Story "Foreign Blood": a summary. Sholokhov M.A., "Don Stories"

One of the best works of the Don Don Stories series (author M. Sholokhov) - “Another's Blood” - tells of selfless parental love, which is an inexhaustible source of good on earth.

Kruzhina old father

Gavril’s grandfather woke up early. Having lit up, every morning he thought about one thing - about his son who disappeared in the war. Petro was alone with them. When the war began, the old man - a former Cossack warrior - gave him the uniform and carried out the order to fight gloriously, as was customary in their family. And since the son mounted his horse, bravely straightened his saber and moved away from his dear base, no one saw him. On what land did Peter lay down his head? Heavy thoughts never let go of old Gavril.

alien blood summary of scolding

Soviet authority

A month after the departure of his son, the Reds entered the village. Since then, a burning hatred of the new government was ripening in the soul of the grandfather. He deliberately wore harem pants with red stripes, and decorated his chest with medals and crosses received over the years of service to the tsar.

Gavrila’s description of the feelings continues the story “Alien Blood”. Summary (Sholokhov describes in detail how the once-solid household came to desolation) of the second chapter is that the father comforted himself with the hope of the return of his son. He prepared for him a short fur coat, uniform, boots, hat, which lay in the chest, waiting for the owner.

Slowly, time passed until Gavrila was once told the news: Peter's colleague returned from Turkey. Grandfather immediately went to Prokhor, but did not find him at home. The old man did not sleep all night, waiting for news of his son.

Bitter news

In the morning, Prokhor appeared. The conversation began slowly. We discussed life under the Soviet regime, the weather. Father seemed afraid to ask the main question - Sholokhov shows.

“Alien Blood” - the short summary of the story you are reading - a work about how the Civil War became a tragedy for the people . Like a sentence, the words of Prokhor sounded for Gavrila: “They cut down! ... Death ... I saw it with my own eyes. " The only son, breadwinner, for whom he worked all his life! And at night the old man went out to the threshing floor and quietly called out: “Son! Petro!" Then he lay down on the trampled snow and “closed his eyes hard” ...

Food Survey

Grandfather lived on his own, did not know the news. On Sunday, the appearance of the chairman and three with rifles on the porch surprised him, notes Sholokhov. “Alien Blood” - a brief summary does not allow us to convey all the details of the conversation - includes a description of the terrible process of seizing bread for the Cossacks. What was acquired by hard work, now passed to the Soviet regime. I could not save my goodness and Gabriel.

Suddenly several horse-drawn Cossacks jumped to the courtyard. Shots rang out, then the Kuban who was in front with a saber chopped up the foodstuff ... Everything happened swiftly. Gavrila, who was watching what was happening, did not immediately realize that the Cossack who had jumped up to him was asking for an oat. But then there was a cry: “From the mountain infantry”, and the horsemen left the yard — the head of the Sholokhov was finishing.

analysis of the story alien blood sholokhov m a

Alien blood

The summary continues with a description of the completely unpredictable act of Grandfather Gavrila, who hates the Soviets with all his heart.

Shots in the village died down only in the evening. The old man went out into the courtyard and saw next to a stack of half-stripped food squads stacked in a row. Gavrila bent over the dead. A very young boy — no more than nineteen years old — caught his eye. Grandfather unconsciously touched his chest and suddenly felt a faint beating of life. He dragged the wounded man into the house, where he washed the blood, and then he rubbed the “sad-cold” chest until tired.

Four days lay unconscious saved. Gavril and the old woman poured milk and mutton broth into his mouth. And when the boy began to show signs of life, the old man sat by his bed and listened to incoherent speeches. Increasingly, he felt, looking at the young man, how tears began to boil inside, and felt uninvited pity. And when once the commander of a passing regiment drove up to him and asked to take care of the wounded, Gavrila firmly answered: “We will save”.

The old woman, who transferred all unspent love for her missing son, did not leave the patient.

Only on the sixteenth day the guy spoke for the first time. The old man, learning that his name was Nicholas, said briefly: "... we will click on Peter."

scholokhov alien blood summary

The content and analysis of the story “Alien Blood” by M. Sholokhov shows how in the soul of an old Cossack hatred of the Soviet regime, which turned his whole life up and taking his only son away, gives way to love for an unfamiliar Red Army soldier who needed his help and care. Thus, the humanistic principle inherent in every person comes to the fore.

Newfound son

Nikolai was slowly recovering: thanks to the care of the elderly, the wounds were healed, and he gained strength. Gavrila felt that he was becoming increasingly attached to him with his soul. He even felt jealous of his wife when he went out into the yard, and she remained next to Peter. Once, the grandfather ordered her to get things from the chest that he was preparing for his son.

Finally, in the spring, Peter said: “Today I get up, father!” Gavril’s last word brought “embarrassed joy,” writes Sholokhov. Foreign blood - a brief summary does not include a description of all the experiences that the old people who took care of someone else's son experienced - suddenly became native.

Nikolai said that he was brought up at the factory, worked there before the war. Upon learning that the guy has no family, Gavrila invited him to stay with them forever. Petyushka replied that as long as the summer lived, and there it would be seen.


Closer to the fall, Nikolai was brought a letter. The old man, twirling it in his hands, immediately felt something was amiss and was not mistaken. Former comrades of their named son called him to the factory. Peter lingered for a long time and in the end made the decision that Gabriel was so afraid of: go to the Urals.

The separation was difficult: as if the old man was again seeing off his own blood: “The clear sun will die out without us.” He understood that Petro would never turn back.

The theme of parental love in the story

Talking about the fate of old Gavrila, M. Sholokhov emphasizes how inhuman and destructive the Civil War was. One more question worries the author. It is very important for a person to leave behind descendants who will honor his memory and traditions of his ancestors. That is why, with the death of his own son, the economy of Gavrila falls into decay: there is no one to live for. And suddenly, as a salvation, Nikolai appears, again giving the elderly the joy of parental love.

Sholokhov has another story - “Wormhole”. He is about how a hero who failed to overcome hatred of the new government in his soul kills his own son, who has become a Komsomol member. This describes the terrible split that occurs in individual families and in society as a whole.

sholokhov m alien blood

War does not spare anyone. But in some, it arouses humanity and compassion, in others, it incites more and more hatred, which makes us forget about moral laws. This idea is proved by the summary of the story “Wormhole” and “Alien Blood”.


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