission to the university. They can expect to enter the selected institution without a competition or with participation in a special program. If they study well, they are given an increased scholarship.

Once a year, orphans receive special material assistance. It is equal to three times the size of the scholarship. The main purpose of such a payment is the purchase of necessary stationery, teaching aids or other items for training.

additional guarantees for social support for orphans

Help in the job search process

On the basis of the Federal Law No. 159, various social support measures are appointed for children who, for various reasons, were left without parental support. These include assistance in the process of finding work. The main benefits include:

  • graduates of different universities can expect to receive free clothes, shoes and equipment for further work;
  • depending on the region, a one-time allowance is assigned to ensure life in the process of finding a job;
  • special work is carried out with adolescents aged 14 to 18 related to career guidance, which allows you to find out what abilities and skills children have, as well as where in the future they would like to work;
  • on the basis of medical indications, diagnostics of professional suitability are performed;
  • if an orphan is registered on the labor exchange, then within 6 months of job search unemployment benefits are assigned, even if the citizen has not previously worked officially;
  • if the company where the orphan works is liquidated, then vocational training is provided at the expense of the employer.

You can take advantage of the above support measures for employment in state or commercial organizations. If benefits are not provided for various reasons to an orphaned child, a complaint is made to the local administration or prosecutor's office.

provision of housing for orphans

Payment of housing services at a discount

When paying for utility bills, housing and communal services are provided to orphans. If children are under guardianship, then guardians can use this measure of support. The discount is 50% of the amount indicated on the receipt.

Relaxation is provided when paying for electricity, rent, water, gas, sanitation and other services. Such a support measure is proposed only by local authorities of the regions, therefore it is necessary to learn about the possibility of its execution directly in the regional administration.

payments to orphans

Housing subsidies

The most significant is the provision of housing for orphans. Only children who do not have private property or a social apartment can count on such support. For housing, there must be good reason:

  • no object is registered on the child;
  • relatives lack their own housing;
  • according to the documents, an orphan cannot become a recipient of any apartment or house in the future.

Under such conditions, the orphan simply does not have conditions for normal living, so the state allocates the appropriate premises. Often, even help is offered if the child has housing, but it cannot be used for living on the basis of conclusions drawn up by the SES and the fire department.

Conditions for an apartment

You can get housing on the following conditions:

  • the applicant should not be more than 23 years old, since if he reaches this age, then you can count on support only if the citizen is already in the queue for housing;
  • initially an apartment is provided on the basis of a social loan agreement drawn up for 5 years, and if there are no problems and illegal actions on the part of the tenant, then the object goes into its unlimited use;
  • Housing is provided only in order of priority.

In addition to the residential property, the state offers monetary compensation, the amount of which is equal to the cost of optimal residential real estate.

How to apply for a housing discount?

The social protection of orphans is well developed in Russia, but if an orphan wants to buy or get housing, then he must independently deal with the registration of support. To do this, contact the guardianship authorities. The following documents are prepared:

  • certificate that a citizen graduated from studies or military service;
  • a certificate confirming that no housing has been registered for the orphan;
  • if the applicant has relatives, then confirmation is needed that it is impossible to live together with them on the same territory for one reason or another;
  • applicant's passport;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • a certificate confirming that the citizen really has the official status of an orphan;
  • if there is a spouse, then a marriage certificate is prepared;
  • if there are children, copies of their birth certificates are transmitted;
  • correctly drawn up application to the administration, on the basis of which the queuing for housing is carried out.

Documentation is considered within 30 days from the date of transfer. After that, the orphan is in line. Based on state support, an apartment is allocated under a social loan agreement.

At the same time as receiving housing, an orphan can count on a 5-year exemption from utility bills. The term of the apartment may vary significantly in different cities. Usually the procedure takes about a year, but it all depends on the state of the housing stock of the municipality.

Other support measures

Housing benefits for orphans

Benefits for orphans who are under guardianship or in a boarding school depend not only on federal legislation, but also on decisions of local authorities. Therefore, orphans can additionally rely on the following types of assistance:

  • free travel in public transport;
  • for traveling by train there is the opportunity once a year to buy a ticket for free;
  • support is even offered to guardians receiving a monthly allowance intended for the care and upbringing of a child, and it may vary slightly in different regions;
  • in Moscow, guardians are offered a lump-sum allowance of 30 thousand rubles, and 10 thousand rubles are paid monthly for one child;
  • the exact amount depends on the region where the guardian resides;
  • in some cities, certain advantages are provided when placing a child in kindergarten;
  • training in various music or sports schools is free of charge;
  • when a child visits different zoos, museums or other events and activities, it is not necessary to pay a ticket.

Such numerous benefits and support measures can really simplify the life of orphans.

school benefits for orphans

Rules for registration

Numerous benefits are provided only by application, so the guardians or the orphans themselves must deal with their design.

For support, you can contact the social protection authorities, PF or MFC. At the same time, it is important to correctly compose applications and prepare other documents confirming that the applicant has the necessary status. Benefits and pensions begin to be transferred only 30 days after the submission of the documentation.

When buying tickets, you must present a certificate confirming the status of an orphan.


Orphans are in a vulnerable category of the population, so they are assigned numerous support measures. They are offered in various fields of activity, so children can count on free education and medicine, free nutrition in educational institutions and on receiving a pension.

To apply for various benefits, it is necessary for guardians or direct orphans to apply to various state institutions with statements and other documents.


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