Flower "male happiness" (Anthurium): description, care tips and signs

Anthurium, or the flower "male happiness", refers to the genus of ever-flowering plants of the Aroid or Aronikovy family. The genus Anthurium has more than 900 species of plants. He was brought to Europe from Central and South America. This plant has become the favorite of many gardeners, having won their hearts with their beauty.

Male happiness flower care

Flower description

The leaves of the flower "male happiness" have a fairly diverse color and unusual, original form. It can be heart-shaped, spade, dissected or rounded. The leaves of the plant are dull, flower petals have a glossy surface. The leaves and flower petals of different species are different.

Due to the tropical climate, the plant has learned to turn leaves after the sun. This feature makes him turn for the sun, even while on the windowsill.

The flower "male happiness" consists of a brightly colored petal-bedspread and an inflorescence-cob. The coverlet itself has a cone-shaped, spherical, spiral-shaped or club-shaped form. It can be painted in a variety of shades. Each species has its own special aroma. Some have a tangible smell (Sweet, Fiorino varieties), and some, on the contrary, are pleasant (Orange, Pandola, Mini). There are anthuriums with a fetid aroma - varieties Missouri, Otasu.

The flowering period is all year. If pollination occurs, then the fruit will grow on the anthurium - yellow or orange, inside which there are two seeds.

With age, the flower begins to fade and dry. This is caused by natural aging processes. The plant is losing decorativeness. Leaflets begin to wrinkle, become small, white trunks dry out.

First of all, it should be remembered - the flower "male happiness" needs special care. When growing, you should take care to choose the right place where the plant will be located. Most varieties need diffused light or light partial shade. In winter, the plant is kept on the lightest window sill so that it continues to bloom.

Flower male happiness omens

Plant species

Anthurium flower ("male happiness") has many varieties. For ease of orientation in variety, they were divided into three types: decorative foliage, flowering and species with a short trunk and leaf patterns.

Beautifully flowering are represented by such varieties as: Princess, Orange, Otazu, Amis, Amalia, Elegans and others. Typically, these varieties are used for interior decoration, as well as for cutting.

Varieties with short climbing stems include Dwarf Anthurium, Adios, Black Hawaii.

Decorative foliage are used for growing at home. The most popular varieties are Jolie, Cavalli, Picasso, Champion, Andre.

Care Features

Flower "male happiness" care requires special. In order for the plant to remain attractive and enjoy flowering, it is necessary:

  1. Choose a place to place the pot, where there are no drafts.
  2. If the plant begins to turn yellow, you should check whether it is properly looked after. This may indicate irrigation with too hard water, dry air in the room.
  3. You can not overfeed the plant, as this may affect its appearance.
  4. For planting, you should choose the right soil. Peat or enriched sphagnum should prevail in it.
  5. During irrigation, stagnation of water at the root system should be avoided.
  6. Anthuriums prefer acidic soils.

Do not forget that anthurium male happiness refers to poisonous plants. It is recommended to place it so that children and pets can not get it.

Anthurium male happiness

Care Rules

The flower "male happiness" care is not very difficult, although the plant is demanding on the conditions of detention. You should start with the right soil and the place where the plant will be placed. But do not forget about the proper watering, the features of transplanting and reproduction.

Where to put the pot

Indoor flower "male happiness" quickly adapts to the conditions of detention. Direct sunlight is disastrous for him in both summer and winter. But despite this, he needs a lot of light.

There are opinions claiming that the plant belongs to shade-tolerant, but this is not so. With a shady arrangement, the flower loses its appeal and does not bloom. Anthurium can be placed on any windowsill, except the south. If it is not possible to put on another window, then the plant is shaded.

Correct temperature

When flower growers look like "male happiness" in stores, flower growers literally fall in love with him and try to get the same magnificent and beautiful plant at home. This can not be done if you do not observe the temperature regime.

