Menu for an eight-month-old baby: diet and diet for breast and artificial feeding

The introduction of products from an adult table, or otherwise complementary foods, for all children is another important stage of development. As a rule, by this age, mothers have already begun to actively add mixtures or something else to breast milk. Everything happens individually, despite the available recommendations of pediatricians and WHO. Ideally, the beginning of complementary foods occurs in 5-6 months, with artificers a month earlier.

What should be the menu of an eight-month-old baby? When is this or that product administered, if the baby is breast-fed? It is worth understanding this issue before proceeding with the action. Experienced parents consult each other and seek help online. Pediatricians also recommend that you adhere to the WHO established feeding scheme and monitor how the baby responds to the new product.

How to determine that the baby is ready for feeding?

fruit and vegetable puree

Doctors and experienced parents believe that with the introduction of products from an adult table do not rush. According to generally accepted rules, the best time to start feeding is when the baby:

  • Shows interest in parents' food.
  • Sits alone.
  • Does not push the tongue out of the spoon.
  • The amount of breast milk is not enough to saturate his body.

If the menu of an eight-month-old baby so far consisted only of breast milk or an artificial mixture, then the first servings of a new product should not be more than half or a teaspoon. It is worth paying attention to how the baby reacts to taste. Since baby food does not contain salt and sugar, it may seem completely tasteless to an adult. Therefore, you should not expect that the child will gladly gobble up mashed potatoes from a jar with great appetite. Of course, you can cook it yourself, especially since the first servings will be very small.

Common product entry errors

feeding menu

Wanting to diversify the menu of an eight-month-old baby (this applies to those who have just started feeding), parents often make one mistake: they try to feed the baby by force. Persuasion and even resentment that the child does not react in any way to a new product can only do harm. Moreover, both sides will suffer.

Also, do not deprive the baby of her beloved breast milk or mixture. An adult should understand that the first products from an adult table in the form of mashed potatoes or porridge should not immediately become their replacement. The main task of the parent at the addictive stage is to let the baby understand that eating from an adult table can also be tasty. It is important to make an approximate menu for an eight-month-old baby in advance.

Since the child’s body is prone to an allergic reaction, and it, in turn, tends to accumulate, pediatricians recommend not abusing the introduction of allergenic products into complementary foods. Even if at first the child has no reaction to such food, there is a chance that it will manifest itself over time.

To make the nutrition of an eight-month-old baby correct and balanced, you should understand when and what foods should be included in the menu. The time of day also has a certain meaning, it will be better if it is morning or time before lunch. The kid should highlight special cutlery that is convenient for holding in a children's hand.

Green light for healthy cereals

delicious cereals

If mom has already introduced fruit and vegetable one-component mashed potatoes in the menu of an eight-month-old baby, then the next step is cereal. Pediatricians recommend starting with cereals that do not cause allergies and do not contain milk. At the initial introduction to complementary foods, it is worth paying attention to corn (when boiled, it becomes similar to semolina in consistency), rice groats. Some producers point out that buckwheat and oatmeal can also be included in this list. However, experienced mothers are advised to be careful with them and to cook the grits as best as possible. Since the baby still does not really know how to chew food and only learns to swallow food from a spoon correctly, there is a risk that he may choke on grains of cereals.

Multi-cereal cereals are suitable for those kids who have already managed to get to know cereals by this age and eat them well. At the same time, the menu of an eight-month-old baby on artificial feeding does not differ from the baby. The exception is babies who eat a milk-based mixture. According to the practice of introducing complementary foods, multigrain cereals in milk can be entered into the menu from just eight months. Lure begins the same way as with the introduction of any other product - with half a teaspoon. And even if the baby ate it with interest, you should not exceed this portion at the first stage. Otherwise, you may get an upset stomach, colic, or an allergic reaction.

Cooking porridge

Cooking porridge at home is not at all difficult. To do this, you must first grind the cereal into powder and only after that proceed with cooking. At the stage of introducing a new product and until the baby has chewing teeth, you should refrain from food with lumps or cereals that need to be chewed.

