The past of familiar things: the history of nightgowns

Perhaps every woman has several nightgowns in her wardrobe for different occasions: such a warm, soft flannel - it will come in handy on cold winter nights, but an elegant silk, maybe even more like a sexy dress - will be worn after a romantic dinner .

the history of nightgowns
And there are many more different things: from satin, cotton, chintz, calico - choose for every taste! They are not only comfortable to sleep in, but also easy to feel either so soft and homely, then capricious as a child, or even a diva from the cover of the magazine. And that's all thanks to this thing. But has it always been like this? I wonder what is the history of nightgowns? Let's take a short excursion into the distant past.

History of Nightgowns

Once, in the old days, covered with darkness and dust, women did not even suspect that someday they would have the opportunity to choose outfits for sleep. As a rule, ladies (and men too) slept completely naked or in the clothes they wore during the day. It was very unhygienic, and uncomfortable. But somewhere in the middle of the XV century. In Europe, "skirts for sleeping" appeared, from this moment, perhaps, the history of night shirts begins. Only very wealthy people could afford this element of clothing, since it took a lot of fabric to sew this product. But soon the style of nightgowns changed, it became easier, and the more victorious people were also able to afford hitherto unheard-of luxury - sleeping in a special dress. I must say that the style of nightgowns was the same for the rich and the poor, the only thing was that they were sewn from different fabrics. After some time, rich ladies began to decorate their night dresses with lace, braid, precious stones, such shirts were not inferior in beauty and sophistication to outfits for publication.

patterns of nightgowns
Fashion has changed - the styles of nightgowns have changed, but from the life of a woman they have not gone anywhere, and they will never go away. In Soviet times, during the period of total deficit, beautiful nightgowns again became a luxury, accessible not to everyone. The textile industry offered inconspicuous, shapeless models from cheap chintz. But far from all could get foreign nighties. But a woman always remains a woman. The ladies themselves came up with patterns for nightgowns and sewed them from satin, silk fabric. They were decorated with lace trim, embroidery and beautiful braid.

Silk nightgowns

women's night silk shirts
Nowadays, the situation has radically changed: the choice is huge - for every taste and budget. But the favorite among nightwear at all times remains silk shirts for sleeping. Women's nightgowns are the second skin. Due to the special structure of the fibers, the body in such shirts really rests. They maintain the natural temperature of the body: they are neither cold nor hot. Since silk does not absorb moisture, this tissue does not contribute to the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. And in the end - it's just very pretty. In such a shirt, itโ€™s not a shame to appear before the neighbors. Silk nights should be in every womanโ€™s wardrobe.

From this article, you learned what the history of nightgowns is, and what their future is - you can guess. Stay beautiful even at night!


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