Claw removal in cats: host reviews, procedure description and features

Probably, every owner of a cat or cat faced with a situation when the animal begins to sharpen its claws in the wrong place. Favorite objects for this for four-legged pets are sofas, chairs, armchairs, wallpapers and other interior elements. Needless to say, what kind of appearance does a thing acquire.

To prevent such a nuisance, some owners decide on the “soft paws” procedure. This operation is carried out by almost any veterinary clinic. Why is this procedure extremely rare? How is claw removal in cats? Host reviews should be considered in detail before carrying your pet for surgery.

Procedure Overview

The operation "soft paws" is also called onihectomy. This is a relatively simple procedure, which is carried out under general anesthesia. Before exposing the animal to this operation, it is necessary to consider the reviews of the owners about the removal of claws in cats. Owners of such animals have two conflicting opinions about this procedure.

Cat claw removal

The fact is that in the process of surgery, the cat removes the upper phalanges on the forelimbs. In this case, not only the claw is removed, but also the place of its growth. For some owners of four-legged pets, this operation is the only way out in order to leave the animal in their home.

However, many negative reviews make you wonder many times whether to expose your cat or cat to such suffering. Many people think that such a surgical intervention is too cruel. There are several arguments for and against claw removal. All the features of the operation should be found out in detail.

When do the surgery

There are both positive and negative statements about onihectomy. Negative reviews of the owners prevail. The price of claw removal in cats in Moscow is about 6 thousand rubles. It should be noted that not all veterinarians agree to carry out this procedure. Surgery may only be indicated in special cases.

Cat Claw Removal Real Reviews

The need for onihectomy is a number of diseases that in rare cases are observed in cats and cats. For example, the presented procedure may be required for an animal if it suffers from epilepsy. In order to protect the cat from injuries during the attack, the claws are removed. Also, “soft paws” are indicated for deformations of the upper phalanges of the extremities. If the claw tissue is deformed, it is painful for the animal to walk because of this, such an operation is performed.

Some owners worry about the expensive upholstery of their furniture. It is for this reason that they bring the animal to the vet. Also, the absence of claws helps prevent the appearance of scratches on the skin of the owners, their guests. Many owners of cats and cats, who decided to conduct the operation, subsequently repent of their deeds.


Considering the prices and reviews of the procedure for cats “soft legs”, you need to start by studying the conduct of this operation. The claws will be removed only on the front legs of the animal (after all, only the cat spoils the furniture with them). This is best done when the animal is between six months and a year old.

Soft paw claw removal in cats

The animal is introduced into a state of general anesthesia. The procedure takes about half an hour. The postoperative period is about 3 days. At this time, bandages remain on the animal's paws. Be sure to wear a special collar on the cat. The four-legged pet must lie in the cage during this time. This will reduce its mobility. In the cat's toilet during the postoperative period, you can not sprinkle filler. Plain paper is allowed.

In the next few weeks, the owners should give their cat maximum attention. He will get used to his new condition. There is a risk of injury at this time. If the operation is performed by an unprepared person, without the proper level of qualification, the animal may remain disabled for life.

Why do people choose this operation?

The operation to remove the claws of cats, according to many, is a mockery of the animal. However, veterinarians still receive a lot of four-legged pets, whose owners still decided on this procedure.

Claw removal causes weakened paw muscles

Even despite all the consequences of removing the claws, in some cases, the owners of the cat do not see another way out. Their pet spoils furniture, home decoration and decoration. However, this is not the worst. In some cases, the animal may be aggressive towards the owners or their guests. In this case, scratches are difficult to avoid.

If an adult can be asked not to touch the “cute cat”, who is absolutely not inclined to show friendliness to the guests, then the situation is different with children. If the owners of the cat have a small child, a four-legged pet may be interested in the movements of the baby. If there is a chance that the cat will injure the baby, the owners, of course, decide to expose the cat to an unpleasant procedure.


Considering real reviews about the removal of claws in a cat, a lot of negative statements can be noted. In addition to various complications, the procedure injures the animal both physically and mentally. A veterinary clinic can recommend many different options that will allow you to train a cat.

You can also cut the claws with special scissors. However, this procedure has several disadvantages. When cutting claws, they begin to grow faster. At the same time, the animal experiences an irresistible craving to sharpen them. Interior items will also suffer.

