Kyrgyzstan: flag, coat of arms and anthem of the republic

Kyrgyzstan (or Kyrgyzstan) is one of the Central Asian republics located in the heart of Eurasia. But how much do we know about this country, and in particular about its symbols? It's time to get acquainted with this republic. And this article will help us with this!

The beautiful country of Kyrgyzstan

Residents of the republic very often call their homeland a "paradise country." And partly this is a completely justified statement. This country is known for its fertile soils, orchards, clean air and picturesque lakes. And it is 75% covered with beautiful mountains!

Kyrgyzstan flag

About 6 million people live in this country today. The largest cities of the republic: Bishkek (capital of the state), Osh, Karakol, Tokmak and Jalal-Abad. Multinationality is another hallmark of a country called Kyrgyzstan. The flag of the state, by the way, takes this feature into account. Today representatives of 80 different nationalities live and work in Kyrgyzstan.

The foundation of the country's national economy is powerful hydropower and agriculture. Gold, mercury and uranium are mined from the bowels. The country is Asia's largest exporter of nuts and has tremendous recreational and tourist potential, which, unfortunately, has not yet been practically realized.

Like any other country in the world, the republic has its own official state symbols. The coat of arms, flag, anthem of Kyrgyzstan reflect the most important natural, geographical and historical features of this country. These symbols will be discussed later.

Kyrgyzstan: flag, coat of arms and anthem of the republic

Key features of nature, history, economy and culture of the country should be reflected in its state symbols. And the Kyrgyz Republic will not be an exception to this unspoken rule.

The modern flag and coat of arms of Kyrgyzstan were approved in 1992 and 1994, respectively. The emblem of the country was developed by S. Dubanaev and A. Abdraev. And a whole team of authors worked on the flag: Zh. Mataev, M. Sydykov, S. Iptarov and others.

The republic’s anthem was officially approved in December 1992. It sounds magnificent and solemn and has an unusually beautiful text. "High mountains, valleys, fields - our native, treasured our Earth!" - such lines begin the anthem of Kyrgyzstan. The music was written by the blowing composers - K. Moldobasanov and N. Davlesov.

Flag of Kyrgyzstan: photo and description

At the end of the last century, a huge empire collapsed - the Soviet Union. As a result, 15 new and independent states appeared on the world map. One of them was Kyrgyzstan. The flag of the young republic was approved only a year later - in 1992.

flag and coat of arms of Kyrgyzstan

It has the appearance of a rectangular red panel with an aspect ratio of 3: 5, in the center of which a yellow sun disk is placed. Inside this disk is depicted a shanyrak - an element of a yurt crowning its dome. The sun, depicted on the flag canvas, has exactly 40 rays. It is such a number of tribes, according to an ancient legend, that Kyrgyzstan was founded.

The flag of the republic is red. It is the color of courage, valor and unwavering courage. Manas, the legendary hero of the Kyrgyz epic, had the banner of exactly this shade. By the way, the flag of Kyrgyzstan could well have been blue. Deputies at the time of approval of state symbols had a sharp debate about this.

The solar disk on the flag of Kyrgyzstan symbolizes wealth, prosperity and peace. But the shanyrak, enclosed in it, is a symbol of the motherland (in the narrow sense) and a symbol of the Universe in a broader interpretation.

But the flag of the Kyrgyz SSR looked rather boring and nondescript: five symmetrically arranged horizontal stripes of different thicknesses and traditional Soviet paraphernalia in the upper left corner (sickle, hammer and five-pointed star).

flag of kyrgyzstan photo

Coat of arms of Kyrgyzstan: description and significance

The coat of arms is another official state symbol of the Kyrgyz Republic. It has the appearance of a blue circle.

There are three main elements on the coat of arms of Kyrgyzstan. It:

  • The bird gyrfalcon with outstretched wings, personifying faith in a brighter future and the desire for freedom (the same bird was a faithful companion of the Kyrgyz hero Manas).
  • Issyk-Kul Lake is one of the main natural attractions of the country (here it is also interpreted as an inexhaustible source of vitality and will).
  • The Teskey-Ala-Too mountain range (this element recalls that Kyrgyzstan is a beautiful mountain country).

coat of arms flag anthem of Kyrgyzstan

Above all this, the rising sun is depicted as a symbol of abundance, prosperity and eternity of being. On both sides, a coat of arms borders an ornament consisting of stylized wheat ears and cotton. Such an ornament recalls the importance of agriculture in the life of the Kyrgyz people.


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