Shukshin, "Vanka Teplyashin": summary, analysis. The image of Vanka Teplyashin: characteristic. The theme and idea of ​​the story "Vanka Teplyashin"

The plot of the short story with the name "Vanka Teplyashin" at first glance seems unpretentious and straightforward. But behind the everyday story told by the author, there is a deep moral meaning. However, V. Shukshin always wrote like that.

Crank Tales

V. M. Shukshin was born into a peasant family and never hid his roots. Already becoming a famous writer, he repeatedly turned to the image of a villager whose simplicity, sincerity, inability to pretend were familiar to him from childhood. These are heroes who are endowed with an original character and the best human qualities. Seeking to know the world and their place in it, they often argue over questions from the eternal category. For example, what is the meaning of human life? How to benefit society? Is it possible to make reality better than it really is?

Vanka Teplyashin

The unusual qualities of "cranks" are more pronounced when they find themselves in an unusual environment. Moreover, their behavior to most other people seems non-standard and not in accordance with the norm. This is because they never compromise with conscience, always and strictly adhere to strict moral standards. Such a person is, according to V. Shukshin, Vanka Teplyashin - a summary and analysis of his history are given below. Uncomplicated and innocent, who hates hypocrisy and pretense, always open for communication with others, he is remembered for a long time by the reader.

"Vanka Teplyashin": a summary. Meet the hero

A country boy was hospitalized with a duodenal ulcer. At first he was treated by rural doctors. Then suddenly Sergey Nikolaevich arrived and after a thorough inspection took Teplyashin with him. In the city hospital Vanka everyone called the "thematic", that is, the patient whose diagnosis and treatment help in research and writing a scientific work.

In a new place, the guy was well arranged. Most often, he disappeared in a smoking room or talked with other patients. He told a lot of interesting things about his life to his roommates. For example, the story vividly describes the story of a drowned car - the hero, who was her driver, then barely climbed ashore. Everyone was surprised by his speech: saturated with vernacular and at the same time bewitching. Many of the listeners believed that everything that Vanka Teplyashin told them about was an essay and nothing more. However, the hero, every time he heard doubts about the veracity of his words, honestly bulged his eyes - and it became clear to everyone: he really did not know how to lie.

Summary of Vanka Teplyashina

And soon Vanka “settled down to grieve” - this is how Shukshin conveys his overwhelming feeling. He stood at the window for a long time, watched the bustling city life that was unfolding below, and was amazed that no one was hearing anyone here. Everyone was constantly in a hurry somewhere, and this unceasing run of identical people from above seemed mysterious and useless. From this Vanka Teplyashin felt completely alone in the city.

Unexpected guest

What was the hero’s surprise when one day he saw a mother in a crowd of hurrying people heading for the hospital. The guy cried joyfully to the whole room and leaned out of the window. An inevitable feeling of delight from the upcoming meeting was transmitted to everyone who was in the ward. And someone advised him to go downstairs faster, since today was not a reception day and the woman will most likely not be allowed in.

The man on duty, nicknamed the red-eyed patients on duty. It was difficult to agree with him (if only for the money), because he was not very loved, - said Shukshin. Vanka Teplyashin - a brief summary of the next scene allows us to understand the hero’s inner world - I saw my mother asking the guard to let her in for a little while. But the red-eyed was adamant. He mechanically - the author emphasizes this with the words “buzzed”, “tapped” - he listed foster days. Not convinced him that the woman came from the village. And mother justified herself that she did not know about the established schedule. And everyone begged: to at least sit a bit and talk.

Shukshin Vanka Teplyashin Summary


Seeing this Vanka Teplyashin suddenly felt shame for the humiliation of his mother. He went to the red-eyed man and tried to politely explain the situation. What they just talk for a short time. But he continued to look blankly to the side. Then the guy pointed his mother at the bench behind the guard and took several steps towards her. At that moment there was a squeamish shout "back". But as soon as the red-eyed one tried to touch Vanka, the young man resolutely took his hand aside. Mother knew how easily a son could get angry, and restrained him in every way. But Evstigneev, who was sitting nearby, had already jumped out to the recruiter's cries. Summary of "Vanka Teplyashina" is approaching the denouement. The hero, who did not want to obey, nevertheless managed to confront two strong men. However, during the defense, he touched chairs and bedside tables - however, he tried his best to avoid this. Soon there appeared sisters and Sergey Nikolaevich. But the guy has already decided: he is going home. Right now. And immediately I felt how he felt better in his soul.

Vanka Teplyashin composition

Conversation with the doctor

Sergei Nikolaevich convincingly asked Vanka not to get excited and continue treatment. He invited his mother to live in his apartment for a while, and then a woman could come to the hospital every day. He assured that if the guy immediately turned to him, then no problems with the meeting would arise. But Vanka Teplyashin was unshakable and firmly stood his ground. Then he quickly ran to the ward, packed his things.

