DIY Christmas toys: festive magic school

In recent years, DIY toys are rapidly gaining popularity. They not only represent exclusive, original and completely unique thematic jewelry, but also provide the opportunity for creative expression. With the help of simple means at hand and free flight of fantasy, you can create fabulous decorative gizmos that will serve as an adornment of the apartment, emphasizing your personality.

How to make New Year's toys with your own hands was known from time immemorial when their industrial production was undeveloped. The secrets of craftsmen are still preserved and supplemented with new inventions. Depending on the material you plan to work with, the techniques and the final result differ.

DIY Christmas toys from fabric

Most of us have small fabric scraps at home that can be used to make decor. Pieces of felt, wool, felt are best suited.

For work we will need:

  • scabbard
    DIY Christmas toys from fabric
  • trimming fabric;
  • pencil;
  • threads (decorative, better thick, floss can be folded 5-6 times);
  • needle;
  • tapes;
  • beads.

So, we draw a figure on the fabric (star, heart, bell, tree, symbol of the coming year, etc.), cut it out. The edges are sewn with large stitches using a needle and thread of contrasting color. Sew a thin ribbon to the top (the toy will be hung for it), the color of the ribbon should match the color of the threads. Sew beads to the bottom edge or sides.

If you want your toy to turn out to be voluminous, take two layers of fabric, process them as described above, and fill in a synthetic winterizer or cotton wool inside.

Do-it-yourself edible Christmas toys

There is nothing simpler and nicer than edible Christmas toys! Especially for children. And there is nothing easier!

For work we will need:

  • shortbread dough;
  • tapes;
  • powdered sugar;
  • chocolate;
  • food colors (or their natural analogues: lemon - yellow, orange - orange, cherry - red, etc.);
  • a powder used to decorate Easter cakes;
  • mogul.

do-it-yourself edible christmas toys
Children can be involved in the manufacture of these toys, then the process will be much more exciting! So make the dough. Use cookie cutters to make cookies. In the top corner of each, make a hole for the ribbon: note that after baking it will become smaller! After cooking, proceed to the decor. With the help of melted chocolate, you will get brown icing (for cones, for example, or mushrooms), mogul-mogul - white, using it with the addition of other ingredients (orange, cherry, honey or dyes) - colored. Color your figures, sprinkle with powdered sugar or Easter powder, let dry and put on ribbons.

DIY knitted Christmas toys

do-it-yourself knitted Christmas toys

For work we will need:

  • white threads;
  • Crochet hook;
  • starch.

If you know how to crochet, all you need to do is choose or create your own pattern. If you don’t know how, it’s time to learn. With the help of a slightly modified pattern for a lace napkin, you can knit a snowflake. At the end of the work, the product must be shaped. To do this, dilute 5 tablespoons of starch in 1 liter of water and rinse the snowflake in this mixture. Then dry in a strictly even straightened state - the decoration is ready!

DIY Christmas toys made of paper

For work we will need:

  • colored or wrapping paper;
  • ruler, pencil, compass;
  • PVA glue and sparkles;
  • cotton wool, pieces of fabric, ribbons;
  • photos (yours and your loved ones) and a printer.

Option 1. From the wrapping paper, make “gifts” in the form of square or rectangular boxes tied with ribbons. Inside they can be stuffed with cotton.

do-it-yourself paper Christmas toys - gifts

Option 2. Cut 10 circles of colored paper, in the center of each stick your photo (also round). Then roll each circle in half and glue them together, forming a ball (half 1 to half 2, half 2 to half 3, ..., half 10 to half 1). Pull the tape on top.

Christmas toys with paper hands - ball with photo

Option 3. From blue or cyan colored paper, roll up the cone and decorate it with golden stars made of foil or colored paper. Then, from a white, yellow or beige fabric, form a ball stuffed with cotton from the inside, and attach it to the top of the cone. Use a felt-tip pen to draw a face. Glue the golden wings of colored paper to the back. A lump of fluffy white cotton wool will serve as hair. Decorate the resulting angel with sparkles and hang on a ribbon.

how to make Christmas toys with your own hands - angel

It’s easy to make New Year’s toys with your own hands, moreover, this is an excellent way to gather the whole family in a single lesson, create a cozy atmosphere of the upcoming holidays and get closer to children and parents. Happy New Year!


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