How to grow almonds? Almond tree - planting and care

Almonds are an amazing plant that grows in the southern regions of our country. Thanks to new varieties developed by breeders, the culture can be grown in other areas. In our article we want to talk about how to grow almonds in a personal plot.

A little bit about culture ...

Almonds are a small tree or shrub belonging to the genus Plum. In total, there are more than 40 varieties of culture. However, most often in home gardens, ordinary almonds are grown . Many consider almonds to be nuts. But actually it is not. It is a stone fruit. The plant comes from Central Asia and the Mediterranean. In these regions, it appeared long before our era. Currently, almonds also grow in the Caucasus, Crimea, California, the Western Tien Shan, China, in the vineyards of Slovakia, in South Moravia and the Czech Republic.

Almond varieties

In the wild, almonds prefer stony and gravel slopes with calcium-enriched soil. Trees grow in small groups of 3-4 bushes located 5-7 meters from each other.

Tree description

Almond tree grows in height up to 4-6 meters, and shrub - only up to 2-3 meters. The roots of the plant penetrate deep into the soil, which makes it possible not to suffer from drought. It is difficult to describe how almonds bloom. The tree during this period looks amazingly beautiful. The flowers are painted white or light pink. They reach a diameter of 2.5 centimeters. Flowering culture occurs in March or April, even before the first leaves appear. The fruit of the tree is dry drupes. The culture begins to bear fruit from 5-6 years, and the process reaches a peak at 10-12 years. The culture is able to delight with nuts for 50-80 years. And individual specimens survive to 130 years. Common almonds - a plant that needs cross-pollination. In order for fruiting to begin, several more pollinating plants must be planted near the tree, and their flowering dates must certainly coincide.

How almonds bloom

Besides the fact that the culture gives beautiful and tasty fruits, decorative almonds delight with its stunningly beautiful flowering. The plant is a honey plant. During flowering, it exudes a magical aroma. Basically, the plant is pollinated by bees, so it is best to put hives on the site.

Before planting almonds in the garden, you need to consider options for pollination: either you will grow a variety that requires cross-pollination, or a species that needs insects.


Speaking about how to grow almonds, you need to know that modern breeders have bred a variety of varieties. If earlier it was possible to plant a culture only in the southern regions, now it is possible to select varieties that, under cover, can tolerate winter well.

The following almond varieties are most popular:

  1. Anniversary. Plants bloom late, tolerate drought, have a sweet core.
  2. Ayudagsky is a late ripening early variety. The first fruiting occurs in the third year of life.
  3. Sevastopol variety is resistant to heat and drought, characterized by productivity.
  4. Mangul is a late-ripe species resistant to drought. The variety is very resistant to pests and diseases.
  5. Dessert is good for growing in central Russia, because it is not afraid of frost. For pollination, plants use Spicy and Seaside almonds.

Almond blossom

If you have ever seen almonds bloom, you will certainly want to have such a tree in your area. And it’s not even the nuclei, but the beauty of the plant. In addition, during the flowering period, almonds fill the air with a stunning aroma.

Decorative almonds

After that, the fruits ripen in the trees in June-July, depending on the variety. Harvest after cracking the outer shell. Next, the nuts are separated from the outer shell and dried for several days.

Landing rules

Beginning gardeners who decide to plant a crop are thinking about how to grow almonds. Experts recommend using annual seedlings for planting. They can be planted in open ground in March or November.

The very first question that arises among gardeners is: "Where to plant almonds on a plot?" The plant feels best in sunny places. It is preferable to choose a place protected from drafts and wind. Almonds grow well in partial shade.

It is believed that almond seedlings take root better during autumn planting. Before planting a plant in open ground, it is necessary to prepare a hole for it. Its size should correspond to the parameters: diameter - 50 cm, and depth - 70 cm. If you are planning a group planting of almonds, then the distance between the trees should be 3-4 meters, and between the rows - 5-6 meters.

Almond seedlings

At the bottom of the pit, it is necessary to make a drainage layer of gravel and gravel. Fertile soil is poured on top, consisting of humus (2 parts), leaf soil (3 parts), sand (1 part), superphosphate (0.5 kg). If the soil on the plot is acidic, you can add 250 grams of lime.

After the soil is prepared, the seedling is placed in the middle of the pit so that the root neck is located 3-5 centimeters above the ground. Then the hole is covered with soil and rammed, not forgetting to water the plant. If you are planning a spring planting, the place must be prepared in the fall.

Plant care

Planting and caring for an almond tree is not difficult. Trees need regular watering. Young plants are watered every two weeks, and adults - once every 20-25 days. Loosening the soil contributes to the growth of seedlings. The first work on the soil can begin to be carried out at the end of March. Further, during the growing season, it is necessary to carry out another three to four loosening. In addition, weeds need to be harvested as they appear.

