Gone With the Wind: Reader Reviews

There is probably no person who has not heard of Scarlett O'Hara. The bright, memorable heroine of the novel challenges everyone and everything. He goes against the rules, has no idea about moral values. At first glance, Scarlett is a person who does not inspire any confidence. A person who does not take into account the feelings of others does not accept rejection and wants to achieve his goal in any way.

How is the novel addictive?

book gone with the wind reviews

Throughout the novel, Scarlett is gradually freed from the self-imposed sense of love for a man who did not reciprocate. Through this love, she loses the respect of others, the love of loved ones. But it is changing, step by step parted with selfishness and categorical.

Stronger and stronger attracts the attention of readers, becoming Scarlett's most beloved heroine. The book is addictive. And imperceptibly for himself, the reader realizes that throughout the novel he revises life values ​​with her, changes. He even quotes the phrases of the protagonist that have become famous. And he returns to the book again and again.

The film, based on the novel of the same name, is considered one of the highest grossing in the history of cinema. Given the fact that he came out on the screens back in 1939, enjoys great success now. The book has been reprinted countless times, and is considered one of the most significant in the history of literature. Gone With the Wind Mitchell, no doubt, has earned the right to be called legendary.

scarlett book

Who is the author of the book

The author of the masterpiece, Margaret Mitchell, was born in Atlanta. In the same city where many of the actions of the novel about Scarlett are developing. The book accurately reflects the historical events, places, society and moral principles of this city.

Her father was a lawyer, her mother was one of the first ladies of Atlanta, the organizer and participant of many charitable societies. Margaret grew up a tomboy, and was very fond of watching her brother while he was riding a horse. One day, watching him, she did not notice how the fire from the heater spread to her clothes.

The girl received burns, and the doctor advised her parents to put on men's trousers. As Margaret recalled, she liked freedom so much - you can climb fences and trees, ride and run, that at the first opportunity, she continued to wear men's clothes.

The tomboy girl also did not want to attend school, but her strict mother was a graduate of one of the prestigious colleges and made every effort to ensure that the child received a good education. The character of the girl manifested itself here. She read a lot, but instead of Shakespeare and Dickens, she preferred love stories and women's magazines. From the age of 9 she began to write stories.

gone with the wind book briefly

Rebellious disposition

As Margaret shares in her diary, if she were a boy, she would definitely prefer a military career. And she chooses the profession of a journalist, which at that time was considered masculine. Margaret worked for several years in one of the Atlanta publications and here she showed her rebellious disposition - she wrote to one of the newspapers "The Feminist Manifesto" under her name, and even attached a photograph in a completely "indecent form."

Needless to say, the family did not appreciate this act. Grandmother burned this masterpiece in the fireplace and said to everyone that she no longer has a granddaughter. In spite of the prim relatives, Margaret marries a “charming sloppy”. As she recalled, she was captivated by the charming lack of manners and decency of her fiance.

Not without the “shocking” of Atlanta tricks. At the church’s wedding ceremony, instead of an accepted white bouquet of lilies, she took a huge bouquet of bright red roses. The next day, all the newspapers wrote about it, and the residents were indignant that their city had never seen such a thing before. Gone With the Wind is a book that clearly reflects the moral principles of this town. Perhaps that is why in the novel Margaret was able to accurately show their attitude to the main character of the novel, constantly violating their "traditional" values.

blown away parts of books

Rebellion and determination

The marriage lasted only 10 months. Margaret's husband was prone to drink and used to beat her. Having once caught him with a maid, Margaret resolutely filed for divorce. In southern America, it was nonsense. For a long time not only relatives, but also the whole okrug, had been gossiping about it. Margaret did not stop it, she went through all the legal obstacles and returned her maiden name.

Margaret continued to work as a journalist. She has written over 200 articles and won the nickname “Shark Pen.” The second time, Margaret married her longtime fan who had been in love with her for many years. For her sake, he quit his career and moved to Atlanta. Margaret leaves the work of a journalist and devotes himself to literary work.

