Rotation is movement to optimize processes.

Rotation is the movement of something in one system or group to other positions. It can be used anywhere, but most often emit a rotation of frames, goods and songs. The term "rotation" in translation from Latin means a circular motion. So it really is. People, goods, songs or vehicles seem to walk in circles, from one point to another.

To begin, consider moving employees. In this case, rotation is the horizontal movement of personnel from one position to another. Typically, this approach is practiced by large companies. There is an opinion that in order to occupy the chair of a top manager, deputy or head of a company, you need to visit all sections, familiarize yourself with the principle of work of the entire company, then to understand what is being discussed and to know how to manage it properly.

Rotation is
With competent personnel rotation, the horizons of the employee expand, he is not tired of the monotonous work, he is completely immersed in the process. If we add charisma with the necessary knowledge to this, then such a person will make an excellent director. But here it is important not to overdo it, because if you constantly β€œtear” a person from one place to another, he can simply leave.

Product rotation

Product rotation requires a special approach, usually it is a retailer. It is he who bustles in search of reliable suppliers, calculates the shelf life of the product and possible storage periods, the number of purchases, etc. The most common rotation in this case is quantitative, that is, the retailer calculates the number of deliveries, their frequency, transportation costs and much more.

There is also a rotation of the goods in accordance with the terms. In this case, the goods that came first are the first to leave the warehouse. If all the boxes are dumped in one pile, then it is likely to receive expired goods, so sellers themselves must take from the warehouse the goods that arrived first, and not the last. Rotation can be carried out in accordance with the price, because prices for the same product over the course of the year change several times depending on demand.

Radio rotation

Recently, a concept such as radio rotation has been used very often. This is especially true for young and still unknown performers. In this case, rotation is a periodic scrolling of certain compositions on the air of radio stations. The playlist includes songs by artists who collaborate with serious record labels, television channels or wealthy investors.

Unfortunately, even a very interesting composition and high-quality music does not always have a chance to get on the air. Most program directors of radio stations do not have certain knowledge, in order to understand whether a particular composition will have a future, they simply do not have a producer flair. Most radio stations choose music of a certain format, everything that does not fit this framework is considered unconventional music, which in most cases is usually ignored.

To still get on the radio, you need to sign a contract with a record company. Then the doors of many radio stations will open. You can still buy a song from a famous author, but you have to spend a decent amount of money. Getting to know the right people, supporting a serious investor can also solve this problem.


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