Wrinkled rose: description, planting and care, reproduction

Among the numerous ornamental shrubs, the genus Rosehips occupies a special place. One of the most popular plants of this genus is a wrinkled rose. Long-term preservation of decorative qualities allows you to use it to decorate the site. In addition, rose hips have a tremendous content of vitamins, and therefore this plant is grown for medicinal purposes.


Wrinkled rose belongs to the genus Rosehip from the Pink family. The birthplace of this plant is Japan, China and the Far East. Under natural conditions, the rose grows on sandy and rocky coasts, as well as in meadows near water bodies. The shrub has a spreading crown and grows to a height of 2.5-3 meters. The name of the rose is given due to highly wrinkled leaves with a gray-green fringe and reaching a length of about 20 centimeters.

Wrinkled Rose Description

Some hybrid varieties have a smooth and shiny leaf surface. Numerous spikes on the shoots are red and curved. Almost all varieties and hybrids of this rose have large and very fragrant flowers, the diameter of which varies from 6 to 12 centimeters. The flowering period lasts throughout the summer, and the most abundant in June. In rare cases, it is possible to observe the repeated flowering of rose hips, when fruits and flowers bloom simultaneously on the shrub.

Popular varieties and hybrids

In this section we invite you to get acquainted with the most beautiful varieties of wrinkled roses. Planting different varieties is almost the same, as well as further care for them.

  • F.Y. Grootendorst. This variety is characterized by medium-sized terry flowers of raspberry red color. A distinctive feature of the flowers is their unusual shape, reminiscent of cloves. Abundant flowering persists throughout the growing season. This variety is very frost-resistant, therefore it does not require shelter for the winter. The main care is watering, fertilizing and mulching.
  • Pink Grootendorst. Shrub of amazing beauty, covered with pale pink double flowers, having a diameter of about 4 centimeters. The carved edges of the petals resemble carnation flowers. This variety pleases with repeated flowering in early autumn.
  • Abelzieds. A fairly tall shrub (about 2 meters), having the shape of a pyramid. Cup-shaped flowers of pale pink color reach a five-centimeter diameter and have a terry structure. The variety is characterized by long flowering and resistance to cold.
  • Rugelda. A yellow variety of wrinkled roses. The height of the bush reaches almost two meters, and the width is a little more than a meter. Pale yellow flower petals bloom from reddish buds. The variety is resistant to many diseases and the effects of harmful insects.
    Wrinkled rose variety

Creating comfortable conditions for growing

Rose rugosa, as this plant is also called, is considered photophilous. She prefers flat areas, well deliberated by sunlight and protected from drafts. When planting roses in the shade of trees, be prepared for more meager flowering.

The rose has no special soil requirements. It is enough to use ordinary garden soil with good fertile properties. However, fertilizer should not be excessively carried away.

Almost all varieties and hybrids of this plant have good resistance to frost, and also easily tolerates a short summer drought.

Rose care

Features of planting and reproduction

A wrinkled rose (dog rose) propagates in garden conditions in three ways: seeds, cuttings and root shoots. The seed propagation method is used extremely rarely due to its complexity and splitting of the signs of the mother bush.

Therefore, the most preferred methods are considered to be cuttings and propagation by layering. These methods make it possible to obtain an absolutely identical plant while preserving the mother bush. It is about them that we will talk in more detail in the following sections.

Propagation by root shoots

There are two ways to harvest root shoots. The first is the spring digging of a 30-centimeter layer and cutting the maternal root with a sharp shovel at a distance of about 20 centimeters.

The second method does not involve digging up the shoots - it spills up and is covered with humus with a thickness of at least 30 centimeters, after which it is well shed with water. On the earthed area, the formation of adventitious roots begins. A year later, next fall, the roots are separated from the mother bush in such a way that 15 centimeters of the aerial parts remain.

Wrinkled Rose Varieties


The simplest and most popular way to propagate a wrinkled rose is cuttings. Harvesting of planting material begins in mid-summer - at this point, the growth of greenery slows down a bit. Young green cuttings are cut with a sharp knife or secateurs from the uterine bush so that each has at least three generative buds.

The bottom sheet is removed with the petiole. For better rooting, the cuttings are kept in a solution of "Heteroauxin". 200-300 milligrams of the drug is consumed per liter of water. The shank is immersed in a solution to a depth of not more than 3 centimeters and aged in it for a day.

Before transplanting, the soil is fertilized with a mixture of peat and humus, as well as superphosphate fertilizer and potassium salt. The soil mixture should consist of three parts of coarse sand and one part of lowland peat. The depth of planting seedlings is 15 centimeters, and the distance between plantings should be at least one and a half meters. At the end of planting watered, the soil is loosened and mulched. The ground part of the plant is cut by a third.

Pruning roses

Watering and feeding

In the first two years of the growth of a wrinkled rose, only watering is sufficient. Top dressing begins to make only from the third year of cultivation.

Moderate and regular watering is necessary for the plant at each stage of growth. Each bush requires at least 10 liters of water. For the entire season at least four water additions are carried out. In hot and dry weather, the frequency of watering increases.

In the spring, urea is added to the soil at the rate of 20 grams per square meter. As soon as the rose begins to bear fruit, autumn top dressing is added every 3 years. Organic and mineral fertilizers are introduced in the fall. Each bush consumes about 15 kilograms of compost or humus, 20 grams of potassium preparation and 50 grams of superphosphate.

For 6-7 years of growth, the root system of the rose reaches a length of 2.5 meters, and therefore the plant is able to tolerate prolonged drought. If you do not want the overgrowth of the bush due to the root system, the plant is fenced with iron sheets dug into the ground. In addition, the soil around the bush is constantly loosening and swelling.

Planting roses


One of the most important steps to care for a wrinkled rose is pruning. Despite the fact that this procedure is rather laborious, its benefits cannot be overestimated. After pruning, the plant not only improves growth, but blooms much more magnificent and bears fruit more abundantly.

In the first two years after planting, the bush does not need to trim the shoots. However, starting from the third year of cultivation, a plant of 15-20 branches should be formed. During pruning, all dried up and damaged shoots, as well as root offspring, will be removed. All healthy branches are cut to a height of about 18-20 centimeters. This year, the plant should have no more than 5-6 well-developed shoots. When young shoots appear on stumps and when they reach a length of 70-75 centimeters, the tops begin to shorten by 1/5. This scheme enhances fruiting and the active development of lateral shoots.

The pruning process itself is carried out every spring. When pruning, weak, unproductive and dried branches are removed. After 5-6 years after planting, the number of branches is strictly regulated - no more than 20 pieces on one bush.

Diseases and Pests

This plant is highly resistant to various diseases and the effects of harmful insects. But if the basic rules for care are not followed, the wrinkled rose begins to weaken. With a lack of fertilizers, humidity and lighting, as well as with their excess, the plant decreases its resistance to disease.

Diseases and Pests

Basically, the rose is subject to fungal diseases. These include powdery mildew, rust and fusarium. And of the most dangerous harmful insects, spider mites, leafworms, and sawflies can be noted. Therefore, to obtain a healthy plant, pleasing with its appearance for a long time, it is very important to follow all recommendations for care. If disease or pest attack could not be avoided, treatment of the plant with insecticidal preparations such as Actellic, Karbofos and Metathion will help. And for prophylactic purposes, a rugose rose can be sprayed with a weak solution of kerosene.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25265/

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