The clothes were given by Evstigneev, who a few minutes ago helped the red-eyed one defeat the patient. Now he decided that Vanka was expelled from the hospital, and therefore expressed his regret to him. It was enough for the watchman to give fifty cents to let his mother in - added Evstigneev, confirming the words made earlier by someone from the chamber about the bribery of the red-eyed.


Summary of “Vanka Teplyashina” concludes the conversation between the hero and his mother. On the way, a frustrated woman reproached her son for the fact that because of his character, he could not "gain a foothold" anywhere. And Vanka in response only urged that she never again and so humble herself before anyone. Soon they got on the bus and headed home.

The theme of the story is "Vanka Teplyashin"

As already noted, despite the straightforward plot, the work of V. Shukshin is filled with a very deep meaning. Its author is interested in the relationship that develops between people in everyday life. Therefore, the story, first of all, attracts the attention of the scene, which describes the meeting and conversations of the son with his mother.

Vanka Teplyashin analysis

The joyful exclamation that is heard in the room when Vanka saw a man dear to him testifies to his boundless love and tenderness. “My dear” is the first thing that comes to mind a boy at that moment. Later, he decisively defends an already aged woman, forced to humiliate herself in front of a stranger in order to talk with her own child for several minutes.

The relationship between son and mother helps to understand the incredible longing that gripped Teplyashin in the city hospital. Yes, the conditions were good for him here, but the guy was away from home and people close to him.

The main idea of ​​the work

The relationship of the protagonist with the red-eyed is very different. The latter turned out to be unable to cross the treasury and understand how close to each other people feel after a long separation. The idea of ​​the work, in fact, is embedded in the words of the protagonist, uttered during parting with Evstigneev: "We must be a man ...". The phrase, which appeared as Vanka’s response to the remark that the watchman should have been paid, is directly related to the behavior of the red-eyed. However, it can serve as a reminder to every person: because only in this way, remaining a person can fight the injustice prevailing in society.

The theme and idea of ​​the story “Vanka Teplyashin”, the contrast between the main character and the janitor make it clear that not everything in life is measured by money and welfare. There are things that can only be felt by the heart. Another point is important: you should never forget about your own dignity. Only in this way can self-respect be maintained. That is why the guy persistently urged his mother to never ask for this anymore. And he did not agree to the doctor’s proposal, although it came from a pure heart.

The theme of the story is Vanka Teplyashin

Characteristics of the protagonist

The image of Vanka Teplyashin is very interestingly drawn by the author. To understand his character, everything is important: both behavior, and speech, and relations with his mother, as well as those who surround him.

Note that Vanka quickly found a common language with his roommates, since by nature he was an open and sociable person. But even funny talk did not save him from longing. For a villager, accustomed to always be in business, the city seems alien and incomprehensible. I did not see the observing hero, subtly feeling the surrounding world, and the understanding between people. The life of the townspeople seemed strange to him, which he had been trying to understand for a long time, standing at the window. He was struck by the noise, which was a lot, and complete indifference to each other. In this regard, it should be noted how Shukshin describes the hero in those moments when he saw his mother - he rushed down and made an important decision for himself, rode upstairs to collect things. Vanka seemed to come to life, feeling a connection with his native home. It is also important that the guy cheerfully said goodbye not only to his roommates, but also to the red-eyed offended him. Thus, Vanka Teplyashin, whose analysis of his behavior testifies to how honest, sincere and unsophisticated he was, could not please, cunning, and adapt. He always remained himself. And this gives an answer to the question of why the hero could not stay anywhere for long. He simply lived in good conscience, which often does not like others.

Vanka Teplyashin: the meaning of the name

It's no secret that writers usually call their heroes for a reason. A name is one of the artistic techniques, as it can tell a lot about a person. Let's start with the name of the protagonist. Teplyashin - obvious associations immediately arise: warm, sincere. And Vanka is a name quite common in Russian fairy tales. And although very often this hero, the youngest of three sons, is called Ivan the Fool, it is he who turns out to be the most resourceful, hardworking, skillful and achieves everything in life thanks to his qualities. In addition, Shukshin uses a diminutive form: Vanka, and he immediately becomes closer to the reader.

the image of vanka teplyashina

If we turn to the meaning of the name, it turns out that Ivan means "God's grace." Thus, the combination “Vanka Teplyashin” emphasizes the kindness, simplicity of the protagonist.

The meaning of the story of V. Shukshin

C. Aitmatov wrote: “If a person stops his struggle with evil, he ceases to be a person.” We can assume that these words are another excellent characteristic of Vanka Teplyashin. His confidence in the inviolability of moral standards, his willingness to defend his own views and fight against injustice, a protest against opportunism in any form evoke sympathy from the reader. And even if the forms of struggle that the protagonist chooses are not always acceptable, the very existence of him and people like him inspires confidence that the victory of good is still possible in our world.


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