Electric vibrorail: selection tips and reviews. Electric gas vibrorail

Work with large masses of concrete mixtures involves the use of an appropriate tool for compaction. The most effective means of achieving optimal characteristics of the mortar to be laid is the vibration effect. This effect is provided in many ways. One of the most affordable and at the same time effective tools of this type is the electric vibrorail, which is used in professional construction and in private households.

floating vibrorail electric

General information about vibration rails

The unit has a simple device that allows high-quality alignment and compaction of concrete and asphalt mixtures. At the heart of each vibrorail is an engine that carries out vibrational effects. First of all, vibration is transmitted to the slats, and from them the waves disperse throughout the solution. Beams are usually made of metal and are directly in contact with the oscillating mechanism. Correctly selected electric vibrating rail allows not only to improve the quality characteristics of the building mixture, but also to reduce the thickness of the initial layer due to the release of air as a result of compaction. At the same time, models of vibration rails endowed with various technical qualities are presented on the market.

vibrorail electric Price

Basic selection options

One of the key characteristics is the length of the slats. As a rule, slats have a length of 2 to 6 m. Sliding structures with adjustable length are also found. The choice for this indicator depends entirely on the amount of work. So, for a large area it is not profitable to purchase a two-meter model, and a small area may well be sealed with short guides. The next important selection criterion is the presence of a function for adjusting vibrational vibrations. Almost any vibrorail electric in modern design provides the ability to adjust the frequency of oscillation. If the first characteristic relates to the area of โ€‹โ€‹the working surface, then in this case it is worth focusing on the composition of the mixture. The harder and denser it is, the stronger the vibration effect should be. The function of adjusting the intensity of the rails makes the tool universal. The same applies to models that are adjustable in length. Such rails are called telescopic. In combination with a tunable vibration frequency, such equipment can be used for almost any compaction task.

Design Options

vibrorail electric

In addition to the variety of sizes of vibration rails, it is important to note the fundamental differences in structural designs. Two main types of such structures are distinguished - floating and sectional. The first option is an improved version of the classic sealing rail, which was controlled by mechanical direction in different directions on the working surface. In modern models, the floating electric vibrorail is equipped with ergonomic profiles, which one worker can handle. The structure moves along the serviced site, performing both compaction and smoothing of the mixture. Sectional models work on the same principle, but they are distinguished by higher power and, most importantly, the ability to connect additional rails. That is, in terms of performance, such units are much more efficient, therefore they are more often used at large-scale construction projects.

Gasoline or electric?

Vibration rails also differ in the type of drive system. Two power support options are available on the market - gasoline and electric engines. Both types of drive have their own advantages and disadvantages, which are manifested depending on the conditions of application of the equipment. But to begin with, it is worth noting the work in which it is appropriate to use both manual vibration rails. Electric and gasoline models are equally suitable for small amounts of work in an open area. In this case, ICE can be used due to exhaust directly into the air, and not indoors, and it is always advisable to use an electric motor as such for small operations.

petrol vibrorail electric

Now it is worthwhile to examine in more detail the differences in these units. Electric models are more convenient from a control point of view, so they should be chosen by beginners in construction. At the same time, for work with large areas, the best choice will still be a gas vibrorail. An electric machine will theoretically cope with a large volume, but it will take a lot of time and additional effort on the part of the user.

Manufacturer's Reviews

A rare case when domestic products occupy a leading position in the segment of construction equipment. Under the brand name "Red Lighthouse", models of various sizes, gasoline and electric, are produced. As users note, the designs of this brand are durable, maneuverable and easy to manage. Another Russian manufacturer that has established itself in this niche is the company Narvin. In this case, an industrial electric vibrorail is proposed, the price of which is about 20 thousand rubles. There are also models with a lower price tag that are designed for typical construction tasks, but this is not the strongest part of the Narvin range. If you need an inexpensive version of the initial class, then it is better to turn to the foreign brand Zitrek.


manual and electric vibrorails

To save money, many construction crews still practice mechanical methods of compacting cement and concrete mortars. Such an alternative eliminates the cost of transporting equipment, does not require investments in the tool itself and its energy supply. But, an electric vibrorail, for example, is small in size and practically does not cause transportation problems. But it can be used both on the street construction site and indoors. But the most important advantage of vibration profiles is the end result. None of the manual mechanical tools will not provide the same strength of the solution, which gives it a vibrorail with an electric drive.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25263/

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