Fast-growing conifers for landscaping

All the owners of country houses represent the homestead of landscaped and lush green trees, shrubs and flower beds. On our planet, there are hundreds of thousands of plants that can be planted on your site. To make the vegetation look attractive in your yard, you should pay attention to landscape design. Planting trees and shrubs should occur in a certain order. More often in landscape design use shrubs, deciduous and coniferous trees. Fruit trees are still very popular.

trees for landscaping

Benefits of Coniferous Plants

Many residents of country houses prefer to use conifers. They are able to transform the appearance of any site.

Coniferous trees provide sufficient protection for the homestead from wind and dust. In addition, they are characterized by soundproofing properties. The advantage of these plants is that they are able to saturate the environment with phytoncides. The latter, in turn, are indispensable elements for a person who have a beneficial effect on his state of health.

Many doctors advise planting such plants on a personal plot for people who suffer from chronic or frequent diseases of the respiratory system. Conifers have a beneficial effect on immunity and good mood.

There are a large number of species of conifers and shrubs that can be planted on a personal plot. These are spruce, juniper, pine and larch known to all. Of the decorative species, yew, thuja and cypress are used. The last listed species are great for art haircuts.

fast-growing conifers for landscaping

Fast growing conifers

Many people prefer to immediately arrange wonderful compositions in personal plots. For this, plant species that can grow in a short period of time are suitable. Often used fast-growing conifers for landscape design. The most common types are:

  • Weimutov pine;
  • false false thistle;
  • glacial metasequoia;
  • larch;
  • Serbian spruce;
  • giant thuja (elegant).

Features of the arrangement of conifers

Before planting fast-growing conifers for landscape design, there are a number of points to consider. Tall trees should not be planted near windows or walls of the structure. Indeed, in the period of full prosperity, they will prevent the penetration of sunlight. This can lead to the formation and spread of fungi. Coniferous trees are best planted around the perimeter of the infield. The roots of the trees will reliably strengthen the soil, and the shadow from them will not impede the growth of other plants on the site.

You can also plant conifers not only along the perimeter of the territory. In landscape design, arborvitae are often used that do not cast a big shadow and are able to combine perfectly with other plants, flowers and shrubs.

Tree arrangement

A personal plot cannot be imagined without vegetation. Thanks to the green frame of the house, you can ennoble the most inconspicuous area. The basis of the vegetative design of the homestead territory is trees and shrubs for landscape design. On the site, they can be located in several ways.

trees and bushes for landscaping


This method involves the creation of compositions from several plants. Plants should be selected taking into account the fury. In front of tall trees, tall shrubs should be planted, in front of which, in turn, it is better to plant low vegetation. So that the composition is not boring, it is better to choose plants with variegated leaves.

In the center of the garden you can place such a group. In this case, tall plants should be planted in the middle. If the group can be seen only on one side near the facade or fencing, make sure that the height of the plants increases to this structure.

During group planning, plant requirements should also be considered. In no case should they obscure each other. In addition, when planting plants, you must leave the necessary space between them.

Before you buy trees for landscaping, you should find out all their parameters: size, shape of the crown, growth speed and height.

Afraid of making a mistake? Then you need to make a dendroplan. Here you can accurately plan the planting of each type of plant. With this plan, you can go to the garden center, where you will be advised to purchase the appropriate plants.

landscaping tree planting


This way of arranging trees involves using the same vegetation, which attracts special attention. Therefore, such trees should look interesting at all times. In no case should they have flaws. Lush shrubs or ornamental trees will look especially attractive. If the territory of your country house is small, then you can get by planting one large and beautiful tree.

Modern families are trying to get a family tree. Such a plant should grow for several generations, keeping the entire history of the family. A Christmas plant is especially popular. The whole family can dress it up for the New Year and drive round dances around a living tree. If the household territory is small, then the Christmas tree can be planted in a group of other plants.


This method of planting involves the creation of pedestrian paths. In the design of the alleys, a special technique should be observed. Specialists mainly practice close planting of trees. Trees should be planted one after another at a distance of about 2 meters. Their arches must be closed. Alleys are best equipped in large areas. For their design, fruit trees are sometimes used in landscape design.

conifers in landscaping


This method of placement on a plant site implies the presence of a dense linear planting of shrubs. Some gardeners like to form hedges from trees. Such species may require haircuts or be free-growing. Such a fence can be a good protection against wind and prying eyes. It is hedges that can fence off a site and divide it into zones.

Before planning a hedge, it is necessary to take into account the height of the future plant. Remember that from large vegetation it will practically not be possible to make a hedge. Also, undersized shrubs are not suitable for creating a green hedge . You should also pay attention to the shape and size of the foliage. Remember that for hedges it is better to use conifers. In landscape design, they look the best.

fruit trees in landscaping


The attractiveness of your personal plot directly depends on the chosen vegetation. Remember that trees for landscape design must match the chosen style.


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