Types of home heaters

With the onset of the first frosts, the house becomes uncomfortable and cold. This means that the time has come to visit the store in order to purchase a quality heater. A great many models are presented on the modern market, which differ in efficiency and quality characteristics. Among them, convection, infrared, oil and gas varieties, as well as fan heaters, can be distinguished. In this article we will consider modern types of heaters. Which is better, you will learn by wailing it.

The main types of heaters

types of heaters

Having visited the store, you will find three main varieties of the described equipment, each of which has its own principle of operation. If we are talking about convection devices, then they operate on the principle of heating air, which is constantly moving. Infrared units emit long waves that heat surfaces, as well as objects, without heating the air. The third type of device for improving indoor comfort is fan heaters that blow air, directing it to the right place. And finally, oil oils have mineral oil as a heat carrier. There are also gas appliances. In order to decide which types of home heaters are the most acceptable, you need to consider each of them.

Oil heaters

heaters types

This equipment heats up quite slowly, but retains heat for a long time. It appeared at the end of the last century. At that time, these devices were considered the most common, as they were the best. This heater can be compared to a cast-iron radiator, but in contrast to it, mineral water is not located inside. The latter is heated by a heater, which is powered by electricity.

If compared with a conventional battery, the oil units also have several sections. With their increase, heat transfer increases. Oil heaters heat the room by convection. However, they also have wave radiation, but it is insignificant, therefore it plays a small role.

When considering the types of oil heaters, you should consider that for every 10 square meters of the room there should be one kilowatt of power. This is true for standard ceilings whose height is 2.7 meters. At higher rates, you need to choose a more impressive power. There are varieties of these devices in which the fan heater is built-in, this element can significantly reduce the heating time of the room.

Why choose an oil heater?

types of wall heaters

If you decide to prefer oil types of heaters, you should know that they have many advantages. Among the latter, a negligible cost can be distinguished, which starts at 1,500 rubles, as well as a long operating time and the presence of an adjustable thermostat. The device can easily be moved around the apartment. If the current supply suddenly stops, the oil will give off heat for a certain period of time.

Should I abandon the oil unit?

types of electric heaters

The described types of heaters have some disadvantages, namely, the heating of the device after switching on takes a long time. Among other things, the unit weighs quite a lot, and its dimensions can not be called compact. The case heats up to 70 degrees, which can cause burns. These heaters are not economical, and their average power is 2 kilowatts. Due to the fact that the device works due to convection, dust constantly moves in the room, therefore such units are undesirable for people who suffer from allergies.

Electric convectors

types of infrared heaters

Considering the types of electric heaters, you can pay attention to convectors that turn on quickly and slowly heat up. These devices use exclusively convection during operation. At the bottom of such a heater are slots through which air is drawn in. Heating occurs with the help of a heating element. Hot air rises after the temperature rises.

The more impressive the area of ​​the heating element, the more air will be heated. For this reason, manufacturers are trying to increase the area by equipping the heater tube with flat fins made of metal. These types of electric type heaters are not inertia like oil devices. They will need a few minutes to warm up. This is due to the fact that the heat carrier is not oil, but air. Due to the fact that the casing is devoid of unnecessary details, convectors are as thin as possible, their thickness does not exceed 8.5 centimeters.

If you are interested in the types of wall heaters, then you can prefer a convector, since it is he who is most often made in this version. However, you can choose the floor model, which is equipped with wheels. Power here can be selected according to the above principle.

Why you should prefer a convector?

types of heaters for home

Convectors have a fairly reasonable price, which starts at 2500 rubles. Among other things, the case does not heat up above 60 degrees, which indicates safety. In the process, the equipment does not make noise, which is a big plus. These units have the ability to automatically turn on and off, which is controlled by a thermostat. You can be sure that the heater will not overheat, as special protection is built into such equipment.

The main disadvantages of convectors

types of heaters which is better

When considering the types of heaters, you must take into account their disadvantages. For convection devices, the disadvantage is low power, which indicates that the equipment will not be able to warm a large room. The air warms up for a long time, since the convectors are devoid of built-in fans.

Fan heaters

These devices can have completely different sizes. With an increase in the area of ​​the fan blades, which is installed inside the case, the dimensions of the device increase. The heating air will pass through a steel spiral or ceramic heating element. If you want to warm the air in the room in the shortest time, you should choose a fan heater. Half an hour after turning on, it will be noticeably warmer inside. One kilowatt of power of such a device will be enough for 10 square meters of area. If you are considering heaters, the types of which suggest the most impressive savings, then it is worth choosing this solution.

The main advantages of fan heaters

Such devices are the cheapest: if the model is equipped with a spiral, then it can cost only 500 rubles. Choosing equipment that is equipped with a ceramic plate, you may have to pay 1,100 rubles. If you want to save money, then with the help of a fan heater this can be achieved, since it has a small capacity. Inside the structure there is a thermostat, which eliminates the likelihood of overheating of the structure. Fan heaters are very light, so moving them from one room to another will be easy.

The main disadvantages

If you are interested in heaters, types of devices you can consider, and then choose a model for yourself individually for individual parameters. Thus, fan heaters are quite noisy, so consumers often tilt their choice towards other models. Such equipment quickly overheats, so it is not possible to use it for a long time. Among other things, during operation, you will encounter the fact that a lot of dust will rise into the air.

Quiet and expensive infrared heaters

On sale today are different types of infrared heaters. Inside such equipment there is a lamp that emits infrared long waves. For the reason that the human eye does not see this part of the spectrum, the equipment works unnoticed. Radiation performs its function by heating objects in the room. The human body also heats up, so you should not be under such radiation for a long time, since you can overheat. Such devices are available in ceiling, wall and floor versions. In some cases, owners of private houses install them on balconies or terraces. When choosing power, you should be guided by this rule: 1 kilowatt per 10 square meters. As for the interior space of the apartment, the capacity should be increased to 1.5 kilowatts for the mentioned area.

Why choose an infrared heater?

Such a device works silently, without raising a speck of dust. During operation, it will be possible to equalize the air temperature over the entire volume of the room, since the planes are heated simultaneously. After switching on, the appliance immediately begins to warm the room; when turned off, it instantly cools down.

Main disadvantages

These heaters are more expensive compared to all the others, you will have to pay about 2500 rubles or more for the model. Only objects located in the radiation zone will be heated. A person also should not be under the rays for a long time, as this can cause the body to overheat.

The main types of gas heaters

Such devices are most often used in a country house, where there is no way to connect to the main heating network. For such models, the common structural elements are the housing, burner, heat exchanger, as well as the heating element. The types of gas heaters on the market will allow you to decide what to prefer: catalytic or infrared models. Devices are based on the function of burning gas without flame inside an isolated chamber. At the beginning, the energy resource is filled with an air-gas mixer, and then connected to the injected air.

The main disadvantage of such devices is the dependence on the gas supply, which is quite expensive. However, for a country house, such a solution may be the only right one. That is why many consumers purposefully visit the store in order to purchase such equipment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E25305/

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