Beautiful and unusual female names

On playgrounds, it is increasingly possible to observe a situation when a mother calls her daughter, and three to five girls with the same names respond immediately to her call. In each class, there are probably several Nast, Kat, Sonya and so on. Therefore, recently, parents tend to call their daughters with unusual female names.

Blue-eyed blonde


What to call a girl? This is a pretty tricky choice. The unusual female name Aurora is distinguished by melody and mystery. In ancient Greece, the name of the goddess of the morning dawn. The character of the owner of the name depends on the time of the year that the date of birth falls:

  • "Winter" Auroras are self-confident and high self-esteem. And this is not unfounded, because such girls are usually very smart and incredibly talented. They make full use of these qualities in order to enter high society. Aurors born in winter are characterized by excessive demands on men.
  • "Autumn" Aurora endowed with balance and prudence. They do not tolerate surprises, and therefore try to plan everything in advance. Aurors born in the fall do not aspire to career heights, and demonstrate their leadership qualities in the family.
  • "Spring" Auroras are distinguished by their extraordinary thinking, which is reflected in the field of activity and appearance. The main advantage of such girls is that they always finish the work they have begun to the end.
  • "Summer" Aurora - a very romantic and dreamy nature. They are always raging storms of emotions. They even experience trivial events deeply and carefully analyze them.


A very beautiful and very unusual female name is Agatha. Translated from the ancient Greek language, it means "good, good." The Agate form is common in Western Europe, and in Russia you can often find the Agafya form (on behalf of the male name Agathon). Agatha is characterized by such personality traits:

  • Doesn't like to flaunt feelings;
  • indecisive and subject to doubt;
  • Doesn't like to talk in vain;
  • Does not like to sit still, strives for vigorous activity;
  • possesses pronounced leadership qualities;
  • true to her word, always keeps her promises;
  • has a keen sense of justice ;
  • zealously defends his innocence;
  • never changes his mind, even if it is objectively wrong;
  • strives to acquire new knowledge and skills;
  • easily converges with people.
Girl in the spring garden


The unusual female name Aglaya came to us from Ancient Greece. This is the name of the goddess of well-being and joy. Literally translated as "beautiful." The following can be said about the character of Aglaya:

  • she is driven by high spiritual motives;
  • slow and slow;
  • requires increased attention to itself;
  • persistent in achieving professional goals;
  • has power over men and actively uses it;
  • tender and sensual;
  • strives for independence;
  • Doesn't like to do household chores.


The beautiful and unusual name Agnia has several versions of origin. The first says that it is a form of the name of Agnes, which translates as "innocent." The second version says that this is the form of the male name Agnius, which has the same meaning. A girl named Agnia has the following features:

  • exceptional integrity;
  • pragmatism and discretion in decision making;
  • diligence in study, work and hobbies;
  • refined taste and sense of style;
  • propensity for disputes;
  • rich spiritual world;
  • heightened sense of beauty;
  • hospitality and sociability.
Girl laughs


The unusual Russian female name Akulina is of Greek origin and translates as "aquiline." There is also a version of the original Slavic origin, but so far there is no significant evidence for this theory. Positive and negative features of the name are presented in the table.

  • Hardness of character (usually inherited from father)
  • Straightness
  • Determination
  • Perseverance towards work
  • Energy
  • Self confidence
  • The ability to fend for oneself
  • Callousness in communication with others
  • Touchiness for nothing
  • Indifference to other people's problems
  • Mischief
  • Stealth
  • Risk appetite


Among the beautiful and unusual female names, Aelita is especially distinguished. Fans of Aleksey Tolstoy’s work are familiar with the translation of this name from the “Martian” language - “the last light of a star seen”. And if translated from Greek, you get two components - "air" and "stone". For Aelita, the following features are characteristic:

  • kindness and responsiveness;
  • responsibility and reliability;
  • willingness to help;
  • the desire to protect the weak;
  • a heightened sense of justice;
  • constancy and loyalty to their beliefs;
  • excessive rigor and conservative views;
  • inability to accept someone else's point of view;
  • desire for self-improvement;
  • pessimistic view of the world.
Mysterious look


Recently, foreign female names are gaining more and more popularity. The beautiful, rare and unusual name Beath is common in European countries. Translated from Latin, it means "happy" or "blessed." Here are the features characterized by its owner:

  • the desire to shine in society;
  • coquetry in communication with the opposite sex;
  • laziness in study and work;
  • creative orientation;
  • ability to subjugate people;
  • striving for the best;
  • fixation on appearance;
  • excessive jealousy;
  • practicality and cold calculation;
  • high self-conceit;
  • good sense of humour.


The beautiful, rare and unusual feminine name Vesta is related to ancient Roman mythology. That was the name of the goddess of the hearth who was the daughter of Saturn. This name is associated with such character traits:

  • originality of thinking;
  • dominance of the mind over emotions;
  • ability to control feelings;
  • good sense of humour;
  • ability to defend one’s opinion;
  • ironic outlook on life;
  • desire for calm.
Sweet stranger


Among the most unusual female names that have been found recently, Virinea is especially distinguished. From the Latin language it is translated as “flowering” or “young”. The owners of this name are characterized by such features:

  • desire for social peaks;
  • intolerance of routine and monotony;
  • pronounced willpower;
  • ability to achieve goals;
  • desire to establish spiritual balance;
  • ability to defend one’s own opinion;
  • difficult adaptation to new conditions.


Studying the most unusual female names, it is impossible not to say about the name of Gell, which is familiar to many from Bulgakov’s immortal novel. The name is of ancient Greek origin and translates as “shining" or solar. "Here is a horoscope for this name:

  • zodiac sign - Leo;
  • successful color is yellow;
  • the heavenly body-protector is the Sun;
  • talisman stone - aventurine;
  • a happy plant is a lily;
  • totem animal - lion;
  • key character traits - prudence, cold-bloodedness, desire for leadership.
Morning coffee


The rare and unusual female name Gerda is familiar to people from the tale of the Snow Queen. The name is of Scandinavian origin and translates as "protector". Here are the character traits inherent to the owners of this name:

  • propensity for alienation and loneliness;
  • desire to look worthy;
  • focus on self;
  • closed for new acquaintances;
  • difficult adaptation to changing conditions;
  • the ability to understand others and empathize with them.


The noble sound attracts the name Irma. Translated from ancient German, it means "fair." The owners of this name are characterized by such features:

  • strong will;
  • developed intuition;
  • ability to respond quickly to changes;
  • excessive curiosity;
  • need for new acquaintances;
  • striving for a high position in society;
  • love of intrigue.
Beautiful girl


If you look a couple of centuries ago, you can find information about many beautiful and unusual female Russian names. Despite the fact that the name Pelagia is common among the Slavic peoples, it has an ancient Greek origin. It translates as "marine". Pelagia is characterized by such character traits:

  • practical orientation of the mind;
  • developed willpower;
  • weak intuition;
  • innate sense of decency;
  • mercy bordering on sacrifice;
  • vindictiveness and revenge;
  • desire to establish oneself in life.


Radmila is a primordially Russian beautiful and unusual female name, the meaning of which is not difficult to understand. This is a combination of the words "joyful" and "sweetheart." The owner of this name is characterized by such features:

  • developed imagination and unpredictability;
  • the ability to enjoy solitude;
  • curiosity and talkativeness;
  • the desire to stand out from the crowd;
  • the desire to rule over others;
  • close attention to the interests and needs of loved ones;
  • reverent attitude to appearance.


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