Domestic rat: reviews, keeping, care, feeding, breeding. How much does a rat live at home

Animal lovers have a variety of preferences: someone loves cats, someone closer to smart and loyal dogs, while others can watch the life of underwater inhabitants for hours. And for someone there is no better pet than a decorative (or domestic) rat. Are you surprised? But the story of the domestication and taming of rats originates from the Middle Ages.

The first decorative individuals, the descendants of the now popular pets, appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. The domestic rat (the reviews of the owners allow us to judge this) are distinguished by high intelligence, quick wit, cunning and memory, which many people can envy. It is these characteristics that contribute to the maintenance and growth of their popularity.

pet rat reviews

Even people who, to put it mildly, cool about rodents, with pleasure and interest watch tricks that are easy to master and demonstrate decorative rats. In this article, we will tell you all about these pets. You will find out how much the rat lives at home, how to feed it, what it loves and what it does not accept.


The domestic decorative rat is a small animal. The male weighs about 600 grams, the female is half the size - 300 grams. The length of the body is from 8 to 25 centimeters. The physique and shape of the muzzle depends on the breed, but most often they have an elongated nose shape. The body is covered with wool, the density of which also depends on the breed, the tail is almost bare, up to 18 centimeters long, legs are short. Color is more often monophonic - red, white, black, gray.

However, among some breeds there are individuals with a two-color coat. Eye color also depends on the color, for example, white rats have pink eyes, gray ones have black eyes.

how to care for rats at home

Types and breeds of decorative rats

There are many varieties of these animals, but some of them are more suitable for home keeping. They differ in the type of coat, size and longevity.


An animal with smooth shiny hair. This is the most common type of domestic rat that can be purchased at almost every pet store.


Today, this domestic rat is not very common. Owner reviews indicate that this is a wonderful pet that suits owners who are allergic to animal hair. Sphinxes have almost no hairline (on the ankles, under the eyes and in the groin there may be a sparse fluff).


Larger animals with low set round and large ears. This species was bred in California (1991). The breed received its name in honor of the hero of the animated film - the elephant Dumbo.

how much does a rat live at home

The head of a rounded shape is wider than that of other breeds, and the muzzle is pointed. The body shape is pear-shaped, but shorter than that of tailless individuals.


The peculiarity of this rodent is clear from the name of the breed, which is the result of a mutation. The first tailless rat was obtained not in a scientific laboratory, but from an amateur from the UK in 1983. This variety differs, for example, from the breed by the standard body shape - it is pear-shaped. Representatives of tailless rats should not have a tail bud.


This domestic rat is particularly wool. Owner reviews indicate that it is thinner and longer than other breeds. The body of sateen rats has the same shape as the standard breed animals, and the coat has a strong shine. It is thick and very pleasant to the touch.

Double rex

Representatives of this breed have double hair. The coat is so short that the skin is clearly visible through it, while the fur is twisted into large spirals. The stiff outer and soft down hairs are scattered throughout the body. You need to know that rats of this breed molt.

rat like a pet

During this period, in some areas, the hairline is temporarily completely absent, sometimes a thin layer of fluff covers them. Color may be different. The whiskers are twisted and short.

Life span

On average, domestic rats live about 1.5-2 years, but with proper care, this period can increase to 4 years. In addition, you should know that you should buy an animal from breeders, in nurseries or in pet stores, but not in the bird market. Only in this case, you will receive a guarantee that the animal is healthy and is not a carrier of serious diseases.

We hope that, knowing how much the rat lives at home, you will take seriously the choice of the animal and create the necessary conditions for it.

how to wash a domestic rat

The content of decorative rats at home

If you are going to have such a pet, then you need to know that these animals need to communicate. This is not about a three-minute contact through the grill. The rodent should sit on your shoulder or in your arms, sniff from head to toe, and try on the tooth of you, as your master and closest and only friend.

In addition, rats should be given the opportunity of more or less free movement around the apartment, since they need movement. First, let your pet master a limited territory (for example, one room) under the close supervision of the owner, then when the animal begins to respond to its name, resort to the sound of your voice, you can let it go for a walk around the apartment.

So, we have determined that a decorative rat, as a pet, needs communication and a real need for free movement. However, she needs her own home. The owner should know how to handle the animal, what to feed it with and what character the pet has.

Rat character

This phrase sounds intimidating and even a little unpleasant. But in reality, the domestic rat (owner reviews indicate this) has an excellent character and a number of advantages that make this rodent a favorite pet in many families.

A rat, like a pet, is not inferior in cleanliness to a cat. She also often washed. With proper and timely cleaning of the cage, there will be no unpleasant odor in the house. The content of a domestic rat can be combined with the training of this animal. Do not be surprised, but these animals, like dogs, can carry out various commands - "stand", "lay", "sit" and others. A treat will help you achieve results.

We can say that rats are omnivores. But in this article we will tell you what to feed these rodents should not. It is very interesting to watch these animals in a well-equipped cage: with a wheel, all kinds of rings and pipes. Rats deftly use the tail and their tenacious paws.

