How to play on the local network. Little tips for big players

Computer games pretty thoroughly occupied their niche, and now many know how to play on the local network . This is one of the most popular ways to spend your free time. One-on-one playing with a computer can be quite boring. Enemies (bots) do not sparkle with the mind, and they do not even have a hint of the slightest ingenuity. They are predictable. Whether it's playing against a real person who is at his computer and accepts your challenge to battle. This is the main reason to start playing online.

People play against people, while a good LAN speed erases the time frame. Such conditions are as close as possible to a real game and, of course, in this case the main role of the game is fulfilled - it involves and requires live participation, ceasing to be a banal electronic toy.

In order to understand how to play on the local network, it must first be configured. Consider the options for setting it up in various operating systems, as well as how to connect computers to various operating systems so that the speed of the local network does not suffer.

In order to combine only 2 computers located in one room into a local network, you will need only 1 RJ-45 cable (crimped in the “twisted pair” version). Now just connect 2 computers with a wire and proceed to configure the network. As a rule, to configure it is enough to use the "Network Setup Wizard" and set it to a stationary ip address for this connection. This can be done by right-clicking on the desired connection and selecting “Properties” - “Internet Protocol TCP / IP (if specified, then the 4th version)” - “Properties”. We change the data in the column where you need to specify the IP address, for example, 192.008.05 on one computer and 192.008.06 on another. The default mask, gateway and DNS are not affected.

In XP and Vista, you can change this data through the "Manage network connections", then select the connection and do everything as described above.

How to play on a local network, where only 2 people participate, you most likely imagine. But what if there are more people willing? One local area network can include up to 254 computers. The LAN address should not begin with the digits 127. *. *. *. They are not available for use. Start as all 192.168. *. *. This type of LAN address is the standard for small computer associations.

There are several options for connecting more than two computers.

  1. Another (additional) entrance under the network card and, in fact, another card
  2. Purchase and connect a “switch”
  3. Purchase and connect a router
  4. Use specialized software and create a virtual local area network via the Internet

Consider each option.

  1. It is not difficult to purchase an additional network card, it is much more difficult to find a place for it in the system unit. And in the case of laptops, this option disappears immediately.
  2. An additional device called a switch allows you to connect up to 48 computers. It is possible to create a scheme from several switches and increase the number of connected computers.
  3. A router, aka a router, is able to combine computers through wired and wireless communications. The advantage can be called a high speed local network and ease of setup. If you configure the router, it will debug and distribute certain data to all computers connected to it.
  4. If you have the Internet, then it becomes possible to create a virtual "LAN". Now, players from different cities, not continents, can fight each other with the same success as playing on a local network with a neighbor on the site.

The most inexpensive (especially for owners of unlimited Internet) and popular was the latest version of the organization of the gaming local area network. It is convenient and does not require special skills.


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