If the parent uses the finished porridge purchased in the store, then it is enough to fill it with water, cover and let stand for a while. After the cereal swells, it should be mixed and can be served on the table to the baby. Self-cooking porridge takes a little longer. It is more difficult to independently calculate the ratio of cereals and milk / water.

To make buckwheat porridge you will need:

  • Groats - 1 tsp.
  • Pure water - 50 ml.
  • Milk - 125 ml.

Add water to milk, bring to a boil, add cereal, stirring constantly. It is necessary to boil the porridge over low heat or at low power until the mass thickens.

The preparation of rice groats requires a different proportion: 2 tbsp. l - cereals, water - 250 ml, milk - 125 ml. If you prepare whole grain cereals, then at the end of cooking it will need to be wiped through a sieve.

Meat products

Familiarity with meat products (important suppliers of iron and protein) must be started very carefully. The most optimal option for starting feeding is rabbit, veal, later it is recommended to introduce beef, turkey, chicken. In the menu of an eight-month-old baby on artificial feeding or babies, the meat should be only in the form of mashed potatoes. There should be no salt in the finished dish. When buying a product in a store, it is advisable to give preference to those goods that are packed in cans, like canned goods. It is also worth paying attention to the date of manufacture. If an adult is cooking mashed meat at home, you will need to make sure that it is cooked without lumps or pieces of meat.

Each baby reacts to complementary foods in its own way, you may have to sort out products from different manufacturers before he chooses one thing. Over time, his taste habits will undergo changes, so you should not think that once you refuse beef, the baby will never touch it again.

Having sorted out the meat puree gradually, you can switch to light meat broths and liquid mashed soups based on vegetable broth. In this case, do not exceed the recommended dosage for this: one serving up to a year should not be more than 150 g.


eight-month menu

Amino acids, vitamin D, minerals and beneficial Omega-3s can be ingested not only with breast milk or special mixtures, but also when an eight-month-old baby is introduced into the diet. You should start with low-fat varieties that will not harm the digestive system of the baby. It can be cod, hake, zander. A wider choice in the baby food market allows you to get an already finished product at a bargain price. However, some people prefer mashed potatoes at home. In this case, you should be very careful and eliminate the risk of fish bones.

When the baby gets used to the meat and fish puree, it will be possible to mix them with vegetables: potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots. In this case, the number of two components can be divided in equal proportions. It is advisable to keep a glass of water or compote on the table during feeding. Often after thirsting fish there is a thirst, you can not refuse the baby to take additional fluid.


kefir for children

By eight months, the baby is already familiar with a number of products that are on the adult table, including milk. The easiest situation is with the development of an eight-month-old baby’s menu on artificial feeding. As a rule, at this age, most mixtures are made in milk. The exception is children who are prone to allergies, and those who have milk protein intolerance. They can be offered to replace cow's milk with goat milk, which is more easily absorbed by the children's body. The downside is the price, and the smell can upset your appetite.

The product should choose an average degree of fat content, 2.5-3.2%. Now on sale there is a special baby milk that is packaged in tetrapack and even has a vitamin premix in its composition. This is undoubtedly a plus, but it is also important to pay attention to the expiration date. If the finished product can be stored for more than a week, it means that it contains preservatives, which is extremely undesirable for the child's body.

Dairy products

Well-known pediatricians recommend starting to introduce fermented milk mixtures into the menu of an eight-month-old baby on artificial feeding. They will prepare the child’s body for the reception of dairy products in its purest form. It is better if it is kefir, it leads to gas formation least of all. Also, by its properties, it is close to breast milk. Further, it is recommended to add yogurt to the diet of an eight-month-old baby and only then cottage cheese. The latter is more viscous and dense in consistency, and the baby, if he has just begun to join the adult table, may have difficulty swallowing food.

Kefir begins to be given with a teaspoon, an increase in servings should occur gradually. By the end of the eighth month, a portion of a fermented milk product can be brought up to 100 ml. If the baby is breastfed, then it is advisable to take kefir to take the evening time before breastfeeding or the mixture before bedtime.