For normal growth and development, it is necessary to provide the plant 22-25 degrees. Sudden swings should be excluded. Also, the plant does not tolerate drafts.

When growing, if the plant does not bloom, gardeners resort to one trick - anthurium is transferred to a room with a temperature of about eighteen degrees for several hours. This stimulates it, encourages flowering.

Male happiness flower yellow leaves

Water correctly

All varieties should be watered sparingly. Lack of and excess moisture harm the plant. Moreover, it is more dangerous to overfill a plant than to underfill. From excess water, the root system begins to rot, leading to the death of the plant. Therefore, when caring for anthurium, this nuance should be taken into account and in case of excessive watering, drain the water from the pan.

For irrigation use settled, soft water. If suddenly your water is hard, then it is recommended to add a couple of drops of lemon juice or an aspirin tablet to it.

Creates the tropics

As you know, the tropics are always humid. In order for the bush to always remain beautiful, it is necessary to ensure proper care, increasing the air humidity. To do this, carry out regular spraying with water, the temperature of which is two to three degrees higher than the temperature of the air in the room.

The spraying procedure should be carried out carefully, since when water gets on the flower, it begins to blacken. To prevent this from happening, they cover him.

During the heating season, anthuriums begin to suffer due to dry air in the room. The flower "male happiness" leaves turn yellow, they dry out, can burst. It will not work to repair damaged leaves, but in order to prevent damage to the entire bush, measures should be taken to increase the level of humidity. To do this, it is enough to place a flower pot on a water tray. Moreover, the diameter of the pallet should be larger by a couple of centimeters than the size of the anthurium. When water evaporates around the plant, a microclimate with high humidity will be created.

Top dressing

At home, the plant is fed during the period of active growth, during the flowering period. Fertilize three times a month, changing the organic and mineral substances intended for decorative flowering plants.

If the plant continues to develop in the winter, then it also needs top dressing. Twice a year, it is necessary to ensure a rest period when fertilizers will not be applied.

Flower male reproduction happiness

Transplantation and reproduction

A great advantage in growing anthurium is that it practically does not need transplants. The flower develops slowly, which is why it is transplanted once every four years. However, every year it is recommended to replace the topsoil to a depth of two centimeters.

When planting a plant, do not choose large pots. This is due to the fact that the anthurium will not bloom until its rhizome fills the entire volume of soil.

Propagation of the flower "male happiness" is carried out by dividing the adult bush or by separating the lateral shoot. For this purpose, the bush is removed from the pot and the rhizome is carefully divided with a knife. The bulk of the roots should not be worried. After the procedure, all places of the cut must be treated with charcoal to prevent decay and infection.

The resulting new plant is watered very carefully.

You can propagate the plant with seeds. To do this, carry out manual pollination. Seeds ripen within eight weeks. As soon as the fruit has ripened, seeds are pulled out of it and immediately they are planted.

What does male happiness look like?

The magical properties of Anthurium

Since ancient times, various magical properties have been attributed to anthurium. Even our ancestors grew this plant not only for beauty, but also to improve energy in the house.

According to signs, the flower "male happiness" is recommended to grow girls who have problems in their personal lives. He is able to attract male energy.

Each couple is confused, quarrels. To reduce such troubles, it is worth making an anthurium. As you can see, the flower "male happiness" brings harmony, stability, mutual understanding in the relationship of the spouses. But he alone will not be able to cope with this; a spathiphyllum, considered a female flower, will be paired with him. Each of the spouses should take care of their β€œhappiness” themselves, only in this case there will be no quarrels or misunderstandings in the family.

indoor flower male happiness

Anthurium helps solve financial problems. Healthy manicured plants attract money to the house. Also, these plants help prevent a breakdown, prevent diseases, and relieve depressive states.

Strong energy helps to quickly restore strength, not give in to despondency.

Anthurium is a beautiful plant that not only helps, attracting all the best into the house, but also simply pleases with its uniqueness.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25240/

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