Holidays in Cambodia - fantastic and unforgettable

Undoubtedly, such a journey will not leave anyone indifferent. Adrenaline and positive emotions will be a reward for a trip to this country.

Holidays in Cambodia are associated with some risk - these are quite serious diseases, snakebites, a high crime rate and quite unusual for modern inhabitants, a very dangerous thing - mines that have remained here since the war. However, this does not stop many travelers, since the beauties of the local nature, relatively inexpensive prices and mysterious architecture are simply created for tourism. In addition, by fully observing all the recommendations and regulations regarding your stay in Cambodia, all existing risks can be minimized.

Some general information

Holidays in Cambodia
Cambodia offers to spend a wonderful and exotic vacation all year round. True, in the summer it is quite hot and humid (in summer you need to understand the time from May to October), the temperature ranges from 30-32 degrees. But winter time (November – April) is considered optimal for visiting the country. During this period, rather dry weather is observed here, and the temperature does not exceed 27 degrees above zero.

Holidays in Cambodia - this is an amazing flavor of the country with genuine sincerity and naturalness, nothing is added and polished here, the country is what it is, in fact, tourists see real Cambodia without additional decorations and induced gloss.

Tourist places of Cambodia

Holidays in Cambodia
Many decided to visit this amazing place only because they saw the feature film “Lara Croft - Tomb Raider”. That's because Ta Prom Temple is very colorful in it, in which the main character is looking for part of the treasure. In addition to this temple, tourists will definitely be offered to visit the other architectural structures of Angkor - an amazing complex of cultural monuments of the great Khmers. There are temples, mausoleums and palaces. Truly indescribable feelings arise when visiting this place. Untouched trees, the absence of any modern structures, silence in the air and pacification in the soul - these are only part of what you can feel when visiting Angkor. All buildings are decorated with bas-reliefs, erected bridges tell about the life of the gods, and temples - about the life of rulers.

The amazing country of Cambodia. Rest here is fraught with many dangers and at the same time attractive due to many beauties. Phnom Penh is the center of Cambodia, the city where the Royal Palace and the National Museum of the country are located. By the way, the palace building itself is closed to visitors, but the buildings located in the neighborhood are no less colorful and interesting. In the museum you can see not only relics of Angkor, but also evidence of the power of the Khmer empire.

vacation cambodia

Holidays in Cambodia are amazing stories and legends. The guides will enthusiastically tell about Apsar dancers, whose bodies were very white due to their constant presence in the dark (they were kept in closed dark rooms), and the movements are so beautiful that the girls' fingers told about the future. Images of these fortune-tellers are printed almost everywhere, they can be seen in temples and museums, in addition, many Cambodian women in historical places full of tourists portray ancient dancers. Tourists, if desired, can take pictures with them.

Talking about holidays in Cambodia, one can not help but mention the famous resort of Sihanoukville, which is both a port and a center for trade in fish and seafood. The second largest city is Battambang, it is quite developed and at the same time calm.

Cambodia vacation
Travel lovers will surely offer a visit to Ratanakiri to nature lovers. This is an area of ​​the country that has still preserved pristine jungle.

As a final word, it is worth noting that independent trips to Cambodia are not recommended, since tourists face many dangers, especially in those parts of the country that are completely not intended for tourist routes.


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