Cat Claw Removal Operation

You can purchase special rubber tips on the claws. They protect not only furniture, but also those around them from scratches. Such devices can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies. However, the best way specialists called competent training.

The consequences of the operation

The effects of claw removal in cats can be quite serious. If the procedure is performed by an unskilled specialist, there is a risk of developing many pathologies. Kotu can be painful to walk. He will limp.

Soreness during movement will lead to the fact that the animal will be inactive. This will lead to the development of other ailments. First of all, the pet's low mobility will affect the liver, kidneys, heart, stomach, lungs.

Cat claw removal procedure reviews

Even if the procedure is performed correctly and without complications, it will be difficult for the cat to navigate in space. It can break from a height, poorly maintains balance. In addition to physical inconvenience, psychological trauma is necessarily manifested. The animal feels defenseless and depressed.

Possible complications

After the correct procedure, the cat gets used to its new state within about 3 months. However, such an operation often results in various complications. For example, the removal of claws causes weakening of the muscles of the paws. The animal experiences pain when moving. Therefore, it stops moving a lot, running.

An inflammatory process may also begin. The wounds on the legs heal very slowly. At the same time, there is a risk that new claws will try to germinate at the site of the removed phalanges. This requires a new, more complex and painful operation. In some cases, the animal dies after surgery due to blood loss.

For this reason, such an operation is carried out only in the most extreme case.

Psychological trauma

In addition to the physical torment experienced by the animal, there is another important negative factor during the “ soft paw” procedure . Removing claws in cats causes psychological trauma. This animal is by nature a hunter. Claws are a means of protection.

Removing claws in cats consequences

A pet lacking the ability to defend itself feels weak and depressed. It is impossible to let him out into the street without supervision. Once in a wild environment, a cat without claws dies. This must be remembered by the owners of the animal. A pet can experience real depression. He may lose interest in food, games. This leads to a sharp deterioration in the general condition.

In the first few months, going to the toilet can be a real tragedy. It becomes painful for the cat to bury excrement into the filler. As a result, the toilet begins to be perceived as something hostile. The cat can go to the toilet in an inappropriate place for this. Moreover, he will choose the softest and “safest” places. It will be much more difficult to wean him from such a habit than not to scratch the furniture.

Opinion of veterinarians

Reviews about the procedure for cats "soft legs" leave veterinarians around the world. Many clinics decide to conduct such an operation. However, there are a lot of veterinarians who for any money will not do such a procedure without a special prescription.

Experienced professionals around the world do not recommend removing the claws of a cat or cat. They believe that there are many alternative solutions that can be selected for each animal. Even if the procedure is performed correctly and does not give any physical complications, the mental, emotional state of the cat will significantly worsen.

Owners will need to spend a lot of time in order for their pet to feel protected. Sometimes, to restore the cat’s confidence in its owners, according to veterinarians, it becomes simply impossible.

Positive reviews

Considering the reviews on the claw removal procedure in a cat, it should be noted that only 25% of the interviewed owners of the operated pets are satisfied with the result. In most cases, people regret having subjected the animal to such torment.

Among the positive reviews, you can read a lot of sayings about the whole furniture and decoration. Such people claim that the cat no longer scratches them. Guests, children can calmly pet the cat. However, one should think about why the animal used to be aggressive towards excessive attention. If guests start to scuffle, scare, tease a pet, he will definitely stand up for himself. When he has no claws, the cat will become defenseless. Owners must protect the pet from excessive attention.

Negative reviews

Host reviews of claw removal in cats are mostly negative. 75% of respondents believe that this is a cruel procedure. The healing process takes a long time. It will be painful for the animal to walk during the first week. It will not be able to fully go to the toilet, enjoy life. The veterinarians agree with this opinion.

Even if there are no complications, cats and cats have a bad character. The likelihood that the animal will go to the toilet in the wrong place increases. It is extremely difficult to look at the suffering of a cat or cat during the healing period. The owners have to constantly be near the pet. Even the usual jump on your favorite chair, where the cat likes to sleep, will cause a lot of problems. The cat may fall, get injured. Addiction to a new state is painful and long enough.

After reviewing the reviews of the owners about the removal of claws in cats, the opinion of specialists, many negative statements should be noted. There are many alternative solutions that allow the cat to keep its claws and prevent damage to interior objects and the appearance of scratches on the skin of people.


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