Fertilizer application

Knowing how to grow almonds, you can achieve good yields if you are interested in it. The plant is very responsive to fertilizing. From the second year of life, in April or May, 20 grams of urea or ammonium nitrate diluted in water can be introduced into the trunk circle. In autumn, a mixture of manure (1 kg), superphosphate (40 g) and potassium sulphide (20 g) is added.

Is it possible to grow almonds from seed

Almonds spend a lot of effort on laying fruits, therefore, for good flowering and harvesting, gardeners recommend annually applying fertilizers and top dressing.

Pruning trees

Trees of all almond varieties tolerate pruning, including young flowering pagons in spring. After winter, dry shoots will certainly be cut. Sick and deformed branches are also removed. Immediately after flowering, it is necessary to carry out forming pruning, during which three tiers of branches are brought out. Almonds grow rapidly, so very often it becomes overgrown. In order to keep the crown in good condition, prune annual shoots.

In cold winters, flower buds and even the tips of shoots can freeze near trees. You can protect the branches from freezing by pinching their tips. The procedure is performed from July to August. After this manipulation, the branches quickly lignify, and they are no longer afraid of frost. At first glance, it seems that the method is incomprehensible and ineffective. In fact, it gives the best results for protection against colds.

Almond tree planting and care

The most susceptible to frost are standard almond varieties. Experienced gardeners recommend covering them with agrofibre or other materials for the winter to protect the vaccination site.

In the fall, you can also make anti-aging and sanitary pruning. After falling leaves, all dry, deformed, diseased and improperly growing shoots are removed.

Diseases and Pests

Unfortunately, almonds are prone to certain diseases. In order to know how to spray a tree from aphids or other parasites, you must be able to identify the problem.

Most often, a culture suffers from:

  1. Cercosporosis. The foliage is initially covered with brown spots of 2-4 mm in size, on which a gray coating is visible. Subsequently, the center of the leaves dries and they fall.
  2. Scabs. Fungal ailment affects the shoots, flowers and foliage of the plant.
  3. Rust. Brown pads appear on the top of the foliage.
  4. Holey spotting. The disease affects all parts of the plant. The easiest disease can be found on the foliage, since reddish spots with dark edges appear on it.
  5. Gray rot. On the shoots you can see fluffy plaque and brown spots.

At the first signs of disease, it is necessary to remove and burn all damaged leaves, buds and shoots. And then spray with fungicides. The most effective drugs are: “Topaz”, “Chorus”, “Oksikhom”, “Champion”.

On almonds, pests such as aphids, ovules, spider mites and leafworms often appear. At the first sign of their appearance, it is necessary to process the tree. How to spray almonds from aphids and other pests, you decide. Experienced gardeners recommend stopping your choice on proven drugs: "Fufanon", "Actellik", "Tagore". It destroys the spider mite Apollo, Fitoverm and Agravertin well. In the fight against aphids, Antitlin and Boytlin preparations are indispensable.

Gardeners note that it is much easier to prevent the occurrence of ailments than to deal with them later. As a preventative measure should:

  1. To treat the soil near the plant in early spring with a 1% solution of Bordeaux fluid.
  2. After falling leaves, repeat the procedure again.
  3. Follow the rules of agricultural technology: proper watering, weed removal and sanitary pruning.

Almond propagation

One of the most common questions asked by beginning gardeners is: “Is it possible to grow almonds from seed?” Of course, it is possible, but it should be understood that in this case the commodity and biological characteristics of the variety can be lost. For germination, the seeds are soaked in a strengthening solution, and then planted in a prepared soil. The soil must be dug up for the winter, then in the spring you can plant almond drupe to a depth of 10-15 cm.

How to spray from aphids

Landing can be done in early spring. But pre-bones must be stratified in the sand for 1.5 months.

Gardeners recommend propagating almonds undergrowth. With a strong pruning of a tree, overgrowth certainly begins to appear near it. In the second year, it can be separated with roots from the mother plant and transplanted.

It is no less effective to propagate the plant by layering. To do this, young shoots are tilted to the ground and sprinkled with soil. After a year, the plant can be transplanted. And during all this time it will be necessary to water it to get a good own root system.

Ornamental plant

Almonds are an ornamental plant that landscape designers willingly use in their work. Trees and shrubs look equally good in group and single plantings. 3-5 plants look very good against the background of coniferous plantings or on the lawn. Almonds on stony hills look equally impressive. Often use plants on the stem. Trees are good for making any compositions, they will decorate any area.

The earlier flowering culture and amazing aroma add charm to the plant. If earlier almonds could be found only in the south, then modern varieties allow it to be grown in our area. With proper care, trees tolerate winter well.


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