Child allowances: size of payments, documents, how to receive

Social benefits are due to citizens of the Russian Federation directly from the state in some cases. Its purpose is associated with the material support of a particular person. It can also be members of his family. Our article will focus on the amount of child support. In addition, we consider the conditions for receiving state payments and the necessary documents.

When are funds issued?

amount of child allowances in 2019

The amount of child support may vary depending on certain circumstances. Before considering this issue, it is advisable to indicate all situations (not only regarding children) in which the state gives money to individuals or members of their families free of charge. Among them are the following cases:

  • Full or partial refund of income that is lost for some time. This can be unemployment, maternity and subsequent childbirth benefits, temporary disability, and so on.
  • Providing financial support with rising costs. A vivid example here is the help assumed by the state after the birth of a child, or material payments to families, which include children under 16 years of age.

It is important to know that social benefits are a form of state social security for society, which is regulated by legislation at the federal level.

Benefit Features

This payment differs from other types of payments of the social plan in that the transfer of money to the beneficiary is carried out directly. Moreover, this operation does not depend on the type of social support. Furthermore, the preferential category of the applicant does not play any role.

The named type of payment has the following features:

  • Cash payments from the state directly from the state budget.
  • It is provided only to certain categories of citizens in situations that are defined by legislative acts of the Russian Federation.
  • Paid from the regional or federal budget.
  • Bears the targeted nature of the allocation of funds.
  • It is appointed every month and paid, as a rule, periodically. It is worth noting that there are one-time payments. We will consider them below.
  • It is calculated either on the basis of individual wages, or is established in a solid amount.
  • Appointed in accordance with the principle of need of the applicant. If there is no longer any reason to support on an ongoing basis, then the allocation of money to citizens and members of their families ceases.

Payout Factors

child allowance

In the process of assigning social state payments, as a rule, the following factors are taken into account:

  • Specific life circumstances or health conditions. It is advisable to include illness, trauma and other circumstances, in particular pregnancy.
  • Features of living conditions and living.
  • Birth of children, dismissal and so on.
  • Need for housing.
  • Changes or amendments in social status.

It must be borne in mind that each of these factors can serve as the basis for contacting the relevant state structures for material support.

Federal and regional payments

The conditions for assigning payments of a federal nature are spelled out in the relevant legislation. All the beneficiaries mentioned in federal laws have the right to receive and further use of funds, regardless of the region of residence.

Often, the federal allowance acts as a significant addition to the basic income of a citizen-beneficiary. In addition, sometimes it serves as the sole source of income, cash necessary for life.

In the Russian Federation, federal payments are assigned to the following categories of persons:

  • Citizens who have certain merits directly to the state. These may be awards or titles: Hero of the Russian Federation, USSR, Honorary Donor of Russia.
  • Persons who have received national status: people with disabilities and veterans, rehabilitated citizens, unemployed, home front workers and other categories of citizens.

It is important to know that federal payments are financed from federal budget funds. Money is allocated in accordance with the target attribute to the relevant departments and ministries that are involved in budget allocation for the calendar year.

The establishment of regional payments is implemented in each region. The local administration is doing this, and on its own. The allocation of funds is carried out at the expense of the budgets of the regions. That is why payments can vary in size. In addition, they may be absent altogether in some regions.

Regional support is relevant for people who are more in need of additional measures of support from the state in the person of certain authorities. For example, labor veterans, retirees, citizens who have a long working record.

Some varieties of support are paid directly by the applicant’s employer. In the future, these funds are compensated precisely from the budget.

Who is claiming benefits?

minimum child allowance

The social benefits of the plan under consideration are intended mainly for people who have lost their breadwinner or disability. It is advisable to include citizens of such privileged categories here:

  • Single pensioners who are no longer able to work.
  • Persons who have received disability. It is worth adding that children are among them.
  • Large families, if the condition of having children under eighteen years of age is met (or up to 23 years old if they are full-time students).
  • Children under 18 years old if they have retired parents or disabled people.
  • Children who are raised without one parent (mother or father).
  • Children who are considered orphans, as well as persons under eighteen who are left without parents.
  • Persons who have state insignia. It can be, for example, awards or titles.
  • Full-time students who have children.
  • Citizens caring for disabled people of the 1st group or children with disabilities.
  • Pregnant women, as well as persons on maternity leave.
  • Citizens who come under reduction in organization.

