Raspberry "polka": reviews of gardeners

Raspberry Polka (reviews)
Raspberry "polka", reviews of which testify to the popularity of this European variety everywhere, became famous for its record yield. There is evidence that, with proper agricultural technology, you can collect up to 12 t / ha. This highly profitable variety is beneficial to grow both on large and small land plots. What kind of miracle raspberry is “polka”? Reviews of Polish breeders who crossed such high-yielding varieties as Otm Bliss and P89141 were fully confirmed by gardeners in many countries that grew this berry.

This variety belongs to the repair. It has average shoot formation rates. The main fruiting occurs on the shoots of the current year. Raspberry "polka", reviews of which testify to the strong branches of its erect bushes, forms about 30 flowers on annual branches. Shoots 2 and 3 years bring a much smaller crop. Among the tallest varieties, one of the leading places is raspberry polka. Reviews of gardeners suggest that the forcing of new shoots sometimes reaches 1.5 m. Their peaks do not bend under the weight of the berries, and the bush does not require additional support or trellis. There are small spikes on the shoots.

Raspberries (planting, care)

This variety is resistant to spider mites, gray rot. Bushes bear fruit a little later than other medium-late varieties. The main wave of harvest falls in August. This raspberry has a rather long fruiting period. Harvesting can continue until the onset of frost. It is these features of this variety that determined its high profitability. Even in late autumn, raspberry polka is found on the markets. Customer reviews say that the taste of these berries is simply excellent. Such raspberries well tolerates the collection and transportation, without losing their presentation. The pulp does not flow for a long time. The conical fruits of this variety are large (up to 12 g). They reach a length of 3 cm. The pulp of the berries is dense, shiny, slightly pubescent. It has a purple color, sweet and sour taste and a characteristic aroma. This raspberry, planting, care of which is not particularly difficult, brings the crop twice a year (June and August-September). The only insignificant disadvantage of this variety is that summer berries are slightly tastier than autumn ones.

Raspberry seedlings

This variety forms numerous root offspring that can be easily used to propagate the culture. Polka raspberry seedlings should be planted in sunny, sheltered areas. This variety prefers slightly acidic soils. Raspberry is also responsive to the application of organic fertilizers. In early spring, annual shoots are pruned. At the same time, broken, diseased, frozen and weak branches are removed. Cutting the tops of each shoot by 10-15 cm, you can provide an increase in the size of the berries and their number. The young shoot of this raspberry, which appeared in May and planted in another place, manages to give berries in the first year. After harvesting, the fertilized shoots are cut off. If they are not cut, the fruits that appeared on them in July will fade. Berries of this variety are suitable for freezing, jams, compotes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25275/

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