In the book “Gone with the Wind" the main character is also distinguished by a rebellious disposition, she is not afraid of the established traditions of the south. Despite everything, she resolutely defends her opinion. Perhaps that is why Margaret was able to so clearly reveal these features of the heroine that they were inherent in herself?

Yes. It is the heroine who makes readers re-read the novel "Gone with the Wind." Reader reviews are full of admiration for her indomitable disposition, the habit of vigorously expressing her emotions, while knowing that she is departing from the norms accepted in her society.

book gone with the wind by mitchell

Book birth

No matter how corny it sounds, but the novel owes the appearance of a prosaic event. Once, while riding a horse, Margaret, while trying to overcome an obstacle, falls from her and injures her ankle. After an injury, he wears special shoes and a few years later Margaret was diagnosed with arthrosis. About a year she did not go, during the illness she reread all the novels available to her.

As a child, she often heard stories from her grandmother about the war of the south and north of America, about the Confederate soldiers, and about the Yankee soldiers. Margaret's ancestors were participants in the war, and her parents showed her the consequences of this disaster: lonely sticking out burnt chimneys of once noble houses that had left entire families without a trace in the war.

All events of that time are perfectly shown by the book Gone with the Wind. The reviews of historians once again confirm how accurately the author managed to reproduce and describe them. All these stories were deposited in the memory of Margaret and, of course, formed the basis of the future novel. And, of course, in the center of the story should be a heroine - beautiful, decisive, courageous.

main idea

So, the story of the Old South formed the basis of the novel. Margaret sought to accurately reflect historical events in her novel, so she studies the local press of those years, studies the work of historians. She managed to subtly notice the reasons for the defeat of the South. Reviews of the book “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell of numerous critics who tried to find the slightest errors in the novel confirm that they could not find deviations from reality in it.

The novel had a huge impact on the inhabitants of the South, as it reflected the reality of the events. Everything was noticed - the social status of the inhabitants of the Old South, the smallest details from the life of planters and slave owners, the attitude of the aristocracy to black slaves. The social life of noble gentlemen, the splendor and grace of majestic mansions.

After awarding the Pulitzer Prize to the novel , after a stunning success, after an unsuccessful search for errors, critics explain the reasons for the stunning success: the image of Rhett Butler, a plausible background of the events and great historical accuracy.

Gone With the Wind is a book that many famous Americans have commented on : Eleanor Roosevelt and the President himself. They praised the author of the book, who managed to accurately convey historical events. Well-known English writer Herbert Wells said: “The Gone With the Wind novel is much better tailored than the works of many deeply revered classics.”

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Summary of the novel

According to the author’s idea, the novel “Gone with the Wind" is divided into 2 parts. Parts of the books show the reader different Scarlett. In the first part, the eccentric beauty in love, striving, by all means, to get what she wants. She will stop at nothing for the sake of her love, in this part there are many feelings.

The second part of the novel reveals another Scarlett in front of us - she realized the value of her native land and is fighting for her Tara. The tragic events of her life help to rethink her feelings, habits, and allow her to look with other eyes at loved ones.

I part of the book

The novel takes place in southern Georgia. It is the year 1861. The charming green-eyed daughter of the owner of Tara (a plantation 25 miles from Atlanta) is the object of the sigh of many fans. But Scarlett herself loves only Ashley, who, as it seems only to her, is also not indifferent to her.

The Scarlett family is invited to a reception at the Wilkes estate, where they announce their engagement to Ashley and Melanie. Scarlett cannot understand what such a wonderful and beautiful Ashley found in this “blue stocking”. To annoy his beloved, he takes the courtship of his brother Melanie and agrees to become his wife.

Rumors of war are confirmed, and young people are going to defend their native South. Scarlett becomes a widow in a couple of months and moves to Atlanta. Gradually, military operations are complicated, and the situation of the southerners becomes critical. Scarlett, by all means, decides to return to Tara. Rhett Butler helps her leave Atlanta.