Even if a child drinks kefir with great pleasure, it is not recommended to exceed a serving volume of more than 100 ml, and up to a year not more than 200 ml. The advantage of kefir is that it contains a large number of bifidobacteria. They help improve the functioning of the intestinal microflora, strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of various infectious diseases.

Cottage cheese

cooking cottage cheese

Parents who adhere to the feeding scheme recommended by the pediatrician begin to introduce the baby to the cottage cheese two months after the main products have already been introduced. In the menu of an eight-month-old breast-fed baby, he is also introduced with a small portion (0.5 tsp). By the end of the month after the start of feeding, it should be brought to 30 g and by the year to 50 g. Do not rush, nor abuse it. If the baby is not tasty eating lean cottage cheese, then the mother can dilute it with baby yogurt or fruit puree. Naturally, it is worth making a reservation here that with a tendency to allergies, you will have to refuse additives.

The pediatrician may recommend adjusting the menu of an eight-month-old child for a day in the case when he is gaining weight poorly. However, do not abuse it and exceed the amount of cottage cheese, if there are no other prerequisites.

You can cook the product at home. Experienced parents often use natural milk and special sourdough. If it is difficult to find on sale, then as an alternative, yogurt, sour cream or kefir are suitable.

To get the most delicious cottage cheese at home, you will need:

  • 1 liter of cow's milk;
  • 50-75 ml of sour cream, kefir or yogurt.

Milk must be brought to a boil, cooled to 40 degrees. Here you will need a special thermometer for food. Sourdough is added to the slightly cooled liquid. The ripening process takes some time. You can understand that the mass is ready by consistency, it looks like kefir. Then the container with acidified milk is again placed on the stove. It will stand on low heat until the whey begins to separate. The pan should be removed from the stove. Milk and whey are poured into a pre-prepared colander covered with gauze. In order for the excess moisture to come off and the curd to dry, it is suspended in gauze, tightly bandaged. In this form, it should hang 5-6 hours.

Compotes and cookies

dried fruits compote

You can include stewed fruit in the menu of an eight-month-old baby while breastfeeding after fruit purees have been introduced and there was no allergic reaction to them. Undoubtedly, this drink is rich in vitamins and perfectly quenches thirst. Making compote at home is quite simple. Both dried fruits and berries, and fresh are used. Another plus from the independent preparation of the drink, the ability to control the quality of the ingredients and the amount of sugar.

If you look at an approximate menu of an eight-month-old baby who is breast-fed, then pediatricians recommend introducing compotes from three to five months. In this case, the concentrate should be weak and absolutely sugar free. Fruits (apricots, apples, pears) should be sweet on their own. A child who has digestive problems, as well as frequent constipation, the parent can prepare a decoction of prune berries. It is enough to take 5-6 pcs. and pour cool boiling water, let stand until the infusion is at room temperature. Often, a few tablespoons is enough to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms.

To diversify the nutrition of an eight-month-old baby while breastfeeding, you can use special children's cookies. Modern manufacturers offer a natural composition that is rich in vitamins and has no extra additives. Many babies enjoy eating cookies, even if the first teeth have just begun to break. It easily soaks in the mouth, the main thing is to make sure that the child does not bite off a too large piece. Since this product is a dessert, you should not give it very often.

Sample menu

Here is an example of a baby's daily diet:

  • First feeding. Mom's breast milk - about 200 milliliters of milk per feed.
  • Lunch. Porridge on milk: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice. As a dessert, offer crumbs fruit puree.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup, meat dish or mashed meat with vegetables, fish, bread with boiled chicken yolk is also great for lunch. After eating, you can offer your baby a drink - fruit juice, compote or some tea.
  • Dinner. Offer the baby kefir or juice, as well as some bread or cookies. Finally, offer the baby your milk.
  • Second dinner. Like an early breakfast, the last eight-month meal of breastfeeding babies consists of milk.


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