DIY garden vases from tires

With the onset of warm spring weather, all enthusiastic avid summer residents rush to ennoble their plots. Having finished all sowing work, you can do the design of flower beds. In addition to classic beds, DIY vases made of tires are very popular. They are diverse, from simple painted and buried in the ground tires, to complex imitations of alpine slides. Making various crafts from tires is a very exciting and creative activity, such decorative elements will become real highlights of any corner of the garden.

tire vases
Of course, ready-made fashionable flower pots can also be purchased at the store, but they will not look as original and spectacular as those that are made with your own hands, and it is not always possible to spend extra money. And to make a vase from tires it takes only one old bald tire, a sharp knife or grinder, a little time and patience. If there is a desire to make not just a flower bed, but a real flowerpot, then you will also need a rim. It is used instead of a stand. In this case, the vase is very stable and at the same time elegant.

tire vase
So, to make the simplest vase from tires, you need a strong and reliable knife. If there is a grinder, then this will greatly simplify and speed up the process. Having trained on your first product, you will decide how it is easier for you to work. Lay the tire flat and mark with chalk the rubber on which it will be cut. For convenience, cut a circle first. If there is a desire that the edges of the flowerpot were not just smooth, but wavy or jagged, then make a corresponding drawing on the tire. This is best done with a stencil.

how to make a vase from a tire
A vase from a tire, although it is easy to manufacture, but requires considerable physical strength, not every woman can cope with cutting a pattern. To rubber better succumb, periodically dip the knife in cold water. Having finished with the pattern, it is necessary to turn the tire inside out. To do this, turn it upside down, press it firmly with your knee to the ground, and carefully, without rushing, turn the trimmed edge onto yourself. This stage in the manufacture of a vase of tires is the most difficult, because you have to sweat a bit and get used to it. The stubborn tire will strongly resist and return to its usual form. To simplify the task a little, squeeze the tire into an oval and fix each bent fragment with your knees.

Wash and dry the resulting flowerpot thoroughly before painting. It’s better to degrease it with something, you can use alcohol or a dishwashing detergent. Rubber is painted with paint for outdoor use. Any color will suit, but it has been noticed that bright flower pots from the tire look much more elegant and attractive than the same flowerpots, but black or brown. Actually, this is all about the question of how to make a vase from a tire. It remains only to fill it with earth and plant spicy herbs or favorite flowers. Despite all the cheapness of this product, it looks very impressive and luxurious. There are a lot of forms and options for flowerpots for the garden; all of them revive the design of the garden plot and bring bright colors to its design.


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