All the above categories of the population are guaranteed the allocation of funds from the state from the federal budget. It is important to keep in mind that authorities in the regions do not have the right to revoke these privileges.

Child benefits

size of allowance for children of the second year

So, we examined the category of social benefits in general. Next, it is advisable to move on to the amount of child support and payment conditions. To facilitate the most difficult period immediately after the birth of the baby, a system of local and state payments has been developed and duly implemented in Russia. One type of payment is a lump sum for a minor. It is important to know that it is written out only for one parent. Such a social allowance is issued for each newborn in order to support families. Moreover, family status and living standards are factors that do not play any role. The size of the lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child in 2019 is 16,759.09 rubles. Every year this amount changes, as a rule, in the direction of increase.

There are other types of child benefits. The size, terms of payment and other aspects of the issue will be considered further.

Cash Aid Innovation

Changes that occurred in the system of issuing and the amount of monthly child allowance are implemented within the framework of the government program related to improving demography in Russia. Today:

  1. The relevance of providing maternity capital immediately after the birth of the 2nd and subsequent children remained. It is worth adding that this change was introduced back in 2007. The program was extended until the end of 2021.
  2. In areas where there is a low level of population growth, social assistance is provided related to the maintenance of a third child, from birth to 3 years.

However, according to the government, topical benefits have become insufficient. That is why they decided to introduce a new additional kind of help. We are talking about monthly payments. The size of the monthly child allowance is equal to the amount of the subsistence minimum. Such help for the first baby is provided before he reaches one and a half years. So, the size of the allowance for a child under 1.5 years on average is 10 thousand rubles. If a second child is born in the family, he also receives monthly support from the state, however, payments are made directly from maternal capital.

It is worth noting that the amount of benefits for children in 2019, which are not discussed above, is also slightly increased due to indexation. This is what is said in the new law, relevant from January 1, 2018. From now on, monetary support from the state will increase annually in accordance with the degree of inflation. Recalculations are usually carried out on February 1.

An exception is maternal capital. A little earlier, a decree was signed related to fixing its amount until 2020. That is why so far he, as before, is paid in the amount of 453,026 rubles. Until 2017, the capital was indexed, as shown in the figure below.

second child care allowance

Types of state support

Next, we consider the types and amount of child benefits in 2019. It is worth noting that the main benefits from the state for the maintenance of children rely on one of the parents. It is advisable to include:

  1. Lump sum payment. It must be added that the size of the lump sum for a child is 16,759.09 Russian rubles.
  2. Every month, at the birth of a child, citizens receive a new type of state aid for the first and second babies. The amount of allowance for 1 child is equal to the amount of money for the second. However, for this it is important to observe a number of conditions. First, the mother must have Russian citizenship and registration. She must constantly live directly on the territory of the Russian Federation. Secondly, the newborn must also be a citizen of the country. And finally, payments are made in relation to those children who were born no earlier than 01.01.2018.
  3. Monthly social assistance for children under one and a half years. The amount of the allowance for a child under 1.5 years of age is calculated in accordance with the average wage for the last 2 years. 40 percent is taken from it. If a child lives in the family, then the amount of the allowance for caring for a second child cannot be higher than the full average wage. The amount of money is given to the mother or another person who has issued leave to care for the baby.

Important Terms

We examined the amount of the allowance at the birth of a child in 2019. It is important to remember that there are some conditions for receiving cash payments from the state. So, if the average per capita income of the whole family is 1.5 times higher than the subsistence level in a particular region, then payments are not foreseen in this case.

If relevant to all criteria is relevant, the child will be paid a social allowance in the amount of the subsistence minimum for children, which is established in this subject of the Russian Federation. It is important to keep in mind that in each region it is determined by its size. That is why the amount of child benefits for a child is slightly different in different parts of the country. On average, it varies from 10 to 11 thousand rubles.

Registration for single mothers is carried out according to the general scheme, because the law does not provide for a separate type of social assistance for them. The one exception is the allowance for kids from low-income families. The amount of child allowances per child in this case is hundreds of rubles. Monies are paid up to three, sixteen or eighteen years. This is a regional assistance. Achieving the maximum amount of a childcare allowance for a single mother is possible only by decision of local authorities.

Working mothers are entitled to pay maternity benefits. These are one-time amounts that are equal to their average wages (but not less than the minimum wage) for all dates of maternity leave or pregnancy. This subsidy is paid as part of disability insurance for people on maternity leave.

