Foreign names in modern Russia

Foreign names ... Perhaps in the 21st century it is already difficult for them to surprise anyone. Why? Yes, in fact, due to the fact that today in the so-called global village people of different nationalities, cultures and faiths live side by side. The world is changing, mixing and transforming. What was rumored a few years ago is today considered almost the norm.

Section 1. The relevance of the concept of “foreign names” in modern society

foreign names

Of course, each parent wants his baby to stand out from the total mass of the same fidgets, mischievous and mischievous. Most likely, this is precisely what becomes the reason for choosing a rather original name for your child. In this case, as a rule, it starts to seem that beautiful foreign names are the key to uniqueness, extravagance and success in the future.

However, experts advise to approach this decision carefully and thoroughly. Why so? Foreign names are certainly great and very original, but nevertheless one should not forget that sooner or later a girl or boy will grow up, which means that they, as all adults, will be addressed by name and patronymic .

Analyze how the appeal to the future held personality will sound. Agree, Agnis Petrovna sounds ridiculous, and Farid Ivanovich is likely to become the subject of ridicule, both from the side of the staff and from the side of the leadership.

By the way, beautiful male names (foreign in origin) must also be transformed into a harmonious middle name for your grandchildren. Well, you yourself understand that Arnoldovich or Iraklionovna, of course, will attract attention, but rather, they will regret such people than they will admire the imagination of their ancestors.

That is why, according to experts, foreign names for girls are more familiar. You don’t have to form a middle name from them!

Section 2. Romantic Amelia or Ameli

beautiful foreign names

Since childhood, a girl with such an unusual name is considered a responsible and disciplined student, she perfectly copes with homework, attends circles and takes part in public life with pleasure both in her class, school, and even the district as a whole.

Due to the unusual kindness and responsiveness, such a person will always have a lot of friends and pals. Whoever runs in to visit to share the news, someone will definitely ask about a terrific cake recipe (Amelie literally loves all kinds of desserts, pastries, and the cooking process as a whole), well, someone may need support or valuable advice.

Amelia is alien to betrayal and jealousy, so such a woman, as a rule, marries late and only for someone whom she will trust unconditionally, and even without a shadow of doubt.

Section 3. No, not Inna, but Inessa!

beautiful female names are foreign

This name has Spanish roots, and in translation into Russian can be interpreted as "pure" or "immaculate." Check if this is actually so.

Experts say that in most cases, Inessa from the very young age become the soul of the company, and, oddly enough, male. But female friends of such a representative of the beautiful half of humanity can literally be counted on the fingers. Perhaps its print is far from simple. From adolescence, Inessa, as they say, change before our eyes, they become more capricious, selfish and domineering.

Section 4. Tender and Sublime Constance

Talking about foreign names and not mentioning Constance is simply impossible. Remember how many such girls appeared after the famous movie “Three Musketeers” appeared on the screen, and with what face Mikhail Boyarsky, aka D'Artagnan, mourned his beloved?

foreign names for girls

The girl named by this name has a strong character and thirst for life since birth. She is interested in literally everything happening around: from sport to fashion, from classical music to modern painting and literature.

Her excessive emotionality and anxiety can cause problems in adulthood. She rarely finds an excuse for even the slightest betrayal, and she will never forgive treason.

Constance herself has a certain gift of foresight, and therefore it is not surprising that a woman will be actively interested in palmistry, fortune telling and astrology.

Section 5. Charon Aron

Beautiful female names (foreign in origin) often attract attention, but what about male names? Experts believe that it is not enough for such young people to have an original name. To gain popularity, openness, charisma, ease of communication, and a fair sense of humor will also be very helpful.

foreign names for girls

And Aron is another confirmation of this fact. From childhood, the boy has tremendous, one might even say excessive, mobility. He has a lot of friends, and especially girlfriends, both among peers and among older children. The younger ones consider it an honor to achieve its location in the school, in the yard or in any sports section.

Parents have a hard time with him, but you can always rely on a boy in difficult times: he will help without hesitation at home, share the last with a friend and is ready to come to the rescue at any second, you just have to give a hint.

Section 6. Name worthy of geniuses and kings

handsome male names foreign

The name Ludwig has Germanic roots and, translated into our native Russian language, can mean "glorified in battle or battle."

This value could not but leave a mark on the character of the owner. The kid has a strong character and generally in most cases grows up as a fearless boy. Pet a huge dog in five years? No problem! Ride a horse at seven gallop? What can be doubts?

Ludwigs rarely achieve high results in sports, but they are happy to attend sports sections, for example, football ones. They are fond of boxing and martial arts.

But to prove something to such a person will be very problematic. The guy will firmly stand his ground, argue with classmates, friends, parents, and even with all the white light, but he is unlikely to change his point of view.


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