Announces her intention to go into resistance. Scarlett says that she is far from helpless and will be able to get herself. And they break up. They got to Tara safe and sound. There is chaos and ruin. But Scarlett does not give up, she does everything to save Tara.

gone with the wind book reviews

Part II of Gone With the Wind

Part 2 of the book begins with the fact that Scarlett may lose Tara. She understands that only Rhett Butler can save her and help her, since only he has the money. But Rhett refuses her help, and she marries Frank, named his sister. Soon she again becomes a widow.

Rhett proposes to her, and Scarlett becomes a rich lady. But the relationship between the spouses is getting worse every day, as Rhett understands that Scarlett’s heart still belongs to Ashley. After Melanie’s death, she realizes how lonely she is and she never seems to have loved Ashley, and how much Rhett Butler means to her.

But he, tired of her indifference, decides to leave. Scarlett is very hard. But her resilient nature does not want to admit defeat. She is convinced that not everything is lost, she will certainly find a way out, but will think about it tomorrow. Gone With the Wind is a book that cannot be briefly described. In the novel, much time is devoted to describing the feelings of the heroine, her feelings and reasoning. That is why the novel makes readers come back to it again and again.

South-North War

Initially, the novel was created in order to show the history of the civil war that swept the northern and southern states of America. The war lasted from 1861 to 1865 between the northern industrial states and the southern agricultural. At that time they existed as separate economic zones.

Industrial enterprises were concentrated in the north and immigrants were the main labor force in factories. Stability and high standard of living. Perhaps this can be described as the northern states. In the south, there were many free lands. Fertile land, favorable climate for farming, but lacked working hands.

Immigrants preferred the more prosperous north. And southerners used slaves on their plantations. A quarter of southerners at the time of hostilities were slaveholders. The states coexisted peacefully for a long time. However, the contradictions grew. In particular, the issue of abolishing slavery was one of the fundamental factors. Disagreements led to war.

Margaret Mitchell initially wanted to show in the novel how the war affected people. How much destruction she brought to the usual life of southerners. The novel also has many characters - slaves. The author considers military operations from their point of view. Describes the relationship between planters and their slaves. Mitchell is trying to recreate the story and look at the war of the North and South from the point of view of the participants in this campaign.

gone with the wind book description

The main character of Gone With the Wind

The description of the book can give a general idea of ​​the historical value of this novel. But to return to it again and again makes the main character Scarlett. The author managed to create the image of a proud southerner - Tara, independent, rebellious, decisive, courageous and loving her land.

The author so vividly created the image of Scarlett - lively, funny, cheerful, that the heroine of the novel comes to the fore. The book "Gone with the Wind", reviews of many, many readers confirm this, forcing readers to return to it again and again because of Scarlett. She - having lost her parents, friends, love, support in society - does not give up. He fights with the inherent strength and vitality of her strong character, corrects his stupidities and mistakes. He says “tomorrow will be a new day”, does not stop, fights and wins.

gone with the wind reviews

Reader Reviews

Many readers answer questions about which novel is their favorite — the book Gone With the Wind. Reviews of fans of this wonderful work confirm that the characterization in the book is above all praise. At the beginning of the book it is imperceptible. But by the middle, you begin to realize that the characters are described in a living language, the characters are revealed and change gradually, as a result of certain events.

Of course, the main character is Scarlett. It causes readers emotions in a wide range - from complete rejection to admiration. But her whole and vibrant nature leaves no one indifferent. She is remembered. Yes, she’s selfish, immoral, cynical. But she emerges victorious, she is above difficult conditions, above war. Habitual life is collapsing, but its reluctance to obey the imposed conditions is noted by all readers. What else was remembered by the book "Gone with the Wind"?

Reviews from many readers confirm that all the characters are interesting in their own way. Rhett Butler is even more cynical and cruel than Scarlett. But he conquers his sincerity in evaluating himself and others. Unexpectedly, he generally turned out to be capable of real feelings - love and respect. Gradually, his loyalty is revealed to those people who evoked his respect.

Despite conflicting opinions about heroin, all readers write that the novel can be safely called a favorite work. Someone writes that the novel "Gone with the Wind" has become almost a reference book. Bright, versatile heroes revealed by the author, make you return to them again and again, admire their love of life and perseverance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25283/

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