Solid fuel boiler of Russian production: photos, reviews

On the market today you can find many models of solid fuel boilers. They can be pyrolysis or traditional, the latter work on sawdust, pellets, wood or coal.

Reviews about the device of the boiler

solid fuel boiler made in Russia

Any solid fuel boiler of Russian production has a firebox, which is a loading hopper; an ash chamber, an ash pan for collecting ash, a water jacket, dampers, a chimney, as well as an outlet and inlet pipe. According to users, an automatic control unit and a fan may enter the boiler device. With the help of automation, you can control the circulation pump of the system, adjust the quality of the air supply to change the intensity of the combustion process, which will depend on a certain temperature regime. If you need a solid fuel boiler made in Russia, then, as buyers emphasize, maximum efficiency can be achieved with a slight excess of air and the smallest heat loss with flue gas exhaust. To do this, the chimney must have a regulator, which is designed to mix cold air inside it, this allows you to save the greatest amount of heat inside the furnace of the equipment. It is worth listening to the opinion of experienced users who emphasize that a cold chimney indicates a high-quality solid fuel boiler, the efficiency of which is quite high.

The presence of additional functionality

solid fuel boiler long burning Russian production

Pyrolysis boilers most often have an automatic traction control, while the circuit is connected to the lower air supply window. Under the grate, the required amount of air enters to ensure fuel combustion. As soon as the firewood ignites, the chain regulator will help to close the lower window, eliminating excessive air supply to the combustion chamber. A solid fuel boiler of Russian production may also have manual adjustment, with its help it is possible to reduce or increase traction by choosing a certain temperature regime.

Specialist advice

solid fuel boilers of Russian production photo

If you decide to purchase a pyrolysis boiler, then first of all you should pay attention to the secondary air supply regulator with a combustion chamber. If such a regulator is present, then this will allow igniting the CO 2 generated during the solid fuel combustion stage. This can increase the efficiency of the equipment.

Steel boilers

solid fuel boilers russian made reviews

If you want to buy a solid fuel boiler made in Russia, it is important to consider that the efficiency in steel equipment is higher. Steel is a less brittle material than cast iron, for this reason steel heating units have the advantage of being able to give the combustion chamber a more complex geometric shape. According to customers, this allows you to increase heat transfer, increase the efficiency of the boiler. It is worth considering, however, that the cost of a solid fuel steel unit with a complex configuration of the combustion chamber will be higher.

Reviews on the method of loading fuel and the location of the boiler room

solid fuel boiler of Russian production for the home

Before you purchase a solid fuel boiler for long burning of Russian production, you should consider that not every model is suitable for specific conditions. The consumer should pay attention to how the fuel is loaded into the compartment. Most often in cast iron boilers, coal and firewood are loaded from the side. However, on the market you can find models that are characterized by top loading. For many consumers, the boiler room is located inside the house, in their opinion, this can create some inconvenience. After all, you must consider that with the heater door open, smoke will enter the house. In order to eliminate this unpleasant factor, consumers recommend boilers with top loading to be located in a separately built boiler room.

Reviews of the main characteristics of solid fuel boilers

solid fuel heating boilers of Russian production

On sale today in a large assortment you can find solid fuel boilers of Russian production, photos of which will help to familiarize themselves with them visually. When choosing this equipment, you need to consider the area of โ€‹โ€‹the room. According to reviews, for 10 square meters you need to choose equipment that will be able to generate 1 kilowatt of thermal energy. This indicator can be considered the norm under the following conditions. The ceiling height should not be more than 3 meters, the quality and quantity of windows should comply with existing standards. Residential buildings should be well insulated, which will help reduce heat loss.

A solid fuel boiler made in Russia for the home should have a capacity equivalent to 20 kilowatts, which is true if the area of โ€‹โ€‹the house is 200 square meters. At first glance, it may seem that all the requirements of the above conditions are met, but there is one factor that should not be forgotten. According to users, if the equipment is selected correctly, and heat losses and buildings meet all the standards and requirements, then in the cold time of the day, to maintain the desired temperature, it will be necessary to throw firewood into the furnace, doing it all the time, it cannot be called convenient.

In order not to encounter such difficulties, it is recommended to purchase a boiler with a certain power reserve. For example, for a power of 20 kilowatts, it is best to choose a boiler that will be able to produce 40 kilowatts of thermal energy. The combustion rate is controlled by a manual regulator or automatic, which provides oxygen to the combustion chamber. When choosing solid-fuel heating boilers of Russian production, which are supposed to be installed in a large boiler room, in some cases it is necessary to use a buffer tank, it is mounted between the heating system and the boiler. As users emphasize, during operation, the equipment will heat the water that accumulates in the heat accumulator, and after the end of work, it will be supplied to the heating system.

Working Pressure Reviews

solid fuel boilers of Russian production

Solid fuel boilers of Russian production, reviews of which are often quite positive, may have different working pressure of the coolant. Most often, their working pressure ranges from 1 to 3 bar. Before choosing a solid fuel boiler, you need to study the technical specifications and equipment passport. The fact is that some manufacturers indicate a working pressure that does not exceed 1.6 bar. This may be unacceptable for several reasons.

Firstly, this indicator of the highest pressure suggests that the manufacturing company saved on the thickness of the metal that forms the basis of the water jacket. Some consumers say that this factor makes us think about the quality of the assembly of the product.

Secondly, if we are talking about a two- or three-story house, then the equipment will be installed on the ground floor. For this reason, the mentioned maximum working pressure will correspond to 16 meters of water, which may be insufficient for heating the second floor.

Thirdly, if you decide to choose such solid fuel boilers of Russian production, then to ensure the reliability of the product's operation it will be necessary to establish a safety group with a valve response threshold to protect 1.6 bar.


So, we examined solid fuel boilers of Russian production. All of the above indicates the need to select this equipment with the highest working pressure: from 2 to 3 bar.


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