Parrot sneezes - what to do? Causes and treatment of a parrot

A parrot appeared at home. He pleases the owners with his activity. With pleasure goes on the shoulder to chat. But the owner notices that his bird is sneezing, not just a sneeze, but wet.

If a parrot sneezes, what should its owner do? It is worth contacting a veterinarian. In case of illness, only he can prescribe the correct treatment.

Why does a feathered sneeze?

As one old song says, "he has five reasons for this." Our bird has a lot more reasons.

First of all, you need to deal with them. As well as with "sneezes". Are they dry or wet? Even if sneezing is wet, this is not a reason to panic.

Parrots Misha and Sarah

Possible reasons

The reasons why a parrot sneezes can be as follows:

  1. The nasal passages are irritated by husks from food or dust. To clean them, the bird sneezes.
  2. The manifestation of the reflex is characteristic during molting. The reason lies in feathers and skin dandruff.
  3. If the sneeze is “wet,” this indicates a pet’s possible illness. Wet is understood as “sneezing” with small sprays.

If not a disease, then what?

If a parrot sneezes, what should the owner do? Do not panic, but find out the reasons. With a dry sneeze, we figured it out. The main causes of wet sneezes are:

  • allergy - it can be caused by anything, starting from food and ending with a dirty cage;
  • dry air
  • infections of various types;
  • lack of vitamin A;
  • cold;
  • tumor;
  • ticks;
  • foreign body.

Let's look at some of the reasons in more detail.

Parrot on the perch


If the Corella parrot sneezes or the budgerigar "breaks" from sneezing, it is possible that the bird is allergic. Pay attention to the feed. Decided to try a new one? Here is the result. If you feed your pet a cheap mixture, over time it may worsen an allergy.

The feathered one is prone to allergic manifestations. The smell can be irritated by chemicals that wash dishes or clean plumbing, or wash the floor. For smokers, it is advisable to know that cigarette smoke also adversely affects the pet. At first it is an allergy, and then the bird can die at all if you do not pay attention to its sneezing in time and stop torturing the parrot with cigarette smoke.

White corella

Dry air

To find out why the cockatiel parrot sneezes, pay attention to whether the air is dry in the room where its cage is. In nature, these parrots live in places with high humidity. And they don’t complain about the air there. In captivity, the bird adapts to the conditions that a person provides.

If the problem is in the air, buy a humidifier and hang next to the cage. Another solution to the problem is a spray gun. Irrigate a bird from it often. Irrigation water should be warm.

You can cover the cage with a wet towel. This will help the pet.

The parrot is sick

Common cold: a parrot sneezes

What if the problem is not air humidity? Identify the cause of the problem. If it is associated with a cold, then this will be clear by signs.

The feathered sneezes constantly. Mucus is secreted from the beak, and the bird is sluggish. She refuses food, sits with a cracked tongue. There is a decrease in appetite, turbidity of the eyes. Sometimes liquid droppings appear.

It is impossible to buy drugs for the treatment of birds on their own.

Bird nap

Help the parrot

So, a cold parrot sneezes, what should its owner do? If the cause is a disease, take immediate action. Be sure to show your favorite ornithologist! Only he can prescribe the right treatment.

The owner can do the following:

  1. Move the cage to a quiet place. It is important that there is no draft. They are not at all useful for a sick bird.
  2. Water the feathered chamomile solution. To do this, a second drinking bowl is installed in the cage. In one - water, the second - under a camomile. The infusion should be warm. It is changed every two hours. Therefore, do not immediately pour a full drinker.
  3. Give honey water. Dissolve a little honey in warm water, drink the bird.
  4. If the pet refuses food, feed it forcefully. A sick bird is fed a mixture of chicks. Food is given through a syringe without a needle.
  5. The parrot needs to be warm. Heating is carried out using an infrared lamp. If it is not, the usual 50-60 watts will do. An incandescent lamp is placed near the cage. One part of the house is covered with a cloth. The parrot can leave here when it warms up. If the bird breathes frequently during the procedure, the lamp must be turned off immediately. Repeat heating after half an hour, carefully observing the status of the parrot. The procedure is carried out three to four times a day.
  6. We do inhalation. To do this, you need a plate, hot water and eucalyptus oil. Add five drops of oil to boiling water. Place the plate on the bottom of the cage. Cover the cage with a thick cloth or towel. The procedure time does not exceed 10 minutes. At this time, observe the bird so that it does not burn on hot water.

Interesting fact

The owner has a panic: a budgie sneezes, what should I do? Wait to be nervous. Corellas and budgies can imitate sounds and do it expertly. There is an option that the pet previously heard the sound of sneezing, and now plays it, scaring the owner.

If the parrot is trembling

Another problem that makes the bird owner nervous is the trembling of the parrot. The pet looks healthy. He is cheerful, eats and plays with appetite. Suddenly starts to tremble. Is there a reason for panic?

In the case of habitual behavior, the birds do not need to panic. Tremors are characteristic of young birds. If the pet is trembling and sneezing, this is a serious reason to contact an ornithologist.

Blue wavy

Disease prevention

How to avoid colds of a parrot? It's simple, you need to follow some rules:

  • The cage should be in such a place that the bird is not cold. Parrots are very afraid of drafts.
  • You can’t give your pet cold water. Only room temperature or a little warm.
  • The same rule applies to delicacies. If you want to give your pet fruit or vegetables, it must not be from the refrigerator.
  • Stress is the cause of disease. Near the cage you should not scream loudly, make noise, clap your hands. Parrots are curious birds, but the constant noise makes them worry. If there is an animal in the house, do not allow it to the parrot. The birds do not like such acquaintances.
  • Clean the cage in time. Rinsing the bottom is not the biggest problem. This must be done daily. Do not let the litter dry in the cage. Dirt can lead to allergies.
  • During molting, let's give the parrot vitamins. They are sold in pet stores and are designed for birds during molting. This is reported on the packaging. Such dressing is inexpensive. She will save the parrot from "sneezes", and its owner - from excitement.

To summarize

We answered the question: if the parrot often sneezes, what to do with it? First you need to understand the reasons, and then take action.

All the measures described in the article help to slow down the development of the disease, but it usually proceeds very quickly. Parrots have a weak immune system, metabolism is slowed down. The bird is not able to fight the disease. Therefore, do not drag a visit to a specialist. The longer it is delayed, the higher the risk of losing a pet.


We love our parrots. We wish them a long life. And it is in our power to help the birds in this. Following certain rules, we extend the life span of pets.


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