Characteristics of a one-time subsidy

lump sum for child

The size of the lump-sum child allowance is 16,759.09 rubles. Such a social subsidy is provided only to one of the parents, regardless of the workplace, the presence of work or its absence. Employed persons draw up, as a rule, a lump sum allowance through the efforts of their management or personnel department. An unemployed parent must contact the social security structure directly at the place of residence if both the mother and father are unemployed. It is advisable to include students in this category.

You must submit an application, as well as a package of other documents, within the first six months after the baby is born. Otherwise, this opportunity will be canceled. As a result, material assistance from the state will not be provided. There are other cases. For example, if parents are divorced, receiving money is available only to the one with whom the baby is left. It is worth noting that the families that adopted him can count on the payment of a lump-sum minimum amount of child support.

Funds are usually transferred to the applicant’s bank card or to the account of the employer, where cash is issued to the employee. When making payments through the social welfare department, the amount is sent by postal order, credited to a bank account or card.

Benefits in numbers

Next, we will analyze all the children's social benefits in force in 2019. So:

  • Maternity allowance for a child. The amount this year is 100 percent of the average wage, and for all days of maternity leave and subsequent childbirth. However, the amount should be no less than the minimum wage per month (for the period from January 1, 2018, the amount is 9489 rubles). A fixed minimum size of 628.47 rubles is also relevant. per month. Maternity allowance is paid by the tenant at a time (43 615.65 rubles). The maximum allowance for a child up to one year is 282 106.7 rubles if the parent's leave is 140 days. During the vacation of 156 days, 314 347.47 rubles are paid, and with 194 - 390 919.29 rubles.
  • Benefit for pregnant women if they are registered in the early stages. This amount is 628.47 rubles. It is paid in a lump-sum manner only to those women who registered with the antenatal clinic no later than the twelfth week of pregnancy. It is worth noting that in this case it is advisable to seek financial assistance within 6 months after childbirth.
  • Birth allowance for a baby. This amount is 16 759.09 rubles. It is paid by the tenant at a time. If the parent does not work, then the payment is made by the UZSN. Appeal for financial support is relevant within six months after childbirth.
  • Maternal capital. This year it is 453,026 rubles. This so-called family subsidy. It is paid directly by the Pension Fund after the adoption or birth of a second, as well as subsequent children. Maternity capital is issued in the form of a certificate. It is spent in cashless form.
  • Benefit for the care of an infant up to 1.5 years. The amount of the allowance is 40 percent of the average monthly wage for working mothers per child. And we are talking about the minimum amount of earnings. This benefit is paid by the employer every month. The maximum here is 24 536.55 rubles. If we are talking about an idle mother, then the amount will be minimal, namely 3142.33 rubles. per month for the first child, 6284.65 - for the second. It should be noted that the amount of the allowance for 3 children, as well as subsequent children, is similar to the last figure. In this case, applying for material support from the state or the employer is relevant for 6 months after the child is one and a half years old.
  • Compensation for citizens on maternity leave. The amount of the allowance for children of the second year of life, or rather from one and a half to three years, is 50 Russian rubles or more. , , .


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application for allowance

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monthly child allowance

So, we examined the category of child benefits: conditions, size of payments, relevant documentation and other equally important aspects. As it turned out, for each newborn a one-time social allowance is provided in a fixed amount of money. Moreover, it does not depend on the number of babies in the family and the salary of parents. However, in accordance with the law in force in the country, this amount is indexed annually according to the inflation rate. In other words, recalculation is carried out. As a result, the payment increases precisely by a coefficient reflecting the general increase in prices in the country.

The social allowance is calculated in accordance with the date of birth of the baby, but not at the time of the appeal of the persons who are his parents with a statement. Thus, if a child is born in January, then he receives 16,350.33 rubles. If he is born in the period from February 1, 2018 until January 31, 2019, then the amount of his benefit is 16 759.09 rubles. And this is in view of the new indexing.

In some situations (rather, they are considered an exception), when a woman simultaneously gives birth to triplets at a time, a lump sum payment is 50,000 Russian rubles.

As for the allowance, which is paid every month, it does not have a fixed amount. It all depends on the average wage of the parent. Nevertheless, the minimum and maximum boundaries are relevant. The unemployed count on a minimum. It is 3,142 rubles for a month for the first baby (indexing is taken into account on 1.02.2018). The maximum amount of money for employees is 24536.57 rubles. per month.


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