Crocodile Cubs: Interesting Facts

Crocodile is one of the most dangerous predators of our planet. Representatives of most species are smart, cunning and very strong. It is not surprising that these animals have always been of great interest both to scientists and to people far from the scientific world who are simply interested in nature.

Our article will talk about how these powerful predators are born, what dangers they will face before taking the top positions of the food chain.


Let's start with the simplest. Do you know the name of the crocodile cub? Note that a special name for newborns and young animals does not always exist. If in doubt, it’s better not to invent words, but to do with a “cub”.

crocodile cub in an egg

Modern dictionaries and reference books advise to use the word "crocodile" exclusively in oral speech. For writing, “cub”, “crocodile” or “small crocodile” is more suitable.

Crocodile Breeding

Most amphibians and reptiles inhabiting the tropics begin to look for a couple on the eve of the rainy season. Crocodiles are no exception.

Males arrange fights, which often end in the death of one of the rivals. The most aggressive and strong, having won, begin to look for friends. By the way, the mating season is the only period during which individuals of different sexes come into contact with each other.

Mating takes place in water. The process is quite lengthy, with partners replacing each other throughout its duration. As a result, several males fertilize one female, as each male mates with several partners.

At the end of the process, the males disperse, and the females begin to plan the construction of nests. Often a crocodile has to build several shelters to choose the best. The nest should be near water, but without the risk of flooding.

In clutch usually from 40 to 80 eggs. With a huge mass and apparent slowness, the crocodile can neatly lay all the testicles without damaging it. During the laying of eggs, the female seems to fall into a trance: the pupils expand, the ear slots hide, she practically does not notice everything that is happening around. But as soon as the masonry is ready, there is no trace of detachment. While guarding the nest, the reptile turns into an aggressive defender, ready to fight back anyone.

The sex of future crocodile cubs depends on the ambient temperature: at a temperature of 31.7 to 35.4 degrees males are born, and in other cases, females.

crocodile cub

The egg ripening period is approximately 3 months. During this time, a dug nest, masked by leaves and watered by torrential rains, becomes very dense, so it is not easy for a newborn to get out of it. As soon as they were born, they begin to make noise, calling for help from their mother.

What does a baby crocodile look like?

It is very difficult to identify the young of some animals - they are so unlike their parents. But in this case, things are different: crocodile cubs are smaller copies of moms and dads. They reach a length of approximately 30 cm, and, as in adults, 2/3 of the body is occupied by the head. Even newborns have teeth.

But the kids look pretty cute: they have big shiny eyes, clumsy thin legs that sparkle spots in the sun. They look completely defenseless, and in fact they are not yet able to stand up for themselves.

Birth and childhood

Hearing the cries of the kids, the crocodile rakes the nest, freeing them. Scientists have repeatedly recorded how a female crocodile carries cubs in a mouth studded with powerful teeth. She does this very carefully, without causing any harm to the children.

crocodile cub

At this time, do not bother a caring mother, because all her attention is focused on the offspring. Few reptiles care for cubs. But, it would seem, the most merciless predator of the tropics is ready to kill anyone who will threaten his kids. The crocodile takes the cubs one by one into the water, which will soon become their native element. But so far, newborns can only hide and flee.

The first few days, the kids do not eat, they have enough stock of nutrients obtained from the egg. The crocodile is mainly engaged in their protection, and not education. The young gradually learn everything themselves.

The mother will take care of the children for some more time, until each of the survivors is strong enough and learns to independently obtain their own food.

Law of the jungle

Despite such guardianship, the list of people who want to enjoy delicious meat is quite large. Many predatory mammals, birds, reptiles prey on newborn crocodiles. Often, the crocodiles themselves eat the young of their own tribesmen. The survival rate is small: only one individual out of a hundred reaches maturity.

crocodile cub in the water

But such a harsh law of the jungle, probably, determines the power and strength of an adult animal. After all, every crocodile has overcome the most difficult path in the struggle for his own life.


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