Somali cat: photo. Somali cat: character, reviews

Playful character throughout life and an incredible love of water - at first glance, are not a description of any representative of the cat family. But this is a pretty deep misconception. These habits are possessed by a Somali cat, she is very energetic and loves to play for hours, like a little kitten, and she also enjoys long observations of dripping water and swimming with her owner.

Somali cat

The story of the appearance of a Somali cat

Somali cat is one of the most prominent representatives of domesticated cats. Her stunning appearance is a consequence of a gene mutation when trying to breed exotic breeds. According to one version, this cat was the result of a cross between an Abyssinian cat and a long-haired cat.

The first long-haired offspring from this crossing, breeders received in the forties of the 20th century. Such kittens were immediately rejected, but in the 60s the situation changed dramatically, and the Somali cat breed actively began to win first places at various exhibitions. A decisive role in attracting attention to this breed was played by their charming fox tail.

The peak of popularity was won by the Somali cat when the famous breeder - Evelyn Maggyu - took up her fluffy mutation. Thanks to her, the breed of the Somali cat was officially recognized and in the next decade became widespread in almost all countries of the world.

somali cat

External characteristics of a Somali cat

Somali cat has an unprecedented grace. Her body is graceful and good flexibility. Nature itself endowed her with some attractive features of the fox - these are compact paws on which charming tufts of hair are fraying between the fingers.

The fluffy tail is almost an exact copy of the fox. The head of a Somali cat has a rounded shape with a slightly elongated muzzle. The cat's wide open look is simply mesmerizing, and always pointed ears with long tassels will not lose sight of even a barely audible rustle.

Somali cat deserves special attention due to its thick and silky hair, which has a longer hairline in the abdominal region and short in the shoulder area. The final length and density of her coat is formed during the first two years of life, only then can a final assessment of her color and softness be made. By weight, the Somali cat is not inferior to its relatives and does not exceed 5.5 kilograms, while the minimum weight according to the official standard is allowed at least 3.5 kilograms.

Somali cat character

cat breed somali

Most of the positive character traits of the Somali cat came from the Abyssinian breed. A Somali cat, whose character is characterized by restraint, tact and calm, will never disturb its owners if they are in a bad mood or tired. But, like most of all cats, she is also characterized by playfulness and mischief.

A cheerful attitude towards people and other pets can be traced in her great love for games. During wakefulness, the cat will not create unnecessary difficulties, even during the game she prefers to express her emotions through a quiet purr than to demand attention with a loud meow.

Loneliness is an enemy for them, a cat is always active and has good learning abilities. Somali cat is completely uncharacteristic of aggressiveness, therefore it is friendly to all newcomers on its territory, but even with the impending danger, it can stand up for itself.

Another unpleasant circumstance for a Somali cat is the restriction of its freedom, it categorically does not tolerate being in a cage. The Somali cat perfectly feels the mood of the owners, therefore it will not create problems during the rest and will gladly join if the fun reigns in the house.

somali cat Price

Somali cat content

In food, the cat is also unpretentious, treats its favorite foods well. But it should be borne in mind that if a Somali cat is kept on dry food, then it should have constant and free access to clean and fresh water. An ideal diet for a Somali cat is a balanced diet containing the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

The Somali cat, the price of which varies from 300 to 1000 dollars, does not require any additional costs in content, but this directly depends on the desire of the owners to pamper their pet and their material capabilities. Somali cat food costs about $ 40 per month on average.

Somali Cat Care

Somali cat does not require special care, it is enough cozy place on a hill in the apartment and constant heat. But it should be noted that such cats do not tolerate drafts and cold very well, so you need to carefully monitor this to avoid the poor health of your pet.

As for the care of her hair, there will be no difficulties in this matter. Somali cats practically do not fade, so the owners' carpets will always be clean, and the cat does not have to be constantly combed.

somali cat character

As for the health of representatives of this breed of cats, they are characterized by gum disease and amyloidosis, but you should not be scared of this prematurely, because such problems can disturb a cat and any other breed.

Color features of cats of the Somali breed

To date, four official colors of Somali cats are very common:

  • red-orange hue;
  • wild;
  • light beige;
  • blue.

According to officially accepted standards, all shades are acceptable. Somali cats do not have a specific clear coat color, this is due to the fact that the hairs of the coat are covered with many transverse stripes of dark color that shimmer, and therefore the Somali cat is considered to be a carrier of a ticked color. The cost of the animal itself directly depends on the number of transverse stripes on the hairs of the cat’s hair. The more strips, the more expensive and attractive the cat.


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