Equip a house for a rodent

Aquariums are not suitable for this animal because of poor ventilation, and cages for hamsters - because of the small area. A cage for a domestic rat should be special. It is rather a two-, or better, a three-story house, a kind of cottage with many different simulators.

home rat cage

In addition to its impressive size, the house for the rat must meet the following requirements:

  • the cage should be made of strong metal rods, which are located at a distance of 10 mm;
  • a deep pan is required;
  • all simulators should be securely fastened;
  • in the house you need to install a drinker with clean water; it is better to use paper without printing ink, sawdust, wood shavings as a filler (layer thickness - at least 5 cm);
  • you must have a shelter - a secluded place where your pet can relax, hiding from the direct rays of the sun, to equip such a nest a children's bucket of plastic or a clay pot is suitable;
  • the cage should be cleaned at least once a week - completely change the filler, clean the pallet without using household chemicals with a strong aroma.

How to feed a rat?

Many owners, knowing that rats are omnivores, make a fairly common mistake. Omnivore does not mean that your little pet can eat everything. The diet of this nimble animal, which is constantly studying the world around it, must be formed based on its needs.

domestic rats feeding

What do domestic rats need? The pet is fed with products containing a large amount of carbohydrates (50-60% of the diet), protein for animal growth (25-30%), fats (10-20%). Products prohibited for these animals should be excluded from the diet of the animal. These include:

  • fatty, salty and spicy foods;
  • sweets;
  • citrus;
  • raw vegetables: potatoes, beets, beans, cabbage and spinach;
  • raw meat.

The daily diet of a domestic rat should include:

  • solid food (carrots, crackers, etc.), which will help grind constantly growing teeth;
  • vitamin-mineral complexes that can be purchased at pet stores, and / or products that can provide the animal with the necessary substances: eggplant and bananas, tomato juice and plums, yeast and chalk, onions and garlic, fish oil.

A rat needs lean boiled meat, seedless fruits and berries, sour-milk and dairy products. A healthy rat eats 30-40 grams of fresh food per day. She should not chew constantly, and do not let her chew on the remnants of food a week ago, they should be regularly removed from the cage.

Do I need to bathe a rat?

Being interested in how to care for rats at home, many owners are wondering if water procedures are needed for this animal. A domestic rat is not only possible, but also necessary to bathe. For females, this procedure is carried out approximately once a month, and males should be wiped with a damp cloth between monthly bathings.

How to wash a domestic rat? Simple enough, but following certain rules.

  1. During the first baths, it is advisable to insure the presence of a second person for insurance, in case the animal is suddenly scared.
  2. Close the room from drafts - rats catch a cold easily.
  3. Water should not be hot.
  4. Bathe a rat in a container with a small amount of water, especially if your pet is afraid of it. There should be such a quantity of liquid that the rat can stand in the bath.
  5. For washing, you must use a special shampoo for rodents, which does not cause allergic reactions and makes the hair of your animal shiny and smooth, moreover, such a composition is easily washed off.

Relationship with other animals

Before starting an unusual pet, it is important to know not only how to care for domestic rats. If you already have an animal in the house, you must consider their compatibility. By nature, a domestic rat is very shy. For this reason, it takes a long time to get used to other animals. But over time, she realizes that there is no danger, and the animals find a common language.

In many ways, the attitude depends on your second pet. If you have a fighting dog or an aggressive cat, then it is better to refuse a rat.


Rats are smart and inquisitive, it’s not difficult to teach them some skills that are primarily necessary for a successful stay with a person.

The rat can be taught:

  • respond to the name and comes to the call of the owner;
  • to return after a walk into the cage;
  • rise on the hind legs.

The latter is, rather, a focus for children or guests, but if you teach your pet to respond to his voice and return home - this is really important in the communication of a brisk animal with the owner.

To make the rat easily trained, it is necessary to choose a short and sonorous name and stock up on your favorite pet treat (pieces of cooked meat or seeds). Repeating the name of the rat in a gentle and quiet voice, encourage it if it starts to move the way you want. Repeat this exercise periodically, and soon you will find that, barely hearing your call, she will immediately come running to you.

You can teach a rat to return to the cage in the same way, repeating her name at the house. Or at the same time tapping on the cage. For example, in the evening, not forgetting to treat your friend with seeds.

It’s even easier to teach a rat to stand on its hind legs. Lift up the treat right by the nose of the animal. The rodent will reach for treats and stand on its hind legs. After a short training, he will do it easily and quickly.

Breeding domestic rats

If you keep animals of different sexes, then soon they will breed naturally. One female can bring about twenty rat pups every month and a half. Even when she is feeding babies, there is a chance of a new pregnancy. Therefore, heterosexual rats in one cage are not recommended.

home decorative rat

Sexual maturity in domestic rats occurs at one and a half months of age. However, a healthy offspring can be given by a female no younger than 5-8 months old and a male older than 1 year old. Pregnancy lasts an average of twenty-five days. The female takes care of the offspring for 4-5 weeks, until the young are immune, and they will not receive the necessary life experience from the mother.

Five weeks later, the young should be deposited from the mother and separate the females from the males. But quite often in pet stores do not pay attention to this rule, so there is a danger of acquiring a pregnant female.


Another rule that owners often neglect. And completely in vain. The acquired rat must be isolated from other animals (if they already live in the cage) for four weeks. It is placed in another house and in another room, as some viruses can sometimes be transmitted through the air.

In order not to infect old pets, after talking with a new rat, wash your hands with soap and water, carefully monitor the animal for signs of illness.

Owner reviews

A decorative rat, according to the owners, is a wonderful pet - cheerful and lively, which does not require very complicated care. The only drawback many owners call the short life of the animal, so it is so important to observe the conditions of feeding and keeping. In order not to cut it even further.


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