Colchicum (colchicum): planting and plant care

This perennial ornamental plant - colchicum - is very common in many parts of Europe and Asia. In our area, the flower is better known as colchicum. Planting and caring for this plant have their own nuances, although they do not present great difficulties. Learn the advice of flower growers on how to grow this very beautiful plant in your area.

Colchicum planting and care

How does colchicum grow?

In early spring, the development of large elongated leaves is observed. By the beginning of summer, usually the leaves are already dying. Flowering occurs in the autumn period: very beautiful large flowers without leaves grow from the ground, and flowering occurs almost before the first snowfall. They grow to a height of about 20 cm. A box containing round seeds is low. For such an unusual rhythm of flowering and development, the plant got its name - colchicum. Planting and caring for it is very simple, so many gardeners are happy to plant this flower in their gardens. Although there are several species blooming in spring, autumn colchicum is the most common .

Colchicum autumn landing and care
Landing and care

In early spring, the plant develops. In the lower internodes of leaves, a corm begins to form. This bulb has an outgrowth and a kidney of rebirth. The old bulb decomposes, then the leaves, which have already fulfilled their purpose, also die off. A short period of autumn flowering ends with the development of the fruit with seeds that ripen only in the next year by the beginning of summer.

Colchicum can multiply by daughter bulbs, which are obtained after digging the corms in mid-summer, approximately in July, between the death of leaves and the beginning of flowering. Immediately after separation, landing begins. Wild species are propagated by seed, sowing them in June. In this case, the seedlings will sprout next spring, and the first flowers will appear only after 5 years.

Colchicum can be planted on any soil. The plant is very unpretentious to the composition of the soil, although preference is given to light and fairly loose soils rich in minerals. Colchicum grows well in one place without a transplant for many years. Location matters. Colchicum can be planted near tall grassy plants or near shrubs, but always exclusively from the south side. This point should be taken into account when breaking down flower beds or rock garden.

Corms of plants that bloomed in autumn should be planted in August. Depth for planting is 10-20 cm, depending on the size of the corm. The distance between the bulbs is usually 20 cm.

colchicus planting

Quite often, slugs affect colchicum. Planting and care should be combined with weeding, loosening and soil treatment with superphosphate.

Caution: Colchicum is poisonous!

All parts of this plant, both aboveground and corm, contain a dangerous poisonous substance - colchicine. Even water in which colchicum stood was dangerous to humans. Landing and care should be carried out with gloves. The poisonous alkaloid causes burns to the hands, an unpleasant burning sensation in the throat, nausea, dizziness, and even colic and paralysis.


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